Monday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  Flirtation with evil.  It’s ok when the Indians do it.  Making crime pay.  A vigorous Joe Biden.  The George Floyd lies.

Religion Of Peace News:  Another chickens for KFC story.  Diversity outbreak in Manchester (JW).  Hostages in Shifa hospital (JW).  Moderate Muslims in Virginia (JW).  A poll of Palestinians.

China Virus News:  Why were German politicians so eager to vaccinate children?      Global Warming Scam News:  BBC hypocrisy.  The metric.      Woke Britain:  Civil servants work from beach.  A Sunday sermon.

Blackie’s Canada:  NDP wants the federal government to intervene in Alberta.  Now 50 billion for electric cars.

Your morning meme.  Another meme.


8 Replies to “Monday On Turtle Island”

  1. As to the Alberta healthcare issue, healthcare has been a provincial issue since the Liberals under Paul Martin offloaded the responsibility to the provinces in order to make the federal budget projections look better. So Red Rachel has no cause for her request, as well as no standing as she is not the provincial premier and her party is not in power. Another whining socialist losing control…

    1. The purpose is to create a news story.

      This news story, and follow up rants by the NDP, are designed to leave an impression that the UPC is going to wreck health care.

  2. Anyone paying attention could see that Derek Chauvin was railroaded in order to meet the political demands of the moment, and of Keith Ellison, who is a genuine POS. I think Chauvin has a pretty good case against his own lawyer(s).

    The posture Chauvin assumed in controlling Floyd was exactly what he and other officers were instructed to use in Minneapolis police department training videos, in order to control those in the grips of overdose. Also, the politically motivated changes to the autopsy have been well publicized.

    When Kamala Harris’ favorite terrorist organization wants you thrown beneath the jail, it’s gonna be a bad day; especially in a socialist enclave like Minnesota.

    1. The 102 minute report is a must watch. Of all the things that made me angry and feel sick as I watched,
      the fact that they planned for the 3rd precinct takeover by the antifa/Soros crowds the day before it was taken over was the worst. They REMOVED the cameras from the building the day before and said they did so because they were expensive and they wanted to save them.
      I shit you not!

  3. 50 Billion is only the down payment on a product that will never succeed in the marketplace as too many defects are being brought forth and soon in the courts as a fire hazardous mechanism. Still building plug in structures all over too…
    Insurance will be impossible to buy as the hazardous material can spread quite easily to other structures and vehicles when it catches fire.

  4. Toronto Star is reporting that Freeland plans to disallow Short term rental businesses to use their rental expenses against the rents they take in, unlike every other business out there, thus making it harder for Canadians to do what they want with their properties

  5. China has invited foreign ministers of Muslim countries, to discuss how to end the Hamas/Israel war. I bet there will be no mention of the concentration camps for Muslims in China.

  6. Re: Chickens for KFC….and why is this a bad thing? Shouldn’t we be happy that these people are doing us all a favour?
