62 Replies to “This Is CNN”

  1. There is no limit to the vileness which is CNN. These scum would be acting as Himmler’s press corps in defense of Auschwitz.

    1. I’ll bet he would be kept quite busy as a ‘bottom’ for thousands of frustrated Gazan men. Throw a head covering on him … and he’d look just like all the other women in Gaza. Although his sphincter is probably a LOT looser …

  2. The biggest threat to Israel is Bibi’s regime. Sad but true. Israel is presently committing genocide.

    1. You need to go look up the meaning of genocide. 20% of Israel is Arab Muslim and the population of Palestinians outside of Israel has gone from about 550,000 to nearly three million since Israel was founded. The only possible conclusions are Israel does a very very bad job at genocide or you have no idea what that word means.

      1. So what phony definition of genocide do you hold to be the real definition? The fact is that Israel has the stated aim of eliminating Palestinians. They just destroyed a hospital under false pretenses. They told the Palestinians to move south and then bombed the convoy as the people moved south. According to Israeli pilots they were bombing and shelling Israelis on Oct 7 so again when does the term genocide get attached? 10,000 civilians dead (passed that several weeks ago) Destroying health care centers? Just completed that. So again what is your definition of genocide? Israel is not an innocent little David up against the mighty Goliath of Islam. Israel is the Goliath attacking the David of Gaza. Bibi is utterly corrupt and is under the sway of Zionists who want to ban anyone who is not Jewish from being in Israel and they even want to ban the teachings of Jesus. Sweet nation you are supporting there.

          1. It’s really odd … watching the Jew-hating neoNatzis aligning themselves with Islamic butchers. Joe is just another one of em …

          2. I am not supporting Hamas. I am calling for peace and an effort to get along. There is evil on both sides and both sides need to smarten up. Right now it is Israel that is doing the most damage and by international law is committing genocide.

          3. Sure Joe sure.
            Ask yourself, which side, historically, has always encouraged peace, had open borders, allows homosexuality freely, has regular democratic elections, and is a modern civil economy? Try to be honest.
            Which side can’t tolerate peaceful times, and continuously causes terrorist acts, lobbing rockets and bombs at civilians for decades? Which side is calling for the elimination of Jews, and, educates their people, from toddler stage, to kill ‘them’. Yup, children’s TV in Gaza openly advocates to kill Jews. For decades.
            Yes, History Counts……..history didn’t start yesterday.
            Oh, and ‘genocide’? Palis arent a race, they are Arabs, but there’s millions of Arabs, there’s no genocide, that’s just more lefty talking points, of nonsense.

          4. Joke Newfberta
            ” I am calling for peace and an effort to get along. ”
            That train left the station in 99, under Arfart.

          5. The facts are not on Israel’s side. Israel is the occupying force and has been since it decided to expand beyond the borders established for it by the UN in 1948. As such it has no right to self defense under international law. The problem is the conflict is a matter of religion and emotion and not logic or justice. The Palestinians have a right to live and a right to live in their ancestral homes.

          6. “Joe…shouldn’t you be at a pro-terrorist protest? Idiot.”

            Seconded. He’s using the same tired old “I am not supporting Hamas. I am calling for peace and an effort to get along” line that all the Jew-haters use to try and hide their hate and bigotry. He’s Colon, just substituting Jews for Russians.

        1. By using that word constantly, and in places where it does not apply, dilutes the meaning of the word and demeans those in history who have truly experienced genocide. You’re doing those people a great disservice. Kind of like seeing the word “racism” used every time we turn around. The term has been contorted and rendered utterly meaningless.

          1. “By using that word constantly, and in places where it does not apply, dilutes the meaning of the word and demeans those in history who have truly experienced genocide. ”

            Absolutely, Scott. Ninety-year-old Holocaust survivors (or anyone else who has ever experienced a *real* genocide) would slap him in the face for it, I’m sure…

        2. If you love HAMAS so much go to Gaza and fight with them. If you actually believe the people Hamas put in charge of reporting the figures on death and you’re willing to completely ignore the masses of evidence, of weapons, of fighters in the hospital, of staff covering for fighters,
          including even security footage of the hostages being brought into the Shifa hospital then clearly the problem is you have a closed mind.

          That crap about Israeli pilots shelling civilians? Even the Palestinian Authority has removed that preposterous claim.

          So either you are being paid by Hamas to spread falsehoods, you hate Jews so much you’ll believe anything terrorists say, or you’re just trolling for the fun of it. Whatever the case, you’re pathetic.

    2. It’s called war, my good man. And the Jews always win, because they’re the Chosen People of God.

      Save it for the scum of Little Russia who live in your neighbourhood, whose grandads fondly remembered raping and murdering Jewish girls with a gusto that revolted even the Germans until they had to run like rabbits from the Moskals. Their grandchildren now cheer and clap their hands for the Nazi rebels led by Zelensky, the most bloodthirsty self-hating Russian Jew since Leon Trotsky.

      Hamas have done no worse than the “Ukrainians.” And Putin has done no worse than Netanyahu, because nothing short of driving the “Ukrainians” out will put an end to their nonsense.

      May the memory of Hamas and the Arabs of Gaza be blotted out—and that of Zelensky and the Little Russian Nazis (starting with Chrystia Chomiak) with it.

      1. I’m becoming more and more convinced that this “Kahane” character is actually a Hamas operative named Muhammed al-Jihad, or something like that.

        His mission is to infiltrate Western message boards posing as a genocidal Jew supremacist, making comments so vile and morally reprehensible that even the most mild mannered philo-Semitic reader will be turned into a foaming-at-the-mouth Nazi, praying for Kristallnacht 2.0.

        Salaam aleikum, Agent “Kahane,” and may your poisonous bile continue to deceive the infidels, inshallah.

      2. “Hamas have done no worse than the “Ukrainians.” And Putin has done no worse than Netanyahu, because nothing short of driving the “Ukrainians” out will put an end to their nonsense.”

        So the Ukranians have rounded up russians or Jews to rape and murder?

        Netanyahu put which girl band in prison for bad mouthing him?

        Where would you drive the Ukrainians from and to?

        1. The ones willing and able to learn Russian, accept Russian law and quit blaming Jews and Moskals for their poverty, ignorance and drunkenness would be allowed to remain in the Ukraine. (There would probably not be many.)

          The rest can be re-settled in Siberia, which is what Hitler planned to do with the Slavs once he’d seen off the Jews. The “Jewish Autonomous Oblast” in the Far East, established by Stalin as a place to send Soviet Jews to wait for extinction, would be most appropriate.

  3. He’s not wrong, actually, though not for the reasons he claims.

    Hamas are pipsqueaks. Without support from the Empire of Mammon, the most they could ever have managed is to fire a couple of rounds at a synagogue before being neutralized—if any Arabs had been suffered to remain in the Land of Israel.

    The threat to Israel is not Hamas but the Empire of Mammon and its Jew-hating elite, who have made blotting out the names of Israel and her Lord a top priority for over 2000 years. Israel will defeat the Empire, as she has defeated all others with God’s help. The only question is how many sons and daughters of dogs she’ll have to slaughter before the rest get the message.

    Israel lives, and will live. Her children will celebrate the Empire’s demise with feasting, and singing of psalms to the Lord.

    And her enemies will finally get their ceasefire, because there will be none of them left worth firing upon. Their shattered cities will serve as mass tombs for those who defied and denied God, and as warnings to any who might be tempted to follow in their footsteps.

    As if by that point it will matter, because the few of them that remain will be too busy killing each other of what little is left worth fighting over to bother Israel.

    Am Yisrael Chai.

    1. You realize, of course, that Netanyahu supported Hamas with large infusions of cash for years, right?

      1. Oh please not that BS again. And besides, even if every dirty filthy lie you said about Israel was 100% true that would still not justify what HAMAS did Oct 7th.

        1. Watch the combat vids on Funker 530,, You will see what kind of “people” Hamas can be.

  4. Her face came first at a bell-ringing contest. But seriously I would chip in for a trip to the Gaza strip so she could explain her efforts to sway the President directly to Hamas. She would be embraced.

  5. Until Oct.7 there was a ceasefire so stop bitching. Israel isn’t finished with the FO portion of FA&FO. This is crucial…if done right one fully realizes what happens when you do FA.

  6. More chickens for KFC but in this case the rooster is pretending to be a hen even though the only eggs he can lay are his stupid ideas.

  7. Well, if they wanna find people who unquestioningly support Hamas, they have to go lookin’ in Freak Show territory.

  8. Not an attention seeker at all.
    Not with the pretense of being a rabbi.
    Not with the pretense of being a woman.
    Not with the pretense of Jews being the problem.
    Why does CNN continue with the presentation of the not real.

  9. CNN … where truly stupid people go to learn stuff … from other ignoramuses.

    And BTW … this presents another opportunity to illustrate what all the “anti-bullying” campaigns have really been all about. It’s about FORCING the populace to accept the unacceptable. To overturn our most basic instincts of horror and revulsion when confronted with “the odd” and I’d dare say … “the dangerous”.

  10. Keep it coming. As far as I am concerned these are insane people outing themselves as deranged. And the more Joe and Jane Q Public see these freaks and their delusions, the better. How is it they think any regular person is supposed to take these people seriously.

    1. Annie, ” How is it they think any regular person is supposed to take these people seriously.”
      How is it that any serious person is supposed to put up with these people regularly?

      It’s a clown world!

    2. At this point they are trolling us. Sticking it in our faces on purpose because criticism is not welcomed and can actually get you fired. We need to reverse that to hiring such a freak will get you fired. Laugh at them, mock them or better yet don’t watch them.

  11. A request to the productive people out there – farmers, energy workers, truckers, trades: for the love of God, please shut off the food and power and everything else. Just for a couple of months. We need a hard reset.

  12. Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic State, the 12vers, the Iranians who sponsor terrorism around the globe, the common people of Saudi Arabia and the Turks, the terrorists making hell for people in southern Philippians, they read from and follow the same words in the same crappy koran, the story of the pedophile Mo’s life, etc.

    They’re simply more devout.

    The people who live in Gaza started this war, it isn’t for them to decide when it ends. That is Israel’s decision.
    Myanmar seems to have gotten their problem with the Rohingya people right, by sending them away. Strangely you don’t hear about Myanmar so much since they removed their problem. If Gaza’s populace was Hindi, you’d never hear of the problems in Gaza. There may not even be any problems in Gaza… They certainly wouldn’t have cited their crappy books to wage war on their neighboring country.

    Imagine a world without islam.

    1. A world without islam would be much more peaceful.

      Know islam, no peace
      No islam, know peace

  13. The primary function of the rabbi is to offer their community guidance on spiritual matters and in the area of halacha (Jewish law). In addition, rabbis also often serve as supports to their community, exemplars of Jewish values and practices, and as leaders in social and philanthropic ventures.

    “Exemplars of Jewish values and practices in social and philanthropic ventures.”
    (you can’t see it, but I’m making a face suggesting doubt)

  14. To be fair, there are Jews who are apparently fine with a mental case being their rabbi.
    So… if this is acceptable to Judaism, I’m not sure how hard we should really be on Hamas.

      1. “Indeed! So, will this require a reconstructed labia Menorah?”

        Oh, you’re good…LOL…

  15. Rabbi?

    Deuteronomy 22:5
    “A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.”

    To be clear, I do not want this person to be stoned to death, I simply do not accept that he/she/they is qualified to teach the Torah to others.
