31 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

  1. Still just a down payment by our government.
    Much more spending to come.

    It’s still illegal to use foreign workers in Canada as our current labor laws apply to everyone who works in Canada…just don’t report on the illegal corporations or farmers doing it and our policy is fine…

    1. Canada, doing its best for the rest of the world and fu66ing its own white citizens at home.

      Liberal party motto

  2. Liberals are socialists and will spend and tax by definition because they cannot get elected by making an argument other than “free stuff” which is never, ever free. Nullam Gratuitum Prandium has been true since the days of the Roman Empire. And what was the Roman Empire doing when it collapsed? Look in a mirror, Bananada.

  3. Unifor is whining. Unifor represents the “journalist” class in Canada. If these clowns had been doing their jobs for the last twenty years none of this would be surprising. It might never have even happened.
    Windsor claims to be a real labour town. They have to join the world wide socialist effort, not fall victim to rightest thinking which slows the revolution.
    I think that’s the way it works.

  4. For the same price they could have just given every family currently living in Windsor a half million dollars.

    1. For the same price they could have built a 1000MW nuclear power plant that would have provided thousands of Canadians with carbon dioxide free electricity for 50 years. But the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government is all about climate change and clean energy transition, right?

  5. The article talks about giving Stellantis and LG $15B, to create 2500 jobs. Even if they hit that target of 2500, that’s $6M per job, some of whom it seems will be imported from Korea. We are ruled by morons.

  6. ” … he said the company would need to assess whether the domestic market could be trained and upskilled to the “level that we need.”

    I’m pretty sure they’ve already done that.

  7. If I understand this correctly, Canadian taxpayers will be required to take on billions of dollars of debt to provide jobs for 1600 Korean workers employed in Canadian factories. Not exactly what Canadian voters expected when they were promised jobs, jobs, jobs by subsidizing multibillion dollar corporations to build and operate in Canada. Especially for a product, EV batteries, that will be put in a product, EV cars, that few people want to buy.

    Looks like corporate welfare plus government corruption to me. Who exactly is benefitting from this arrangement? Follow the money.

  8. Foreign laborers saving Canada from Big Labor yet again. Not all heroes where capes. Some speak broken English.

    1. “Foreign laborers saving Canada from Big Labor yet again.”

      Good enough for 1619 America, good enough for today’s Canada.

  9. During Obama’s reign of incompetence he gave billions to the solar power industry, they hired workers but there was no work so they sat around and played cards all day then after a respectful period of time the company went under without producing little to none of said product. This entire thing stinks of a Liberal money laundrying scam?

  10. Who would you want as an employee? A hard working success and family oriented South Korean willing to relocate to a new and different culture or a Canadian educated DEI kid who is likely to have joined in the fun at a pro-Palestine /Hamas rally?

    The Canadians under 24 will require an expensive de-programming program to cleanse them from the education that has destroyed their work ethic and individual responsibility.

    1. Damn right, and that for that deprogramming to happen on the national scale requires massive amounts of immigration. Just take a “medium”-sized Chinese city and plonk it down in Canada. That solves a lot of our problems.

  11. A bigger scandal is how taxpayers are being hosed to the tune of 50B for something no one wants so I really can’t get worked up about Unifor’s crying jag.
    The irony of course is that Unifor members employed at No Frills Windsor will be stocking the shelves with Kimchi for their new guests.

  12. Corporate welfare on an industrial scale in a jurisdiction without competitive advantage for a mandated product that people choose to avoid. An NDP/LPC formula for the leveraged incineration of capital. Another flaccid attempt at economic fascism by post modern sophomoric economic-illiterate “progressives”.

    1. John Chittick, That was a truthful if somewhat extensive word salad. How about the simple truth?

      It’s a government/liberal/climate, money laundering scam!

  13. Go to Leamington ON if you want great Mexican food.
    And your fruit and vegetables picked.
    If they’re working real jobs, I don’t care if they’re Martians or Urananuses.

    Subsidy is another word for corruption.

  14. Where is the market for these batteries?

    The US will build their own. They will pass a law making it illegal to put foreign batteries in domestic EV’s. End of story.

  15. So self-interested union “workers” are threatened by 1,600 South Koreans.

    Yet Canadians yawn during the perpetual tsunami of millions of population-replacing foreigners purposely and permanently brought in from every nation on earth using every excuse under the sun.
