24 Replies to “Christmas Is A Colonial Atrocity Or Something”

  1. Believe or do not believe! When I lived in Calgary in a neighborhood bordering on the T’suu Tina Nation, all of the indigenous parents would drive their children (in their mini-vans) through our neighborhood or other ones bordering the reserve. The kids did not even bother to dress up in costume.

    They also would spend a lot of money in the local Wal-Mart at Christmas – do not know if it was for Christmas presents or not. All northern nations celebrate the Winter Solstice – do not know what the Canadian aboriginals did before the white man (and I do not care!)

  2. Commission report. “Observance of Jesus’ birth is “an obvious example” of religious bias rooted in colonialism.””

    2,000 years ago, the Romans had colonized the known world, so what’s your point? They allowed the worship of any God or holiday you believed in.
    Oh, I see you thought they invented Amazon Prime. The things they teach children in school these days?

    1. (((2,000 years ago, the Romans had colonized the known world, so what’s your point? They allowed the worship of any God or holiday you believed in.)))


      When to we get our reparations checks from the Italians? Groceries don’t buy themselves. 😀

  3. The full report is pay walled, so I don’t know exactly what Blacklock’s is talking about.

    I do know that you’ll go to any of these HRC websites and you’ll learn about “duty to accommodate” your Muslim employees and all their wretched festivals and their five prayer breaks a day. The pretext is that your single Jewish employee asked politely for Yom Kippur off, making it all Meir’s fault, because obviously everything is.

  4. It seems to me that the only actual colonization happening now is the Islamization of the west and publicly speaking out against that is seen by these post modern thought police as a human rights violation. “Human rights” is now another Orwellian expression. Western civilization is being institutionally vandalized from within including the importation of a seventh century theocracy to demographically complete the task.

    1. Colonization of the West by Third World illiterates is “enrichment” and “vibrancy”. Colonization by whites of lands with a few stone age tribes and turning them into thriving societies is “genocide”.

  5. Keep telling yourself … “There’s no war on Christianity, there’s no war on Christianity. That’s just the crazed musings of the extreme far right”. Unh huh. Keep telling yourself that … your leftist overlords insist.

  6. The Puritans of old were against Christmas, and the Puritans of now are against Christmas.

    The old difference is that the old Puritans were fanatical Calvinists, while the new ones are Woke cultists.

  7. Celebrating the birth of a Jewish Rabbi born in Bethlehem is Canadian colonialism?……

    John 7:7 (Jesus’ words) “The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify that its works are evil.” NIV

  8. I look forward to immigrating to Saudi Arabia, then writing an article criticizing Ramadan. I wonder what will happen.
