Dispatches from a Friend in Israel

Robert Graboyes, via email;

I can say without a moment’s hesitation that it’s the most stunning piece I’ve ever had the privilege of publishing. I can say that with humility, as most of it was written by my friend and colleague, Professor Dafna Eylon, who describes what it has been like to be in Israel over the past six weeks. In addition, Dafna outlines the monstrosity of Hamas as a group, the innocence of its Israeli victims, and the systemic abuse of Palestinians by the terrorists. My contributions to the post are small by comparison, but in my afterword, I offer perhaps the most brutal visualization I have seen of Hamas’s sadism—and the sickness of Gen Z’s enthusiasm for October 7. I also give a brief preview of a forthcoming post that will outline Hamas’s direct descent from—and fealty to—an organization funded and organized by Nazi Germany during WWII.

Dispatches From Israel.

6 Replies to “Dispatches from a Friend in Israel”

  1. She is trying so hard to thread the narrow path of I am a good liberal, pro LBGTQ, pro Women’s Rights, and general supporter of Palestinian causes, and her absolute revulsion of the rapes, murders and kidnappings of October 7th.

    These are the heirs of those that never believed the genocidal plans of A H when he wrote “My Struggle,” and never really believed the words of the Hamas Charter when they said they will eliminate the Jews. They were wrong in the 1930’s, and they are still wrong now. They still refuse to believe the very words of the Hamas Charter even as the horrifying acts of Hamas are fresh in front of them.

    1. I am baffled by the sympathy and cheering by black Americans. It’s like they don’t know that the Nazis were inspired by and emulated some perverse American ideologies. It wasn’t just Eugenics, the Nazis aspired to Jim Crow and the KKK.

  2. Go look up the Hannibal doctrine. Not defending a thing that Hamas has done but lets try to balance our understanding of the situation. Oh and that hospital in Gaza. How many know that it is a Baptist hospital with a chapel and a church attached.

  3. One should not be surprised about a Few things.

    1: The Nazi’s invited the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (Highest Islamic Cleric @ the time), to Berlin bk in the early – mid 40’s. He left with Mein Kampf in his hands…and said book is still one of the highest rated Best sellers throughout the Islamic world.

    2: Anyone thinking that the 3-4 Million Islamics in this country were here to assimilate are Blind & beyond STOOPID. 1 reason only – to effective regime change and turn the West into an Islamic Caliphate as desired by the Muslim Brotherhood – vis a vis their “project”. That they have begun to continually up the scale of violence should surprise no one – just look to Sweden & France.
    Arm yerself as necessary

    As for Islam and it’s insistance on obliterating Israel….It’s long overdue IMO for Israel to confront IRAN…They are the Chief shit disturber throughout the Middle East. Take out the Ruling council in one shot….

    1. It is not near as ugly as it will be. My observations show me that we are very close to the extreme violence mentioned in the Book of Revelation. I don’t care what anyone believes but when you are drowning in your own blood I hope someone remembers.
