43 Replies to ““Things are getting dicey here””

    1. They didn’t honk, did they? So they are in the clear. And from the video, the Spawn wasn’t even there, and the attendance was small (pauvre vieux vas!). The venue wasn’t even half full. I guess the bloom must be going off the rose.

  1. Invoke the Emergency Act, arrest all the protesters, size all their assets and bank accounts, and hold them indefinitely on charges of promoting mischief. They are stopping the most important thing in the universe, the re-election of Justin Trudeau.

    1. …and bring in the militarized, unnamed, unidentified, on horse, ready-to-hit police forces!

      1. The cops wont do anything, they know some in this crowd will hit back, and police are only tough when they get home to beat their wives and abuse their kids.

  2. Imagine paying $1700 to have that happen to your dinner plans…


    Imagine paying to go to a Liberal event…


    Imagine going to a Liberal event..

    Ya, dont feel bad for them..any of them. But at same time..where are the shock troopers on horses??

  3. I predict this will be “mostly peaceful” unless Paleosimians bring bouncy castles, then Constable Stompy will charge.

    1. FILTHY LIBERALS staged this. These filthy Gaza Scum need to be cleared off the roads. Where are the Fire Hoses and East German Shepherds? Stompy McStompface must have been busy.

      Spendy McBlackface Hairdo was rushed to his Zero Emission Prius, given Pearls to clutch, along with his boyfriends purse.

    2. You realize those were the same people standing shoulder to shoulder with you chanting “slava YOOOOCRANE!” Just yesterday, you unwitting Davos toady?

  4. They’re the Spawn’s people (colonizers) that he imports by the 10s of thousands. Are they objecting to his dinner fees? Is the Hamas engineered victimhood of their Palestine hosts not resonating as hoped. Trudeau’s handlers have got him on the fence and that isn’t what was promised. He’s getting a little Jihad with his dhimmitude. Oh well, play with fire, get burned.

  5. Trudeau is usually guarded by 20-30 smug looking ‘cops’.
    That looked way too easy.

    How will MSM cover this?
    “…not like the Freedom Convoy, of course!…”

  6. As much as Trudeau’s $1,700/plate fundraiser turns my stomach more sour than the rubber chicken they’re serving … when did we concede our nations to The Mobs ? Mobs blocking entrances … blocking roadways … Mobs burning looting and murdering … Smash and Grab Mobs descending like flies into our retail establishments.

    When did The Mobs start controlling all the reasonable, peaceful, law-abiding citizens instead of the other way around? Cell phone cameras? Was that the change which caused our police to stand around and do nothing? This isn’t gonna get any better … ever. Until we stop caring about highly edited, highly selective, cell phone video.

    1. Kenji – not sure how to answer your “when” question but a comment on the “what” – over the last few weeks it’s dawned on me that, in Western countries today, you have freedom of expression if and only if you’re part of a large crowd (“mob” is the word that springs to mind). The ordinary citizen doesn’t have it and gets slammed for trying it.

    2. Those are the new rules. The ones they wrote when the mobs were targeting conservative speakers on campus.

      We tried to warn them, nothing we can do about it now.

    3. Look at EVERY Major City in this Country…

      DO you SEE A Conservative Mayor or Council among any.??

      Not a one…..

      Each and everyone of those SCUMBAG Progressive NDP Nazi Pieces of shit (Mayors), are 100% in agreement with whatever the Islamic Nazi’s do…the continuing destruction of this country. All part of the Grand WEF Plan. (Just look at Calgary Mayor, Gyoti GonDykes Actions since..)

      And given said Mayors/Councils are the reason, its ZERO Surprise you see NO Police anywhere taking any kind of action against these defacto invaders.

  7. He (JT) has been allowing those with Approved Narratives to run amok for years.
    This is the logical outcome of allowing them to realize and act upon their Special Privilege.
    Interesting police non-action.
    Beer and popcorn, anyone?

  8. I’m lovin’ it! Hate to see it on our turf, but let them go at each other.
    Besides, is Ottawa our turf?

    1. He looks so crazy and so big and scary that none of the other protesters wanted anything to do with him.

  9. Nobody likes Juthtin The Turd.
    Not the Paleosimians or their sympathizers, not normal people, not cops, not his wife.
    I doubt the Corruptibles “paying” all that money to lithen to him thpeak like him any more than they like Ottawa winters.
    I hope that in his retirement – may it come soon – he is constantly verbally reminded that he’s a piece of shit.

  10. They claim to be trying to stop genocide but peaceful protests don’t work. And cops don’t seem eager to do anything to them.

    Sounds like an action movie setup.
    Sweet. Very sweet.

  11. I suspect that the Ottawa Police remember that it was the people in that room who used them as pawns for political purposes when the convoy was in town

    1. I think crediting the cops with discernment is misplaced. They chose sides during the convoy and with their thuggish behavior throughout the plandemic. They wouldn’t know about equal application and enforcement of the law since they are thoroughly politicized.

  12. Now we can see that Trudeau is a compassionate, tolerant, patient dictator, not like the thug that he’s being accused of by those of us against him. His behaviour at the honkhonk shows him to be a fascist. “No, see how open we are to diverse opinions?”
    If this wasn’t a setup, the RCMP should be disbanded. They are useless. They still should be disbanded for allowing this to take place on their watch.
