Wednesday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  A box office bomb.  The truth about American colonialism.  Prosecution gets desperate about the chokehold case.  DOJ tormented four protesters to death.  Dinner with a dictator.  A mostly peaceful communist teenager.  Chicago demands a ceasefire.

China Virus News:  A frontal assault on the freedom-of the press.       Global Warming Scam News:  Antarctica.

Blackie’s Canada:  A DEI trainer.  There is only one solution (JW).  Victoria mayor refuses to condemn councillor.  Hans Gruber’s fake thank you notes.  Meghan cares about global warming.

Britain:  Another history lesson with Neil Oliver.  And don’t upset the Muslims.

Religion Of Peace News:  12 year old girl murdered by Hamas (JW).  Young Americans are picking up the Quran (JW).  The myth of innocent Gaza civilians.

Your morning meme.  Another meme.

7 Replies to “Wednesday On Turtle Island”

    1. Indeed! And if she’s lucky, education director Colleen Russell-Rawlins who approved this piss-away of state funds will get to be education minister some day soon! She’s certainly got the economic credentials.

  1. Liberals can’t find the thank you notes supposedly Is it safe to say then that even their lies are lies?

  2. The story of the J6ers taking their own lives is heartbreaking. This is a complete travesty of justice. Soviet justice is a good analogy. Politicians on both sides should be pushing for clemency. Since the issue is no longer in the news, J6ers still in prison are forgotten. So many tragic stories — sad, sad. I feel the justice system in the US has been completely corrupted.

  3. The story about Antarctica’s ice and global CO2 levels talks as if it’s recent discovery that the rise of CO2 follows heating. This has been known for a long time. The ocean is a huge sink for CO2, and cold seawater can hold a lot more of it than warm seawater. The sun’s variability causes rises and falls in ocean temperatures, and the rise and fall of CO2 follows that. It does not lead it.

    In 1996 or so the BBC made a documentary about the Global Warming Swindle. This was before they became woke and all on board with the Marxist control. In the video, it is revealed that CO2 rise follows temperature rise.

    You can skip ahead to the 18-minute mark and watch for a few minutes and see what the alarmists don’t tell you.

    So it’s not new at all. Just cleverly hidden.

    The CO2 level was at 400 ppm in 1942. Now, was that partly due to the terrific heat of the 1930s warming the oceans? It sure wasn’t caused by 8 billion people.

  4. i was just given the book Not Stolen by my wife; I’ll be reading it as soon as I finish my current read, the latest Lincoln Lawyer novel.
