Zombie Nation

When a business’ interest expense exceeds its profit, it is typically called a “zombie corporation”. It’s quite possible that Canada is going down a similar path right now. While the federal government doesn’t turn a profit, per se, major spending items are well on track to be utterly dwarfed by interest payments.

But the truly stunning figure is not just the size of the annual deficit, which is holding at $40 billion pending a red-ink tidal-wave next year to pay for massive-ticket items like the estimated $11-billion national pharmacare tab and looming fighter jet purchases.

In just five years that debt-financing tab will hit the jaw-dropping intersection where the $60-billion cost of paying interest approximates the cost of all federal transfers for health care.

23 Replies to “Zombie Nation”

  1. While the federal government doesn’t turn a profit…

    What gov’t does? By definition they are takers, not producers. Some are just worse than others. See: Blackie Turdeau.

    1. What gov’t does?”

      They all do … how do you think they get so wealthy whilst serving the public.
      Kick backs and fake foundations to further serve mankind. etc.

  2. Take a bow, ALL you parliamentarians for getting us to this point. Congrats to those who pissed away our futures and to those who applauded or stayed silent as they watched it happen.

    Your legacies will be our graveyards.

  3. Remember the goal: WEF wants to kill 95% of all humans on the planet and reduce the population to 500 Million maximum. To put this into perspective, Thanos, the Marvel villain, only wanted half and people rejoiced at his fictional demise.

    In order to get to this goal, they need to destroy the Canadian economy (one of many) and to do this, they will sink it into Laurentian Abyssal with massive levels of debt so that it cannot be recovered by any normal means. The means that they will suggest for recovery will be the CBDC – a great reset over fiat currencies that have been functional for thousands of years.

    With CBDC will come levels of control over the population unparalleled in human history. If you survive and are not part of the elitists’ cabal, you will own nothing, you will live in high rise tenements in large cities, you will have no mobility except for government controlled public transit, you will eat and purchase only what they deem acceptable, and only in the quantities that they deem appropriate, and you will be limited to travel within 15 minutes of your existing location. And if you complain, or disagree, your lifestyle will be curtailed and if you die because of it, so much the better, you useless eater.

    And if you think that I am exaggerating, read Klaus Schwab’s The Great Reset. Look into the WHO health regulations that they want Canada to agree to. They want slaves.

    1. Yep…

      We are dealing with a Cabal of Utter Globohomo Evil Filth: WEF, UN, WHO, GAVI + The Rothschilds, Rockefellers et all.

      Said Cabal with herr Klaus as Furher, are attempting to create the 4th REICH. And you had better believe these fkers want us all dead.

      I do.

      1. steak
        But don’t suggest any violent means to stop or repair this trend, as you will offend the BIBLE-POUNDERS ( see fc)!. And there in lies our problem!

  4. It is human nature to want to be free. The fight for Freedom will Never End.

    Human nature is constant, it cannot be changed, it can only be managed.

    Humans are way passed the time to rise up and do a ‘Nicolae Ceausescu’ Christmas delight on these one-world tyrants.

    Better hurry before it’s too late ….

    Communism can never work because people like to own stuff” – Frank Zappa

    1. J West
      If humans wanted to be free, the greatest oppressor would have died a thousand years ago (AKA: thee RCC)

  5. Can it really be that bad? No, it is much worse – Canada is a country that will soon begin an economic freefall because of ever expanding government, which in turn creates ever more voters for the Liberals and NDP, who in return create more government programs.

    Statistics Canada today released comprehensive 2022 data on what it refers to as the “public sector universe”. Highlights (for the massive government class; lowlights for the private sector):
    > 6,122 public sector entities
    > 44.5% of GDP
    > fiscal burden (taxes & compulsory social contributions): 34.4% of GDP, or $24,364 for every man, woman and
    > revenue “gathered” by government sector: $1,157 billion (83.7% of which were taxes & compulsory social
    contributions); in total, 41.1% of GDP.


    1. The big problem with all that is…… government produces no profit therefore it is all fake and when there no longer profit to tax to create the fake portion, we are all F*****.

  6. I truly HOPE with the entireity of myself….that ALBERTA Cedes from this colossal Fk up of a Country…hopefully with Sask as its equal partner.

    I have zero wish to live in a system run by NAZI’s…and y’all better come around to the faft that we are Dealing with defacto NAZI Filth.

    What was is that Trudeau called those of us invaxxed..??
    INTOLERABLE..?? Identical language of Joseph Goebells…Add the Feds attack against the Convoy..? Actions identical to what the 1936 SA woulda done.

    …Oh, & Didnt the Feds actually put out on RFQ for Internment Kampfs.??
    Goddamned right they did.
    And lets not overlook their UTTER Love of Islam – Just like the NAZI Party of the mid to late 30’s Who actually invited the Mufti of Jerusalem to come to Berlin, where he stayed for some significant time learning how to be a good genocidal NAZI

    The Liberals and NDP simply ooze NAZIISM

  7. Steak
    “I truly HOPE with the entireity of myself….that ALBERTA Cedes from this colossal Fk up”
    That train left the station years ago, won’t happen now sadly!

    1. Maybe we can convince Ottawa to sell Alberta and Saskatchewan to Texas and Florida to pay off the Canadian federal debt. As a bonus, removing Alberta and Saskatchewan will instantly achieve Canada’s Paris Accord GHG per capita reduction commitments. Win-win.


  8. The fact that the incompetent Liberals have squandered financial resources and spent like drunken sailors, is no surprise to anyone paying attention. This was expected, and is a feature of the Liberal Party with the Spawn as leader.
    So, it will be up to PP and his team to try and right the ship, and they will bear all the bad press for doing so. The Commie NDP will of course, screech away, to “Eat The Rich©️”.
    And the cycle will repeat itself.
    Of note, it’s interesting to see that CTV Troll Don Martin is speaking poorly of his Liberal masters. He’s near retirement and trying to force a severance package no doubt.
    Also, the news the media is being bailed out still/again, is of no surprise. An election is coming up and the propaganda machine must be greased for Derp Dauphin.
    The Desperation REEKS.

  9. I live in a Zombie State in a Zombie nation. Almost half of CA’s tax revenues go to Gold Plated … unfunded… public worker pensions. Hence our massive tax burden doesn’t fix the roads or fund the police. And my Nation pays $1 Trillion in interest every year on our $34 Trillion in debt that a leftist Congress has spent on their friends, err “infrastructure” …

    The money we’re spending now goes into a black hole of nothingness. And when the music stops … we will be in a sh*tload of economic and social hurt. Marauding gangs of criminals will be invading the gated communities to find things of value and food to eat. The gun battles are going to epic as the entire populace reverts to circling the wagons and shooting through arrowslits.
