26 Replies to “Enemies of the State”

  1. Realistically.. I think Tommy is the only person in the UK than can be arrested.. Thats alot of law for just one guy..

    1. Such bravery on display by the pitiful Constabulary. How many ? And yet some ranting Mohammedan with a megaphone is untouchable. Craven cowardice defined. But if nothing else it shows how they fear Tommy Robinson and his followers.

  2. Yea he’s a threat, good thing the cops handed out those leaflets to the pro-Hamas supporters I bet that scared them straight.

  3. I escaped that dreadful place over forty years ago, and have NEVER been back. I could see the way that country and the western way of life were deteriorating and got out. Sadly it caught up to us here in Canada anyway.
    At least I enjoyed a few good years until the changes began. There is now, nowhere to go, the entire western way of life is under severe threat of disintegration due to globalists, woke stupidity, manipulative political ambition, and all manner of idiocy and stupidity such as climate change and carbon emissions, deliberately pointed and targeted religious persecutions, plus gender craziness along with the alphabet mafia, and yeah, two tier policing AND judicial systems. We truly are screwed, and western civilization is now in steep decline, and I really don’t see it ever coming back!

    If I had to point my finger at the causes, it would mostly be the WEF, WHO, UN, and grubby greedy politicians!

    1. As bad as things are getting in the US, my money is with them. Two reasons. The federal vs. state legal structure and over half of US households own a firearm.

      1. That’s why I left Canada. As bad as things appear to be in the US, I have hope that it is fixable and … like you say. I am armed here.

        1. I don’t want to throw too much flak at the US because we are hardly doing any better. But the “we gots guns” argument is pretty weak. The election was stolen and the country is governed by unknowns from behind the scene. There are political prisoners as a result of the Jan 6 Reichtag fire, 3 letter agencies are rogue, their current and ex leaders corrupt, the justice department is corrupt. The US is being invaded from the south and the federal government is participating in human traficking. There is a drug and gang crisis and various lunatic groups like BLM and Antifa sow anarchy and destruction. So, what use are all the guns again? How much worse does it have to get?

          1. Pappy G, I have yapping and attempting to explain their problems for some time now all they do is ignore me or foolishly ask just what I would do. They have a constitution that was written so they could address such problems by removing any government they have, yet cowardice has been the order of the day.

    2. Maybe look in a mirror GerryK. and then point a finger. Don’t look for someone to blame.

      If our way of life is unable to be sustained then it’s doomed. No culture has ever fallen to an inferior culture. If we’re not prepared to fight for freedom then we all die at the hand of the tyrant.

    3. GerryK: I too came here over 40 years ago, ’78 to be precise. Visited a couple of times for family events, the last time being in ’90. My wife goes occasionally to visit her sister, but I stay here.
      Life in Canada has been very good and since I am now in my late ’70s, I can insulate myself from much of the nonsense going on around me. I am sufficiently detached from most of it that I feel I am watching a lousy movie and can’t change channel.

      1. The population of Londonistan is identical to the population of CA … All the misfits, fools, and miscreants of the entire USA all gather together in CA … and have utterly wrecked the place. Not to mention all the illegal border crossers.

  4. The “Establishment” insists that it will be their way or no way. The individual has no choice but to agree and hold their tongue, because the individual has no power, and the establishment will not ever give the individual any power. The reason Tommy Robinson has been arrested multiple times, is because he has developed a devoted following and his views are gaining traction. They cannot allow him to gain this momentum, as he will become a threat to the establishment power. The “left” has wormed it’s way in to the establishment over many many years, and now that they have control, they will never relinquish that power, at least not without a civil war. The lefty mobs currently protesting, are simply the shock troops of the establishment. Funny how the establishment is supportive of islamic views and all the other woke BS, but not the other side’s right to protest against it. Again a two tier system. It’s their club, and the collective WE, ain’t in it!

  5. “ The further a society drifts from the truth, The more it will hate those that speak it” – George Orwell.

    “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.” – Benito Mussolini

    “Islamophobia… A word created by Fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons”. – Christopher Hitchens

    1. ““Islamophobia… A word created by Fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons”. – Christopher Hitchens”

      I like that. Very similar to one I came up with about the ‘zero tolerance’ trend:

      Zero tolerance is policy created by idiots for the benefit of cowards.

      (the idiots being bureaucrats trying hard to cover their butts and the cowards being the people too afraid to look at any specific situation and make a decision on how to handle it)

  6. The little Irish girl was “laundered back” from Hamas. Spot on Katie! The little girl didn’t simply show up in the lost-and-found. There is great EVIL afoot in Western Nations … great EVIL. The enemy of righteousness is the friend of Evil … is … EVIL.

    1. “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

      “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.”

  7. “They have been clear about their concerns that the man’s attendance, and that of those who were likely to accompany him, would cause fear for other participants.”

    Oh yes, fear indeed. A special kind of fear: Press fear. The same kind of tremors that hit PeePee when Christine Anderson talked to a couple of his MPs.

      1. “Says a lot about PP, doesn’t it?”

        It does indeed. He may *appear* to have more backbone than Erin O’Toole did, but if push comes to shove he will likely just fold.

  8. Hitler’s unpardonable sin wasn’t killing Jews. It was bombing the City of London, and inconveniencing Britain’s elites personally.

    Britain will die before the Jewish children just released from the clutches of Hamas pass away. Once she falls into Muslim hands, so will her nuclear arsenal. And that will be the end of the Empire of Mammon.

    For a preview of Britain’s future—if you want to call it that—go watch Threads, the BBC TV movie from 1984 about how nuclear war would undo industrial civilization in Britain, to a degree from which it would take generations to recover, if it ever could.

    If anything it was too optimistic. The Britain of 1984 (the real 1984, not Orwell’s novel) still maintained a decent pretense of being Christian and having some self-restraint. The Britain of 2023 would fare even worse.

  9. Really quite something to see Germany sticking up for the Jews. German government and police forces shutting down HamAss all over the place.

    And then in England we see them calling Tommy Robinson a Nazi and arrest him, pepper spray him and drag his ass off for -daring- to show support for the Jews, daring to show up to a pro-Israel demonstration.

    Germans, walking their talk. Englishmen, acting like Brownshirts in 1936.
