26 Replies to “The New Deplorables”

  1. The Jewish folks have been voting for their own destruction for a long time. I’ll be very pleased if they decide recent events are too overt, but I won’t believe it until I see some election results that show they’ve changed their minds.

  2. dont care, he didnt give a damn so long as he and his fellow travelers were not effected. now they are and he wants to switch side? no. stay where you are. fair weather friends like you are not needed on the right. they are overstocked already.

  3. I never forget that the ugly blue haired wannabe Hitler youth (and the degenerates of Hamas), would do the same to me as they’d like to do to the Jews.

  4. I’ve read that the left views the world through a lens of oppressed and oppressor. A number of people who thought they were part of the left and fighting for the oppressed have suddenly realized that they are now being labelled as the oppressors by their comrades. Not just labelled but being attacked for being oppressors. The pool of those considered oppressors by the left continues to grow, almost exponentially. “All revolutionaries devour their own children”

    I guess being attacked by their own side would tend to prompt one to reconsider the validity of the oppressor/oppressed world view of the left. Especially since those who are considered oppressed are bloodthirsty terrorists, rank misogynists and groups who impose capital punishment on gay people.

  5. Waking up before you take a piss keeps you from being a bedwetter.
    But not waking up at all means you’re a delusional pissing-reeking lefty for life.

  6. I had to look up the term (pinkwashing), but I can assure you that none of the offered answers on that multiple choice question accurately reflect the term. The accepted answer is the first one (relative to Israel), but in an effort to inject his/her bias into the offering, they didn’t accurately reflect the proper form of answer.

    That person must have been rather emotional when they made up the test.

  7. The left is premised on coercion and tribalism making a natural alliance with Jihadis who tend to also be perceived as natural enemies of the so called right (all non-Muslims in reality). They also consider ethnic minorities ripe for ideological grooming. Given the history of the left and their cheerleading for the “Palestinian” victimhood cause, the demographics of Muslims outnumbering Jews 100 to 1 and the legacy of the oldest hatred of Jews as the stereotypically “arbitrage class”, it’s easy to see why an astute Jew would realize that Jihadis and their Stockholm Syndrome captured progressives are becoming dangerous company. Their greatest actual allies are likely Christians which really puts them at odds with the left.

  8. Nice try, but or butt as they say. Yes, let’s see some election results. And let’s see what you do when the elite of the left show up in your town and demonstrate outside the local synagogue. In my little town, let’s just say they will be treated just like the antifa that showed up in 2020. Can you say as in the police report: “run out of town with damage to persons and their vehicles.” We’re the people that just want to be left alone. Come down and see us, then FAFO. There is a price to leave.

  9. So the Jewish author in this story says since October 7, **2023** , he has made a political shift towards the right.

    What does that mean ?!?!?

    He’s now switched over to becoming a Bleeding Heart Liberal ????

    Let’s be honest here.

    90% of the Jewish population, in whatever country they reside in, are either Communists, Marxist-Leninists, Maoists, Leftists, Socialists, Anarchists or Liberals.

    The other 10% are either Centerists or Conservative.

    1. Your percentages are at best delusional. Much lower numbers for lib leaning and higher for mid to conservative

      1. Those numbers are silly, but, far too many Jews support the far left. It has aways bothered me as most of my Jewish friends and a couple of good men I worked with and for, were free market businessmen. They would not vote for left wing anything, governments just got in the way. Yet the percentage of Jewish voters who are democrats is astounding. I used to say they were suicidal.

        1. I know a fair number of Jewish people here in N.CA. Nope. Not a single one is conservative. And they’re ALL rabidly leftist … and anti-Christian. They’re all secular Jews … completely agnostic.

      2. Yeah. In the states, its only 74% who vote Dim. More than the blacks, more than the women, more than the gays.

  10. I think that this is a false conversion.
    i.e he was already on the right.
    May 2023
    Debunking the Narrative: Israel as White European Colonization of the Middle East

    There’s no doubt that a lot of “liberal” “two-state supporters” were
    shocked & disgusted [as were most] by the slaughter of hundreds in South Israel,
    but somehow not as affected by the thousands killed in Gaza.
    I don’t this guy is one of those.

    1. Well, if the didn’t want Israel to invade Gaza and kill thousands, all they had to do was give all the hostages back, better yet, not go on a murderous raping and torture spree in the 1st place.
      Hama sowed the wind, and now they reap the whirlwind.

      1. Agreed YaehWell, Hamas didn’t expect the “reply” they got from the Israelis. This was a big “oops” for them!


      2. Getting the hostages back was just the other aim of Netanyahu; destroying Hamas was the main one.
        As to the “raping & torture spree” I’m sure there will be lots of analysis of that.
        But a couple of “oops” factors:
        They didn’t expect there to be hundreds of rave dancers on the scene.
        The venue had been moved there just two days before, owing to ojbections from the original site.
        So they picked a place in the empty fields near the border: no one to object there.
        The Hamas fighters were followed by young men, many possibly on their first time outside
        Gaza, who might have contributed to the rapes, [not having orders to follow]

        The Israeli oops factor is explored here:
        Why wasn’t Israel prepared? ABC News In-depth

        1. “The Hamas fighters were followed by young men, many possibly on their first time outside
          Gaza, who might have contributed to the rapes, [not having orders to follow]”

          Gazan men, women *and* children all took part in the murders, rapes and desecration of the bodies, not to mention stealing anything that wasn’t nailed down. They were NOT ‘innocent civilians’.

  11. Welcome aboard fella. What took you so long?

    Judeo Christian values and their influence on the west cannot be overstated, and there are many great Jews past and present (Prager, Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro, the many brilliant doctors and scientists over the years and all they’ve done to improve the modern world as we know it), but one has to admit, American Jews’ left wing voting patterns have had a deleterious effect on this country since Marx and Engels wrote their screed back in the day. It really ramped up after 1917 and continues today, George Soros being the prime example of course, and then there’s the heavily Jewish Hollywood and most of left wing mass media being based in NYC. These are facts people so don’t try to paint me as an anti-Semite. Let’s hope there’s a sea change coming.

    1. The term “sea change” derives from the career of F. Scott FitzGerald’s cousin, the famous naval innovator C. Change FitzGerald.

  12. He is only NOW grasping the turd that is collectivism or liberal democraps, if you will.

    He’s not that smart.

    I suppose he may have finally jarred the pillars of his reality but he has to be stupid to have been a member of the clinton foundation. Dipshite.

  13. Sure, but will he vote for Trump?
    So muck him and his… what?.. pink pill.
    (See how that doesn’t really work? That’s because the US conservative is weak and accepts a red label, and Hollywood decides that truth is a red pill. I remember when “blue dog Democrats” were a thing.)

  14. A lot of Jews worked to secularize and de-Christianize the West and now they don’t like the results.
    If their immediate problems were fixed (like say, by deporting all Muslims) they would go back to trying to ‘fix’ us.
