58 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. I read several of her posts. She fully supports Hamas and their call for Jihad. “From the river to the sea” is all over her posts. Remember when “learn to code” would get your account locked?

    1. I received a life time ban on Twitter (X) for my part in the fight against the vaccine, and she gets a pass.

  2. What a load of crap. Maybe she’s thankful to be released. I have a hard time seeing any “thankfulness” in her expression.

  3. So Hamas wears uniforms during the photoshoot … but not during combat.
    Tells you all you need to know.

  4. No kidding huh? Because that’s the same look I get from the wife when I spill soup on my shirt. Now that I know it’s a look of appreciation, I’ll be sure to say “you’re welcome”.
    The first thought that came to my mind is she has that “thousand yard stare” soldiers get from being traumatized.

  5. A guy gets sucker punched in the face. He wakes up in the hospital two days later. His first words:

    “Wow!!! What an awesome punch!!!!”

    (The above is the mentality Ms. Campbell has chosen to accept in order to rationalize the irrational. I hate to say something like this, but it’s necessary. Maree Campbell needs something horrendous to happen to her beyond her control, in violation of the law, and in an atmosphere of hopeless resolution so she can learn a number of required lessons. The most important being empathy. The second being that she is WRONG…although I doubt her ideological narcissistic ego will allow either lesson to land)

  6. “I’m not a facial expression expert.”

    Well, that’s just a lack of experience, and I can fix that for you, Maree. How about I send you some photos of those who were mutilated and killed by Hamas and you can have a go at telling us what you read in their faces.

    1. She’d say it was due to an Israeli helicopter attack.

      This is how the Palestinian Authority described most of the Israeli civilian casualties.

      1. Actually so do a lot of Israelis. Even the Israeli helicopter pilots say that their orders were to shoot anything that moved. That isn’t Palestinian propaganda that is Israeli policy. they have what they call the Hannibal doctrine. Death before capture. they kill both the hostage and the hostage taker rather than have to negotiate the release of the hostage. You will find that reported in Israeli news sources and repeated by Jews living in the US.

          1. “If that were true, why the ceasefire to exchange hostages? Something doesn’t add up here.”

            Exactly… it makes no sense whatsoever; anyone with a functional brain can easily figure out that the Israelis would simply have declared the hostages ‘lost’ and proceeded to destroy Hamas unimpeded, if they really didn’t care about their lives. Joe is just another Jew-hater trying to appear ‘moderate’.

      2. Yes, when the “freedom fighters” see Israeli helicopters they shoot hostages, last chance to strike a brave blow at the enemy before being shot in the back when actual combatants arrive.

  7. I guess Isreal can now be a fully functional member of the UN. By going along with a cease fire they have joined all the other asshole nations that make up the UN.
    Hamas and Israel were in a cease fire when Hamas sneak attacked. Israel just lost.

      1. “A 4 day ceasefire. It was a strategic move, not capitulation. Bibi won’t back down. ”

        What was the ‘strategy’ at play? To make themselves look weak and easily manipulated?

  8. The morality of what Campbell is doing aside, she is extrapolating wildly from paltry evidence. That is not the act of an intelligent person.

  9. Expression is like, “Once considered un-f**Kable in the west, stupid journo finds out muzzies will f**k anything!”

    See also, “If this is torture, chain me to the wall!”

    She is fortunate beyond what she deserves, she doesn’t spear to be beat up, bloodied, disfigured, or bones broken, not like others, who WON’T be returning home because they are DEAD..!

    Life comes at you fast!

  10. In the same way, I too am not a facial expression expert but judging by her tweet and Maree Campbell’s photo she included of herself, she’s a sadistic, cluster B personality, retard.

  11. I can`t verify but it has been reported this Maree Campbell is just another Muslim Jew-hating rage monkey named Kamran Hussain. Don`t like to put tips to internet garbage but the story that it`s a Muslim man who tweeted this and not a white, liberal, female journalist is more believable – yes I know the left media has been horrible – but this is another level of insanity.

  12. I am not an expression expert, but that chick looks stoned out of her friggin’ gourd.

    Clearly a fruitbat. Could be that her mind snapped in captivity? That sort of thing has been known to happen. Stockholm syndrome, turbo-nitrous version.

  13. Didn’t anyone else notice the frame on the lady’s leg? She obviously had it BADLY broken “somewhere” and I bet it wasn’t that way prior to the attack. Now — the Gaza people fixed her up as best they could, give them that much. But I’m saying that this woman is probably under the influence of some pretty powerful pain meds when this was taken….

  14. Or maybe she’s been drugged out of her mind so that she stops screaming when they rape her repeatedly?

  15. I have seen that before. It is known as “the thousand yard stare”. It is when you have seen too much and don’t want to see any more. Such as a pretty girl repeatedly raped. Which is something Hamas does.
    Why, because Muslims are allowed to have four wives, so the richest and most powerful do, but there is only one woman for one man born, so many young men have no chance to get with a woman. Now do you understand why when instability comes to those lands, there are suddenly many young men in revolt against the current rich and powerful? Now do you understand why, when they invaded and are invading Europe, you see long columns that are comprised entirely of young men?

  16. Maree, that spelling tells you the idiot’s parents were most likely part of the urnolist’s problem.

  17. This “thousand yard stare” being the result of repeated rape, the evidence: https://tinyurl.com/3nwtrxjs

    “Unexpectedly well”, just how would one know how one expects to be treated? How many people have experience of being in captivity anyway?

  18. Abigail Shrier on Twitter:
    The fifteen years – and billions in public funds – we spent on “anti-bullying” and empathy education were clearly a smashing success.
    New York Post

    But then it was always a money scam.

  19. You know, there are multiple motivations for these ideological freaks, including financial: lots of fake, make work jobs for the connected in media, academia, entertainment, foundations, NGOs, nonprofits…, government and private sector . Then there is a kinda pathological “saviour” complex going on, sometimes it’s almost Munchauseny. It’s piggy backing on the grief and suffering of others. A lot of these people fancy themselves as avant garde, no matter that they just recycled the same old shit. They don’t see themselves as malevolent, they think they are heroic. Imaging yourself as the center of the universe is all in a days work. Some, yes some, are sincere, narcissistic, but sincere.

  20. A note has been applied. Apparently a mind reading terrorist fan girl gets overturned by basic facts.

    I like Twitter notes.

  21. Like look of satisfaction on Maree’s face as I climbed off her the last time. I was sure she appreciated it.

  22. That is the appreciative look of a chicken thanking KFC for complimenting her on her crispy skin.

    1. Israel wants the hostages for one critical additional purpose (other than bringing their people home) … eyewtiness testimony.

      They WILL be conducting a public crimes-against-humanity tribunal, in which witness after witness will describe the horrific barbarity and savage cruelthy they witnessed. This testimony will make the Holocaust seem tame in terms of deliberately cruel and sick acts. As in “at least the SS just shot us in the back of the head …”

      Hamas and their pallywag buddies in the West just effed themselves but good.

      1. Also a chance to watch ham-ass move there people/stuff around. Mark those targets for later.
