More Pavilions At Folkfest

Import your doctors, import their disease: A Wave of Jew-Hatred in the Medical Fields

Several doctors publicly celebrated the savagery that Hamas inflicted upon Israel, which featured barbarism that rivals some of the darkest episodes of human history. Dr. Shiraz Farooq took to social media to post a Palestinian flag with the caption “about time!!!” As of today it appears he is still leading the ColoWell proctology clinic in Tampa, Florida. Dr. Majd Aburabia, the medical director of a cancer center in Dearborn, Michigan, posted on social media: “What a beautiful morning. What a beautiful day,” referencing the musical Oklahoma! to express joy about the Hamas assault. An update posted by Stop Antisemitism claims that her employment at Beaumont Hospital was terminated, but as of today she is still listed as an employee on the hospital’s website. Dr. Abeer Abou Yabis, a physician at the Emory Winship Cancer Institute, similarly took to social media to celebrate Hamas’ attack, writing “They got walls we got gliders glory to all resistance fighters.” She is no longer employed at Emory. Dr. Dana Diab commented on Instagram that “Zionist settlers” got “a taste of their own medicine.” She was subsequently fired from her ER physician job at Lenox Hill. Raeda Saeed, a registered nurse in the Chicago area, sent a direct message expressing her desire that a Chicago-area mother and daughter who were kidnapped be “burned alive and fed to Israel dogs.” It’s unclear if she has faced any professional consequences.

16 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

    1. Well that’s not entirely correct. I have to say that in my travels, I have met many Muslims who are salt of the earth people.

      That said, those in Islam who are Wahhabists are, however, filth.

      1. Sure but a funny thing will happen if you ask almost any of them about Jews. My cousin married a beautiful, sophisticated Iranian woman whose family fled Iran after the Ayatollah took over. Very lovely woman. Obviously, not even a religious Muslim. Just don’t bring up Jews.

      2. NAMALT, eh?


        All followers of Islam are filth. Some just manage to hide it from credulous westerners like you.

        1. “All followers of Islam are filth. Some just manage to hide it from credulous westerners like you.”

          I don’t want to believe that, but I do want to know where all the ‘moderate’ Muslims disappeared to after Oct. 7th. I’m sure organizations like CAIR (or whatever they call themselves now) released an immediate public statement condemning the atrocities committed in their name, right?

  1. Gee, how comforting, in a bedside manner kinda way.
    These people should come join their Canadian Moslem brethren and participate in the MAID Games.

  2. Fascinating the people who swore an oath to do no harm are busy shorten other people’s live for religious, economic or socio-political reasons. In my opinion the days of blood letting had been the good days in medicine and it went downhill from there.
