19 Replies to “The Libranos: Wonton Disregard”

  1. Why not when a good part of your citizens are already trained seals , and your education system is set up to keep filling the ranks.
    Disgusting in itself , but hey we are nice and polite.

  2. The Trudeauist cultural revolution is only going to get worse.
    I’m waiting for the little rainbow book to arrive.

  3. Heh, Juthtin may disregard the wontons, but he’s always getting a second helping of Cream of Sum Yung Guy.

    Nothing will be fixed without a revolutionary tear-down of just about every aspect of the confederation.
    The whole country is corrupt.

  4. L – If the foreign agent registry contained a listing of Liberal MPs, I would be shocked.
    Shocked, I tell you. But I would not be all that surprised.

    Any government, whether politician or civil servant that advocates a high cost energy policy is, in effect, de-industrializing Canada and contributing to shifting
    our manufacturing base to Communist China.

    Is weakening the national economy, literally reducing the standard of living of
    Canadians, and doing this in favour of a foreign nation hostile to the nation-state
    of Canada, one also, infiltrating our political system…is that not an act of subversion?

    How long until serious charges are laid? Or have we lost the Rule of Law?

    Just askin’ for 40 million neighbours…

  5. Considering that there’s no decent Chinese food in all of Saskatchewan, i guess they haven’t infiltrated this province.

    1. That would be most of the prairies. Maybe the ones that can’t cook decently get exiled to our flat, frozen, fly over part of the country. It’s pretty sad that our best available Chinese food is the TV dinners at the grocery store. In the big cities, excellent ones can be found, but you still have to search out the ones that still prepare the food, not just scoop out of 5 gallon pails delivered by truck.

      1. Can you recommend something in Saskatoon? I’ve found very good Indian (Indian Indian, not North American Indian) here, but not Chinese.

        Probably best not to ask at all about deli.

        1. Usually if the restauant has an older matronly woman that seems to be in charge, if the food is excellent and prepared in house, they will be quite proud that they don’t sell off the truck food. If they are defensive or evasive in answering questions, probably best to move on. The hostess at the better ones will be freindly and chatty.

      2. A town 10 mins east of Lethbridge, Coaldale, has a restaurant w/ great Chinese Food: Ming’s Garden. Gotten hella expensive, though.

  6. Justine with his goofy smile and Weng Ping Pong with the ever CCP blank stare… PM Dipshit is numero uno loo-who-se-err

  7. The critical flaw of our system is that it assumed it’s functionaries were moral, Christian observant, people. They could thus be thought of acting somewhat selflessly and nominally in the country’s best interest. Same can be said of the US now, despite the safeguards in its constitution. What we’ve ended up with now is the culmination of decades of “progress” in terms of the evisceration of God and moral absolutism from society. When everything is tolerated and permitted, what is right? This cancer is not just contained to culture but also explains the lack of accountability we see in all positions of power – no one resigns, or is sanctioned, or is charged. Why should they ever admit wrong when relativism is so pervasive?

  8. I think scandals like this is why Trudeau is clinging on to power. I mean the guy is mocked in parliament, Canadians swear at him whenever he makes a public appearance, he is ridiculed by foreign press, scolded or ignored by other national leaders and his poll numbers are in the toilet. Even his fellow MPs criticize him when they leave his government.

    Why does he not resign? Perhaps because he knows the depth of his financial malfeasance and role in foreign interference. He has to stay and use every means possible to suppress investigations. By all indications, Trudeau is an asshole boss so his staff and MPs will probably turn on him the moment he loses power, to save themselves.

  9. Justin doesn’t want to be forced to register as an agent for a foreign power, China. Makes sense. They own his ass.

  10. Justin is basically unemployable post-PM. No skills, no influence, not even a wife who sings badly. nothing, except maybe the UN who has been known to support losers.

    Waiting for Jagmeet’s pension date, as if he needs it …
