17 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Were these Israeli soldiers from the division stationed at Kibbutz Be’eri?
    or were these Israeli soldiers from the dancing division stationed at Kibbutz Re’im?

    (sarcasm… directed at tier 2 Canada’s own Thomson Reuters, remember this next time you’re paying $800 for a ticket to some Juno Award wannabe at Roy Thompson Hall, ask yourself how many other Israeli solders are in the room)

    … or reading The Globe and Mail

  2. Yep and don’t forget they inferred the Pali chick that set off a car bomb was a victim of Israeli abuse. They make me sick, literally.

    1. “Yep and don’t forget they inferred the Pali chick that set off a car bomb was a victim of Israeli abuse. ”

      Two *free* plastic surgeries is what they call “abuse”? Wow.

      (loved their story, though, about how she drove up to the checkpoint and her airbag suddenly deployed *for no reason* (which is impossible) and somehow this managed to ignite the propane cylinder she was carrying inside her car (which is also impossible…)

      “They make me sick, literally.”

      Me too.

  3. Is this a real screen grab from Reuters Twitter account? Or one of the many fakes out there.

    Not that I’m a fan of the MSM.

      1. Art
        I agree Reuters is untrustworthy, but I’m wondering if someone else is faking a Reuters screen.

        I couldn’t find the posted screen at Reuters.
        Yes, they could have deleted it.
        But with the broad SDA readership, I figure someone might have the answer.

  4. This is a side dish to the main entre…which was Reuters embedding journalists inside Hamas on the day of the initial attack. Reuters admitted this…although they vehemently deny having advanced notice of the attack.

    Except Occam’s Razor would suggest that if you have a designated journalist assigned to the event, said journalist would have had to work out a deal with Reuters on how to get paid and for what. You see, Reuters and the other media outlets participating in the attack took the same approach to try and distance themselves from it. They all claimed that the designated journalist was of a free lance nature. Some of the media outlets made a point to publish that they had parted ways with their assignee after the fact. Bean counters at an outlet like Reuters aren’t going purposefully keep themselves in the dark if they’re paying a stringer.

    1. Some years ago I worked for an electronics manufacturer subcontracted by Apple to provide parts for the iPhone. That manufacturer “employed”, knowingly, through three levels of subcontracting cutouts, literal slave labour from China to make the parts.

      Somebody did some digging and connected the dots, and both Apple and the manufacturer got serious blowback from it. Apology tours, the whole thing. Nobody was buying the “oh, we just didn’t know” excuse, Apple had to commit to guarantees that no matter how far down the chain, none of their subcontractors could use slave labour.

      Reuters embeds stringers with terrorists, which implies prior knowledge of the attacks? NOTHING TO SEE HERE, CONTINUE ON ABOUT YOUR DAILY BUSINESS
