12 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. “Hamas supporters at Canadian universities”.

    Brock University President Lesley Rigg has a semi-crazed look on her face. Like she has fully gone over to the dark side.

  2. GD with sh@t like murder, abuse, drug and alcohol addiction, reliance on welfare state, do Indians not have better things to fix than the name of a street? I doubt their own people will know how to pronounce these stupid names. Could you imagine a “new Canadian” trying to pronounce these street names or places when trying to take your food order or delivery?

    God Almighty help us.

    1. In the article, one of those ridiculous spellings is provided with information as to how it is pronounced. Why isn’t it spelt that way? There is no Indigenous written language, or wasn’t until a few short years ago. And who came up with that? It’s absolutely ridiculous.

    2. Or even better, “911, I’d like to report a shooting at the corner of Main and, um… it begins with a W, um…” Total safety issue. Total idiocy.

    3. I read that these new written words are accredited to academic scholars working on reconciliation. Apparently, some Aboriginal, groups or individuals, are gleefully embracing this movement mainly because it infuriates ‘colonialists’. THERE WAS NO WRITTEN INDIGENOUS LANGUAGE UNTIL WESTERN ACADEMICS GOT INVOLVED.

  3. “Everything in Saskatchewan must be renamed.”
    It’s amazing how much bull§hit 3 gays can trowel out for an interview. Nothing about this rises above graffiti.
    If I was a business owner in this area I’d be sure to name these prancing Indians (as they desperately seek inclusion) in my lawsuit to recover costs for closing and moving my business to where my customers and mail can find me.
    Mitakuyé Owâs’ā Centre,… that translates roughly to “all my relations.”
    And what specifically is being endorsed here?
    Does this mean all my homosexual relations… all the daughters Ive raped…? The devil is in the details.
    How do I load šxʷƛ̓exən Xwtl’a7shn into my Garmin? Yeah, you can bet this will be a ghetto.
    Other translated location names:
    “Let’s all be together”
    “Good relationships”

    I suspect this nonsense is as much about pushing native names upon western villages as it is about shoving homosexuality into native traditions.
    Remember the good old days?
    Perhaps “ice too thin for sled” arena.
    “Caribou’s eye” dining hall.
    That’s kind of fun. See the names they’re using aren’t normal. I’d expect any self respecting native to point that out . But no….

  4. Saskatchewan will now revert back to the Cree word kisikaciwani-siply.
    No english pronunciation for you whiteman.

  5. I think the obvious remedy is to get the same font, and post agglutinative street names that mean things like “Dakota s*ck Cree d*cks”, and vice versa, or bad words of other kinds. Fun for everybody!

    Sound-alike words that say funny things in English would be another obvious measure.

    I also notice that they are not changing the names of streets in rich suburbs. Funny that.

  6. The IDIOT LIEberal Hardie doesn’t even know that “burn everything down” is the left-wingnut/socialist/communist manifesto to destroy Christian western culture.
