44 Replies to “Garden Gnome Barbie”

    1. And vile. BTW … all my plastic goes into my local landfill … actually … into my recycling bin. Not a speck of plastic I consume goes into our pristine natural environment. What the hell are these people yapping about? The filthy third world countries with no infrastructure?

      1. Oh, I totally agree! My sister and I took a Panama cruise in January. On our excursion in Guatemala , we saw a lot of plastic bags and garbage in the ditches beside the roads. Our tour guide told us that when it rains in the winter, the rain clears out the ditches and the plastic goes into the Pacific Ocean. He was very nonchalant about this.
        Poor countries do not have the luxury to have recycling programs.

    2. Yes, but Garden Gnome Barbie is an insult to Garden Gnomes.

      The preferred term is “Finance Goblin”.

  1. Well, she doesn’t cackle like her southern counterpart. Her answers about just as bad though.

    1. To be fair to our Finance Goblin, at least she has a real job, although she’s burdened by her white skin, and doesn’t have the double-talent of being part Black AND Brown, just the talent of having (presumed) ovaries.

      I mean, she’s terrible at it her job, but the Veep’s only job is to stay healthier than a guy with advance dementia.

  2. Sorry. Not really. I can’t watch or listen to her anymore. She’s too much of everything vile.

  3. Always with the “Thankyou for the question…” So you have to know in her mind she’s thinking “Damn it!!! How am I going to word salad my way out of this one?”. Without a doubt we have a crisis of competence in this country.
    That woman is so dense, light bends around her.

    1. When a liberal starts off their response with “Thank you for the question,” you know that’s the prelude to them not responding to the question at all.
      “Thank you for the question.” Translation from liberal speak: “I don’t have an answer that would make us look good, so I’m going to ignore the question completely, and just blather on to the point where people listening to me forgets the question that was just asked.”

    1. the stuttering hyper pause , breathless empty hairs voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. the practiced drama teacher style . so yes

    2. I’m glad I’m not the only one who finds her voice intolerable. Apparently there is pressure within the Liberal Party for Junior to resign and for her to seek the leadership instead? The thought of having to listen to her every day … I just can’t.

    3. Jamaica:

      I find Jordan Peterson’s voice extremely annoying.

      Bill Gates too.

      Trudeau’s too but not so much the sound per se as the extremely uncutous junior high delivery.

  4. You know the phrase ‘deer in the headlights’? The new version of that is ‘Freeland was asked a question’.

      1. Her boss said Canadians throw 57 million plastic straws a day into our rivers, lakes and streams, so that’s the reason for banning them.

        Where did he get that ridiculous number? Well the US administration said Americans throw 570 million straws per day into their rivers, lakes and streams and Canada is about 10% of their population so…

        Where did the US get that information? From a school report by a grade 4 boy that somehow went viral.

        That’s the basis for our idiot government actions.

    1. Who are the idiots that voted for this platitude-bot?
      Hang your heads in shame, all of you.
      I’ve seen Vic-20’s that displayed greater intellect.

      1. Who? In the last election it was the rich snots in Toronto Rosedale. Before that it was the socialists of Toronto’s Annex district in Toronto Center.

  5. Aside from the kindergarten teacher’s voice, why does she bobble and twitch so much? Neurologically, what’s really going on there? How in God’s name should she ever be considered to be a future successor to Trudeau the Second? Let alone continue to be a member of Parliament.

    1. Yes, she always strikes me as not properly wired: voice, demeanour, hand gestures, incessant/impatient twitching.

      1. That is the physical evidence of someone telling lies and also afraid that all the other shady stuff she does will come to light.

        1. Stevie, yes, “physical evidence of someone telling lies”.

          Just watched a documentary about philantropath Bill Gates. Same deal with the hand waving that many body lingo experts have cited.

          1. Yup. As Robert noted below, you will know them by their fruits. Sick hand waves and neck twitches and wobbly eyes, etc.

  6. Freeland is in her last days. There is no future for her going forward. She has no political sense and essentially is a ‘made man’. Without the Bong propping her up she wont exist in the LPC.

    She has been in over her head all along.

    I can’t see her running again only to be relegated to the opposition back bench.

    1. Freeland, if she is in freefall, it is freefall upwards. She will get some sinecure at the UN, IMF or WEF.

  7. I hope one of her relatives buys her a dress that actually fits her, she looks like she’s shoe horned into a size four instead of the size she needs.

  8. I’m sorry, I couldn’t watch her blabber after 15 seconds. Nausia. “We all want clean lakes and rivers.”

  9. What’s a “single use” plastic bag? Keep hearing this from Lieberals, especially M Guilbeault. Obviously they run in profligate circles; all our plastic bags from the grocery have had a minimum of one other use. On the otherhand, if one wants to see “single use plastics”, one just has to go down to any “safe injection” site and look at the discarded syringes.
