“He died happy at the hands of those he loved. RIP “

The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward schadenfreude;

A Los Angeles social justice advocate was killed on Monday when a homeless woman, who lived out of her car, broke into his home and shot him.

Michael Latt, 33, the founder of the social justice group “Lead With Love” was the victim of a “tragic act of violence” after he was found suffering from a gunshot wound before being transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead.


27 Replies to ““He died happy at the hands of those he loved. RIP “”

    1. The NY Post broke the Hunter Biden laptop story so I think you are thinking of a different Post.

    2. grok – re conservatives – Liberal media seek out Liberal MP Ken Hardie for comment. He’s good at randomly linking Polievre to gun violence.

  1. I’m going to guess he was a rabid anti-gun nut too?

    Cryin’ shame. So young, with so much to live for, blah blah blah. Excuse me, I’m working on squeezing out a tear here.

  2. This is a pretty heartless take. Helping messed up people involves risk. Thankfully some people are still willing to do it.

    1. “Social justice” is not about helping people.

      “Social justice” is a racket that was created to generate revenue streams for a parasite class.

      The long term goal of “social justice” is to destabilize communities by tearing down the safeguards that protect the innocent and law abiding from predators, undermine the economic well being of that society, and in so doing, replace current economic and societal norms with a totalitarian Marxist utopia.

      Thus, when one of the foot soldiers of “social justice” is eaten by the monster of its creation, schadenfreude is the only legitimate and reasonable reaction.

      1. I get what you’re saying, but I’ll stand by what I said. I don’t feel schadenfreude when someone with different politics to me gets killed, and hope I never do. And as misguided as some may think this guy was, or even as he was, I’ll stand by saying that at least he cared for less fortunate people. Whether or not he went about it in the right way, that’s something society in general could do with a lot more of.

        1. “I don’t feel schadenfreude when someone with different politics to me gets killed…”

          I do. Didn’t use to, but I look at the damage done by you PINHEADS in the name of “caring for the less fortunate” for all these years, and now, I really do. Anti-gun “homeless advocate” socialist murdered by homeless drug burnout with an illegal gun?

          Yeah. As an expression of poetic justice, I’m okay with it. He asked for it, he got it. Toyota.

      2. Paid parasites. You captured it beautifully, Kate.

        One of the commenters on the Post article stated that there are 5 “social workers” per homeless person. If that is accurate, then … WOW!

        We’re woke and we’re broke.

  3. Good thing they have strict gun law in California. Otherwise that guy that died of a “tragic act of violence” coulda been shot and murdered.

  4. Idiot.

    I dunno… “Lead with love” takes on a whole new and opposite meaning when you think of the metal (Pb, A.N. 82)…

  5. Bet a free cup of coffee it turns out the guy was trying to get with her, or already had. Maybe a little bit of a lead with love triangle?
