One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest

And, in a few months the lie will be completely forgotten and the narrative will shift to “Of course it was a lab leak, you crackpot. We never denied that possibility.”*

The UK minister highlighted the virus’s “novel” nature in explaining London’s difficulties combating the pandemic, saying “We were not as well prepared as we should have been ideally, that is true. Again, it’s in the nature of the fact that the virus was novel.”

“And indeed, though I think this probably goes beyond the remit of the inquiry, there is a significant body of judgment that believes that the virus itself was man made — and that presents its own set of challenges as well,” he continued.

15 Replies to “One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest”

    1. Thanks for posting this link. Very good article and analysis. Hopefully Smith follows through with the recommendations – I know a lot of them are supported by the Take Back Alberta movement.

  1. I’ll tell you what I’m keeping an eye on. There were two major sources (a group of Indian researchers & and a French Nobel prize winning medical researcher). Both parties, separate from themselves stated in initially published papers that they thought Covid 19 to be manmade, and had HIV inserts in it as well as other sequences that were not naturally occurring.

    Both parties were immediately laid into by the media, as well as other medical researches associated with government entities (Fauci types). As a result, both papers were pulled and the originators were recipients of character assassination to the highest degree. This was in 2020 and 2021.

    Those parties are not likely to stay quiet and just let this all pass. They’ll be out for some finger pointing on those who tried (and likely succeeded in) to ruin their careers and reputations.

    1. If memory serves me right, one of the parties (the French one) might have had more than just the character assassinated.

      1. Luc Montagnier did pass away just short of 90 years old. But guys like that don’t do their research in a bubble. Hopefully, he served as a mentor as well. He was, also, a major critic of the “vaccine”.

  2. Ya, just like all those muthaf*ckers who claim the jab was never intended to prevent infection or transmission. Disgusting lies. Certain people should be hanging from ropes for what happened. I know I’ll never forgive or forget.

    1. This is why the bastards are resisting the lab source at all; the leak or release is the next obvious question. And then things start getting close to more than criminal negligence, but attempted mass murder.

  3. Actually, just re-watched the movie Gaslight…unfortunate how well it holds up:

    Related perhaps:

    The Liberal steps, Emergency Act version:

    1) we absolutely need this power, but won’t use it
    2) we absolutely had to use it, but just once, for a bit
    3) all done, everyone go home
    4) we’re done, on to better things
    5) we never asked for the power we didn’t want to use
    6) its all Harper’s fault

  4. Wait! If they admit this actually was … the Chyyynah virus … won’t that make them raycyssts?
    Ohhhhhhhh Mommmaaaaaa … such AAPI “hate”

  5. Lie, deny, retreat.
    Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

    Hell, even famous fake Indian singers use the formula.

  6. There is no point in discussing if something that doesn’t exist was created, leaked, or anything else.

    The Coronahoax is a fiction. It is a full-blown lie. No one caught it, no one suffered because of it, no one died of it.

    The only death and suffering was caused by the poisonous injections known as “vaccines”. The controlled media and the POSs who rule us lied about the whole thing, and continue to lie about it today. They lied about deaths to create fear and panic to push people into getting poisoned with “vaccines”. Then when people started dying from the vaccines, they blamed the vaccine deaths on the non-existent Coronahoax. The whole purpose of the deception was to main and kill people, keep up the fiction of viruses, sell people on the usefulness of poisonous injections called “vaccines”, and usher in a new police state era of cryptocurrency and “health passports”.

    1. Yes, and renaming the seasonal flu was a stroke of genius.
      As I have said many times had nothing been done other than treat the flu symptoms the same as always the death toll would be the same as the seasonal flu, which “covid” was.
