
National Post- Terry Glavin: Canadians go full European on immigration skepticism

And after all the obscene celebrations of the Hamas “resistance” operation that involved the sadistic mass murder of more than 1,200 Israelis in the Oct. 7 Simchat Torah pogrom, Canadians have had their fill of it.

The Leger poll showed that 75 per cent of respondents backed the notion that non-citizens should be deported if they publicly express hatred towards a minority group or support a terrorist organization.

Coming soon- Critical Immigration Theory

14 Replies to “Racists”

  1. Such pretty colors…oh no…butterfly effects happening…

    Is yellow snow racist?
    Is it edible?

    Pondering for Christmas that our politicians want eliminated…no matter what bullshitting excuses they are preaching.

    Crazy Jojo…the dog faced boy…
    Wake me up Springer time please.

    Our politicians certainly are entertainment rather than actually addressing ‘real issues of consequence’ and they’re mainstream bought media.

  2. Meanwhile in Jerusalem, Hamas opens fire, during a ceasefire, on about 19 civilians waiting at a bus stop. Killing at least three and wounding 16 others. I have two words for any clown that tries to bring up Gazan civilian casualties – sit down.

  3. With few exceptions Islam is the main/central/common reason every country has started saying, “Oh no, what have we done?”
    Lots of people love their cats, but let them outside – be they well-fed or not – and they slaughter the songbirds unrepentantly.

      1. I shoot rats in my backyard all the time.
        The red dot site is a great tool no matter which platform you choose to mount it on.

  4. But, does anyone sense that breeze that’s blowing though?

    From Sweden (ironically) down through the Netherlands, past Argentina into New Zealand…

    As the saying goes: what can’t go on forever, won’t. The Krazy Khmer Kidz protesting will get their rewards soon when the blowback starts, and we all know they do NOT have the emotional skill sets to deal with it.

  5. “Meloni heads up what has been described as Italy’s most right-wing government since the days of Benito Mussolini.”

    The corpse of Stalin nods and smiles for that bit of useful idiocy

    1. And of course, Mussolini was a socialist, not a conservative. Just like the man with the funny little mustache.

      1. Indeed.

        Conservatives can never be fascists, as the whole “having a government that can meet in a phone booth” thing always gets in the way, not to mention “MYOFB” stuff.

  6. We need some intersectionality studies on where Decolonization meets Critical Immigration Theory.


  7. Mohammed WAS a pedophile. Mohammed WAS a terrorist….

    And Islam is a religion of violence and fanaticism.

    Just look at the countries where Islam is in control, or Western countries who have imported millions of them.

    Pretty clear that bringing them in was a big mistake.
