25 Replies to “The Doctor Will Kill You Now”

  1. ” … deaths are coded to the underlying condition … ”

    So, where would a fellow look for Chronic Depression? Under “t” for turdo, or “B” for Blubber Douggie?

  2. So if I get so depressed I start becoming careless while driving, and end up driving off the road and dying — my death is “coded” as depression?

  3. Obviously, they are too embarrassed to be honest about how many people are choosing MAID because Canada’s rate is substantially higher than other places with euthanasia programs. If they wanted transparency, stats Canada would list MAID and the underlying illness or condition but there isn’t much honesty, transparency or integrity left at public agencies in Trudeau’s Canada.

    Considering Canada’s euthanasia trajectory with the expansion to people with depression/mental illness, I think that voluntary organ donation after MAID will be the next ethical barrier that falls. Unlike people with terminal illness or advanced age, those with mental illness are more likely to have organs in transplant-able condition. Canadian governments have already proven during covid that they have no respect for bodily autonomy or medical choice/ethics. Mandatory organ donation for MAID isn’t much further down that slippery slope…for the greater good, of course.

    1. “Mandatory organ donation for MAID isn’t much further down that slippery slope…for the greater good, of course.” Blackie copying his heroes in China.

      1. The Trudeau Liberals are not acting in the best interest of Canadians. I’m not sure where their governing philosophy originates but their decisions have made regular Canadians poorer and Liberal insiders much richer.

  4. When one cannot deal any longer with increased interest rates and inflation and decides to throw in the towel…is Trudeau listed as the underlying cause?

    Pretty awesome when you’re the disease AND the cure!

  5. So …. You definitely

    cannot trust your government
    cannot trust the media
    cannot trust you doctor (*NEW*)
    cannot trust a fart, sometimes it’s more than expected, like our odious Prime Minister.

  6. Is that opposite of the guy with a heart attack who tested positive for Covid but died of Covid?

    Or just typical government data?

  7. Well, you know, they were going to die from cancer or depression or being unable to access their home with their wheelchair anyway, so let’s just speed up the process and get it over with.

    In 10 years time, if Sox has his way, the leading cause of death will be ‘has conservative values’.

  8. I believe the leading cause of death in some provinces is ‘unknown’, way up from a few years ago. I wonder
    if anything happened in the last few years that might have resulted in this?

  9. In other words StatsCan, a federal government agency, is deliberately lying to Canadians at the behest of their political masters. I wish they were the only one.

    By this argument, if I have stage four cancer but am killed in a car accident on the way to the hospital for chemo, my death will be recorded as due to cancer. What utter, festering dog’s bollocks. They are lying to protect their pathetic boss.

    1. As was alluded to in an earlier post, this is exactly what the hospitals/Drs. were doing with COVID stats, but in reverse. COVID deaths were coded as ‘died from’ as opposed to ‘died with’, regardless of what the actual CoD was.
      In the case of MAID deaths, the presumed FUTURE CoD is elevated to the actual. Fraud, pure and simple.
      if this isn’t clear, take an addicted prostitute, stabbed to death, and call it a drug overdose.

    1. It isn’t important that they died, Paul. What is important is if they died in the approved fashion, according to the guidelines.

  10. So accordingly…if a cancer patient dies in a car crash…the cause of death would be…cancer?
    Unfriggin’ believable.

  11. AHHH… but a kid dying with Stage 4 brain cancer was labeled as a Covid death till his parents blew the whistle on AHS in Alberta.

    Same with all elderly folks with serious medical conditions.

    Sick f cks, all of them, protecting their corrupt Liberal leader.

    1. To be fair, they deal with the information supplied to them. They’re not innocent, but in this case the majority of the blame has to go to the Medical mafia. (What else can you call an entity which uses strong-arm tactics against it’s members?)

  12. At the rate they are expanding their kill lists don’t be surprised if they team up with Chapter 11 companies to help ease the burden of being bankrupted by Justin’s policies.

  13. The term MAD (medically assisted death) not MAID must always be used.
    DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) must always be called DIE.
    Never accept their terms.

    1. MM is better. Medicalized murder. Or, for the ones that actually requested it, SBD, Suicide By Doctor. Still a mortal sin, last I checked.

      I still say they should put a diving board on the hospital roof and a dumpster in the parking lot under it. Better, cheaper, and much easier to tell the real volunteers from the ones being murdered.
