14 Replies to “Justin Defends His CBC”

  1. “I am really looking forward to talking more to Canadians about the future of the CBC.”

    Bring it, Hot Pants. By the time I’m finished presenting my case, you’ll wish to hell you’d never made your offer.

  2. Why we are funding the CBC should be ask by all Canadians!!!! Take all funding away from the them immediately!
    They represent none of the values of TRUE Canadians!

  3. Guess she did not read the “Readership review” CBC did.
    Nobody in the tax paying world cares to listen to the propaganda wing of The Liberal Party of Can Ahh Duh.
    She may not appreciate where that ““I am really looking forward to talking more to Canadians about the future of the CBC.” will go.

    But of course,she is a Liberal..So any coherent discussions of what her organization can do with their paid activists ,will be ignored as they pour more tax dollars into the cess pit and tell us all how much we support their propaganda.

    Lips are moving?
    She/It is lying!

  4. I am reminded of a buddy in university, who picked up a pretty girl one night, and 10 minutes later came back to the bar. I asked him what happened, and he said I was going to f*ck her brains out, but after talking to her it was clear someone beat me to it.
    I spit up beer.

  5. Here’s an idea. How about we stop direct funding of the CBC completely. Instead, every individual who files a tax return (about 28 million) can designate $50 to funding the CBC. If every filer agreed, this would generate $1.4 billion, about what parliament authorizes annually without any public input. Given that only 5% see any value in funding the CBC, this would likely provide funding of $70 million which, in my opinion, still is a crazy amount but the people will have had the opportunity to vote with their money directly.

    1. I’m not keen on that idea at all. The income tax form is already far too complicated and onerous to complete. As the government has all the info, income tax returns should be a simple form sent to you, already completed, and all you should need to do is review and sign. I believe there are a number of countries that already do this. CBC – just go away!

    2. Great idea and this would show the true support (as in non-support) the CBC has..
      If they get to be the next government this should be a priority for the Conservatives (as in first six months).
      The other option is to tell the CBC that if the news division isn’t shuttered there will be no more funding.

    3. Or adapt the UK system to Canada:
      If ya wanna watch CBC/Global/CTV, it’ll cost you a $200/yr “license fee.”

  6. I got lots….but none of it the printable variety.

    CBC/CTV/Global/McLeans etc. = Are All NAZI Propagandists… Supported by our Tax Dollars. Herr Untermensche Trudeau is IMO, a Bona Fide NAZI 100% beholden to the one who would see a 4th REICH created, Klaus Schwab.
