32 Replies to “Early Christmas Present From CBC”

    1. That Google 100 mil was probably funding buyouts.. But there should be some good stories coming from dis gruntled exes.

  1. A bloated walled garden of leftism.. And that’s fine but I don’t like the idea that I’m forced to support them with my tax dollars.. Government sanctioned illegal campaign funding..

    The best deal in the world.. Force your political opponents to fund their own demise.. Talk about grandstanding..

    If such a thing is going to exist it must give clean equal time to both left, right and none of the above.. lean into the entertainment and ease off on the activism.. A pipe dream..

  2. How about Tait, Barton and Suzuki go before Christmas and the rest get done in the New Year. Tait is an absolutely abhorrent person.


    1. A further rumour is that the employees are being replaced by ChatJPJT, a bilingual AI platform developed by a top secret skunkworks in the PMO.
      A minor glitch was detected during beta testing after ChatJPJT arranged to honour a Nazi in Parliament during Zelensky’s visit, but now it’s been perfected.

  3. I know some of them who work at CBC Calgary, they worked in private radio before they got hired at CBC. Most are Communists. I hope they get sacked.

  4. It will be interesting to see how the 600-700 are distributed. For example, will Radio-Canada be exempted in part? Will the missing be concentrated in English language news services? Western Canada?

    It will also be interesting to see if the federal government enhances the CBC’s inflow from the federal public purse.

    It will be interesting to see what if any programs are cut.

    It will be interesting to see if Justatwit or any of his senior ministers have anything to say about this. You may be certain that PP will have lots to say.

  5. As I uttered in my only stage appearance in elementary school as Tiny Tim.
    God bless us, every one!

  6. I really hate cheering when someone loses their job, but the CBC is completely populated by truly evil commies who actively work against Albertan interests. They’re almost as bad as the Liberals and NDP. (I know; they’re one and the same)

    1. Not one of the CBC employees had their bank accounts frozen. There probably wasn’t much sympathy from CBC employees for regular folks just wanting to provide for their families in peace.

  7. These are the lucky ones. They get to potentially work somewhere else where they might learn that they have to produce something of value for the people paying for it. Those left behind will persist in an environment that lives off coercion and theft until the nation is led by someone who pulls the plug on that.

  8. It’s rumored CBC employees plan to foil the whole scheme by not watching…
    Take that!

  9. Hahahahaha.
    Commissar Tait making a zoom proclamation from her 5.4 million dollar home in New York City to her useless idiots at the CBC, while Gboarding to her ex Mossack Fonseca colleague advisor.

  10. Maybe they can get one of those good-paying jobs in the green sector which apparently is exploding right now. You know, maybe to mine lithium for batteries, or work in that subsidized battery plant, or mine copper for wind turbines, or get a job decommissioning expired wind turbines and burying their unrecyclable blades, you know.

    Either way, that was the most cheering news I’ve heard in a long time.

  11. Radio Canada is very popular in quebek. Maybe some parking lot attendant or part-time janitor will get the pink slip but nobody of significance will be shown the door.

    If the CPC wins an election don’t expect anything to happen to the cbc in quebekkie.

  12. What bet they’re going to target the regional stations and leave the bloated bureaucracy in Toronto seriously alone? We listen to Radio 2 for the classical program during day, and I will go to the local AM program 3 – 6 pm if driving as fairly reasonable. Would hate to lose them, though wouldn’t miss any of the “national” AM program during the rest of the day.
