I am Spartacus! I am Duncan!

Do y’all like gladiator movies? What’s better than a bunch of big men trying to kill each other with swords, axes, spears and just good old fashioned bare fists. Not much in my opinion. It’s like UFC, except there is all that blood, dismemberment and death. The classic line by Russell Crowe in Gladiator “Are you not entertained?” always come to mind.

Like all screwed up stories in Canada lately, this one begins with our fearless leader, Justin Trudeau.

4 Replies to “I am Spartacus! I am Duncan!”

  1. A tax is a tax is a tax.. Except this one is more punishment than anything else.. I get it, rural east coast is still burning oil for home heat because they dont have gas lines.. Just as I have no place to plug in my car..

    I wonder if glorious Justin will spare me a crucifixion and let me burn french fry oil in my car.. If I promise to vote Liberal :)..

  2. Duncan could also be said to be following in the footsteps of BC’s Dr. Pat McGeer:
    “One of the groups Dr McGeer resisted was the CRTC and its mission to force Canadian content onto consumers. That did not fit well with Pat’s somewhat libertarian views. In June 1980, as Minister of Communications in BC, he described the Canadian-content requirements as being just as bad as being behind the iron curtain and not being able to listen to certain stations. His defiance in response to an order prohibiting Canadians from using satellite dishes led him to place a large satellite dish on the lawn of the BC Legislature.”
    Dr. McGeer did not get arrested, and rural BC residents proceeded to install satellite dishes so that they could get something besides the CBC.
    Kudo’s to Saskatchewan’s current political leaders for standing up to Ottawa’s tyrannical hypocritical bullies and wormtongues.

  3. Pass a law, invoke the notwithstanding clause and forget about it for five years, then do it again.
