19 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. Joe Vipond is another nutty communist. He should have his medical credentials pulled as he is dumber than a bag of rocks and less useful.

  2. Well…I just finished reading the “Gay Bible”

    Spoiler alert:

    He turns everyone into a pillar of salt.

  3. The homosexual bible? Does it give sexual advice? Just waiting for the Sodom and Gomorrah treatment here. They can’t leave anything untouched by their immoral filth. What is worse is that stupid ignorant people will support their perversion and destruction of moral values.

      1. Yes. I’ll quote a verse I’m certain didn’t make it into the gay Bible: “It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” The perpetrators of this atrocity might want to consider that before they meet him, while they’re still breathing.

    1. I can only imagine how the “Trans” community are interpreting Matthew 5:29 … ?

      If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell.

  4. Dr. Vipond says he went to the climate conference because he was scared.

    I suspect the real reason is that someone paid him to go so he could slag Alberta; which will shortly be followed up by Trudeau mandating oil and gas caps.

    He wouldn’t have gone if he had to pay his own way, or pay for his own food or hotel room. I don’t think he was THAT scared.

    1. Public sector unions – whose funds originate from tax payers – likely paid for him. May his private jet crash on his return trip.

  5. Alberta should separate along with any other province that will join up. Then Blackie Canada can attain Net Zero. We know Blackie has!

  6. School kids couldn’t care less about the Left’s BS. All they care is they get to goof off from school.

  7. A “queer bible” is no Bible at all. There will be a day of reckoning. The real Bible says so.
