13 Replies to “The Only Way To Save The Planet”

  1. This is in the Emirates Mall.
    There are skating rinks too, in the Dubai Mall.
    All with zero carbon emissions of course…

  2. There goes my punchline that saying Justin Trudeau is smart is like saying you have the best downhill ski hill in Dubai…

  3. As long as Canada keeps buying Arab oil instead of mining our own, we are helping pay for this extravagance.
    Coulda had a decent highway in Saskatchewan…

  4. Ahhhhh … but the good news is !! They have all the diesel fuel they could ever want for … for cheap! Making that snow is economical sitting on all those reserves. OTOH … Germany can’t even afford to power their chairlifts and snowcats at Ofterschwang …

  5. So yeah tell me again who is running the world? The only export out of the Middle East is fossil fuels. Tell me Trudeau’s ban on Canadian Oil is going to slow global Warming. The last hundred years or so has moved Arab cities in the Middle East into the Twenty First century while cities in the West are hell-bent on sending us back into the Middle or even the Dark Ages.

  6. Gender oppression, racism, religious sectarianism, and massive carbon emissions. The Progressives are surely screaming about it.

  7. That place looks like it smells funny. That weird refrigeration/hockey rink smell, you know?

  8. I spent the early to late seventies as a ski bumb/ski instructor.
    Travelled a whole shit load of the world.
    Can i get that time back ? no compensation required, just a hi would suffice.
