10 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Why ask CTV to investigate him…. Unleash the full power of the lunatics at the CHRC and OHRCs upon him…

    and his editor

  2. Not trying to defend a Jew hater named Omar, but these pickle-heads who read teleprompters don’t do the writing.

  3. It’s not just Omar. Newsreaders are reading from a teleprompter. It’s about the entire gang of producers and scriptwriters behind Omar. This is about CTV as a corporate entity.

  4. So far Omar seemed more decent then that old witch Lisa LaFlamme. But I guess, doing prostitution daily, makes sense that you’re devolving.
    For ex Hamamdjian: she was at CTV, not quite berserk. But now she’s at Global doing ‘correspondence’ from Israel. She devolved, she’s really bad, going daily with “omg poor Gaza/West Bank”. Disgusting BS.

    1. Hamamdjian’s husband is Andrew MacDougall. He worked in the PMO for PM Harper for over 5 years. He was Director of Communications at the end when he resigned.

  5. He just ends up looking stupid as they chant ‘bring them home’. At least to those without woolen coats.

  6. Oh, C’mon, people. Where have you been during the past 3 years? CTV (fake)”News” has been misrepresenting the facts for decades now, or hasn’t Glenn McGregor taught you a thing or two during the convoy “occupation?”

    This is old news. I’m surprised anyone still takes CTV (fake)”News” seriously.
