81 Replies to “From The River To The Sea”

    1. I hope they DNA every rat their and compare to the rape victims..and then do something xtra special for the winners. Publically.

    1. I hope against hope that their leader XYahya Sinwar is with them wearing the same uniform!

  1. This was a horrible plan by Israel. They should’ve filled the tunnels with carbon monoxide instead.

    1. Actually, it’s a brilliant strategy; the tunnel rats can hear and see the in-rushing water. It’d be panic and chaos down there. It’s salt water so shorting out the electrical system would be almost instantaneous, leaving the occupants in the dark.

    2. Pete

      Gassing Hamas would have been exceedingly bad optics. World wide headlines “Israel gasses Palestinians”

      Seawater, it’s relatively harmless compared to a poison gas.
      I suspect there’s also a psychological component by using sea water. Hamas terrorists would fear being trapped underground, in the dark, by sea water.

      I suspect that sea water wouldn’t be good for any weapons stored in the tunnels.

      1. Joke
        And the optics would change nothing, the hate for Jews is already maxed out.
        And clown that posted in here under the name Joe, said he called secular Jews atheists, and not Jews, and my secular Jewish friend thinks that that is anti antisemitism.

      2. joe, you happen to be right. Optics aside, flooding is the simplest way to clear tunnels. Tactically effective in forcing evacuation without the need to storm them. The only ones who die are Hamas terrorists.

    3. Why use gas when you can pump hundreds of tons of seawater into those tunnels.

      Surf’s up in Gaza, Dude!

      1. Think the main reason why the Israelis haven’t taken that simple option is because there may be hostages being kept in the tunnels.

      2. Acetylene is even better and more spectacular… you don’t have to worry much about the fuel-air mixture, and once the explosion starts, it quickly turns into a detonation. Very, very spectacular!!!

        1. Lets not loose sight of the fact there are an estimated 300 miles (or Kilometres?) of tunnels. That’d would take a hell of a lot of pretty much anything… sea water is free, and plentiful.

        2. AS a ticketed Journeyman Welder…I totally concur.
          Acetylene (C2H2), is the most EXPLOSIVE gas known to man. If i’m not mistaken, it has an explosive range from about 2% – ~12% in air.

          Mixed with pure O2….look the F out.!!
          In the Early 80’s ago, I worked at Farm Implement Dealer Northern Alberta- in the Back shop they had built a 1800’s style Cannon – using ball mill balls (steel) as shot. They filled up the Chanber, loaded a Ball and ignited it…Massive Bang & said Ball flew near 1/2 km right through an old wooden grain elevator.

          Spirit River, Ab.

  2. I’ve heard 5000 of the 15,000 killed so far are Hamas terrorists. I’ve also heard that Israeli soldiers have killed 1/5 of the terrorists. That suggests the number of Hamas terrorists is roughly 25,000. None of these figures are verified, but that’s a lot of terrorists. Sad that there has been no news at all of any Palestinians turning in a single Hamas terrorist.

    1. Oh … I am certain there are millions of moderate “Palestinians” … as they are all adherents of the Religion of Peace … right? George Bush told me so … repeatedly. And a moderate Republican knows about such things.

        1. *sigh* … yes … mankind … ALL of mankind … is flawed. Which is why we desperately need redemption and salvation … all of us. Even the Priesthood.

        2. GYM…. There you go again. Get it through your thick skull that less than 1% of RCC priests are pedophiles, and those incidents date back 10 years or longer.
          So get off your moral high horse and get with the program.

          It’s time to retire that one-trick pony. NOBODY’s talking about “pedophile priests” anymore… Nobody but you, that is… who is just another nobody!

          1. GYM isn’t able to find treatment for his/her/its ässholia, it’s baked into the DNA. Either that or it’s just a big troll; either way you’re casting pearls before swine by responding.

            And catholic clergy pedos offend at the same rate as schoolteachers and others who come into contact with kids, but that’s just old news.


          2. fc
            And there you go, easy fix, boycott the “church”, problem will be solved CHOP CHOP , Until you take that action, or equally effective action , you are an enabler of pedophilia, Kahpeach?

          3. mhb
            And you have a point? Or are you too stupid to grasp that “others” do also, is not a defense, just an enabling deflection.

          4. Heck, the incidence of sexual abuse against children is far higher in the public school system than it ever was within the Catholic Church. Yes, the Church failed in its efforts to address the problem, but the public school systems have not just failed to address the problem, they ignore it until it becomes something being prosecuted by a District Attorney.

          5. GYM:
            I’m tired of you smearing my spiritual leaders by throwing them under the bus. You’re nothing but a spiteful hack with an ax to grind. But now you topped it off by smearing me as an enabler of pedophilia.

            I am all for free speech, but there comes a point when hateful bigots like you need to be called out and cancelled. You’re almost as bad as the antisemites.

            My only regret is that there’s no “reply” link under your last spiteful and distasteful comment so that you can’t see what I really think of you.

        3. Wow, yet another kiddie-diddling fag who hates the Church because it got to some of those kids first.

      1. Moderate Muslims eh..??

        Must be them guys who hand the executioner his sword while filming the beheading.

        No such thing as a Moderate Muslim.

    1. Sandy:
      Carl I want you to kill all the gophers on the golf course

      Carl Spackler:
      Correct me if I’m wrong Sandy, but if I kill all the golfers they’ll lock me up and throw away the key.

      Not golfers, you great fool. Gophers. The *little* *brown*, *furry* *rodents*.

      Carl Spackler:
      We can do that. We don’t even need a reason.

    2. I use those vicious spring loaded traps that impale the moles with steel spikes through their little small dead animal heads. Surely these traps could be scaled-up to human, err inhuman size?

      1. Kenji – google “man traps”. They might not be quite so vicious as your version, but they were used for a good few years.

    1. Oh, it’s even better than that… if you had any idea how much the Middle Eastern culture abhors being exposed nearly naked, you would realize what utter humiliation these tunnel rats are experiencing. They may like watching porn, but few would ever expose their near-naked bodies to anyone. It’s so bad that a lot of men would never have relations with their wives unless the room was totally dark.

  3. I heard the reason they hadn’t flooded the tunnels much earlier in the campaign was that they thought that the sea water would contaminate the aquifiers serving Gaza rendering them useless, and serverely degrading the land in Gaza. Making it harder to re-Israeli-ze.

    I guess there is no going back.

    1. The aquifers under Gaza are pretty well useless anyway. Between overdrawing the water table, and very bad sewage management practices, the water is either unavailable or unfit to drink. Most of their potable water comes from desalination plants (courtesy of Israel, of course).

  4. I keep hearing Gaza equated to a concentration camp. Appears to be a well fed concentration camp.

    1. And yet there are ‘Çanadians’ there voluntarily, trying to get out AFTER they lit the fuse.

        1. For me, yes, Gaza is better than Toronto, because it is farther away. I wish Toronto could be moved there

      1. Canadians of convenience, just like lebanon a few years ago…

        I wonder how many of them claimed to be refugees, got PR, and then went back home while collecting government benefits, while waiting on citizenship…

    2. Same as Egypt did but they also added all the raw sewage they could get there hands on, so they were effectively swimming in their own $##t, how fitting.

  5. The number one health concern in Palestine is obesity, and it appears those men are a little to well fed.

  6. When I first noticed the shoes scattered around I mistakenly thought it was a pre/post salah pic.

  7. too bad they didn’t have mass quantities of dog spit (yeah, don’t ask me where they’d get it–it’s hypothetical) or pig blood. That would even be better.

    1. It was fun watching leftist heads explode during the gulf war when there were rumours that some western troops were smearing pig blood on their bullets.

  8. I suspect the reason the Hamas terrorists are in their underwear is the threat of suicide bombs or guns strapped to their body, hidden under clothes. A condition of their surrender would be to strip first before leaving cover.

  9. i must say, aside from the agenda driven posting types, the comedy on this site is way above and beyond anything on television and the movies. I just about regurgitated my coffee with the diet crack.

  10. Sweep the tunnels for hostages. Put the terrorists back in. Pump them full of sea water and set the charges. Water is a great amplifier for the explosives.

    1. Might save alot of resources if they just introduce a a few dozen saltwater crocodiles and let nature take its course.

  11. The vitriol in many of these comments is disheartening. And very revealing.

    Every single person in that lead photo is a lifelong victim of something much larger than themselves. And so is everyone reading this right now.

    Anyone who has been paying even a little attention the past little while should know that viscerally at this point and be rightly furious. Your fury is misdirected.

  12. // Your fury is misdirected. //

    And, as it’s clear now, this had nothing to do with flooding tunnels,
    which they were only thinking about the next day.
    Rather, the IOF are arresting anyone of possible fighting age
    found not to have left the area.
    Assuming they are fighters for the nonce, much like the
    drone warriors under Obama etc would consider any civilian
    of fighting age to be a newly dead terrorist.
