43 Replies to ““Mayor Jyoti Gondek” Is Not A Character In A Hamas Propaganda Video”

  1. She had no idea that other years the ‘Jewish community ‘ celebration was part of Israel’s history?
    Seriously daft, or just delusional??

  2. Question-cum-contest: guess how long before this she(it?)-buffoon walks this back?

    Additional points if anyone can correctly anticipate the word salad/tortuous pretzel logic/mealy-mouthed mock-apology that she – I mean her PR-agency/flak-catchers/tin-eared political consultants – will employ!

      1. From the mayor’s wiki:

        “Born in London, England,[4] Gondek is the daughter of Indian Punjabi Sikh parents Jasdev Singh Grewal, a lawyer, and Surjit Kaur Grewa”

        woke is equal opportunity… though I do think she’s on good terms with the previous mayor of Calgary.
        Next municipal elections in AB are 25. Oct. 2025

    1. Programmable scanner tabulators were used. Every second vote for Farkus was flipped to GoneBitch.

      1. …BINGO….!!
        1000% Correct Mike.

        I voted in Deep South, handed ballot to election official, she promptly puts it into DOMINION Voting machine.

        This Psychotic piece of Commie Trash was INSTALLED. No ifs or butts. Take a good look around the country, do you see anywhere a staunchly Conservative Mayor …… anywhere..??

        Coast to Coast all Woke Progressive GARBAGE.

    2. I knew the city was toast (I lived there from 2002 to 2014) when they elected Nenshi as mayor. He was supposedly a “good Muslim” as he is a practicing Ismaili Muslim. I think he was one of the worst mayors ever (certainly liked to increase the property taxes and fees for “this, that and everything”). But then the population elected “her”.
      So glad that I left.

      1. An Ismaili Muslim certainly counts as a “good Muslim”. The Ismailis don’t accept several central doctrines of Islam, notably the toxic ones. They consider themselves Muslims. Objectively, they look more like a sane, sensible Abrahamic religion passing as Muslim so the Muslim neighbours don’t kill them. They tend to live in Canada because Muslim countries kill them. A big chunk, perhaps a majority, of Islamic Calgary is Ismaili. They’re the ones that never cause problems.

        Nenshi wasn’t a worthless jerk because of his religion. It was a personal achievement.

    3. Between Calgary electing leftist mayors and Redmonton I think it’s largely folly to think Alberta will ever grow the spine to truly save itself from the progressive wasteland that Canada has become. The disease has taken root in her big cities and will slowly if inevitably spread from there.

      1. This is largely the case. What kills the civic elections in the big cities is the NDP and their public union pals are really good at getting behind their preferred candidates. Most civic elections are really backed by public sector unions and property developers, both largely supporting the same people since the provincial Liberals self-imolated, and run by the NDP (which really is a national organization), which largely means a more right of centre candidate is out in the wilderness against the electoral machine.

      2. Pretty similar here in Wisconsin. Milwaukee and Madison, its two biggest cities, are very blue while rural areas and smaller towns are mostly red. Voters in the large cities tend to pull the whole state to the left.

      3. The ‘Right’ runs half a dozen candidates and divides the votes. Progress Alberta is a union run propoganda mill that throws its support behind one candidate. A coalition or party system would help but she did get the votes, the right just defeated themselves.

    4. Virtually no one voted for Gondek.

      Just as virtually no one voted for the narcissistic, morbidly obese, ultra far-left, lying, treasonous communist faggot, Naheed Nenshi.

      But they were both (s)elected to be the puppets to govern over Calgarians by the cowardly scum who actually rule us from behind the curtain.

  3. She knows that her city has 96000 rapidly breading Muslims versus less than 9000 Jews. Add in the +/- 50% moron / progressive vote of the rest and she stays in power. It’s really that simple.

  4. Yes Mayor, you’re damned right it forces people to choose a side, and we can clearly see whose side you’re on. Weak-kneed, lily-livered, spaghetti spined people of your ilk have no business in politics, unfortunately it seems that these are the only people that are left in Canada. Canada has a vile history when it comes to the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. To remove yourself from this ceremony reeks of taking a knee to the demands of the Palestinian terrorists. The Palestinians in Gaza have a choice they can either oust and remove the terrorists that organized the October Massacre or they can be driven into the sea as the terrorists wish to do with the Israelis. Your choice to remove yourself from a Jewish ceremony that far predates the Muslim religion is an indication that you are no better than the government of King when it refused entry of the Jews on the St. Louis. It is small wonder that Canadian politicians and their electorate are so easily bullied into submission by loud vocal minorities. No wonder we are the first post-national state when we submit without a whimper to the demands of the globalists, the international vocal minority!

  5. Jyoti Gondek has been a continual embarrassment to the city of Calgary since her election. She is pro-union and also inherited Naheed Nenshi’s cultural voting base from northeast Calgary. She misled Calgarians as to what her priorities were until being elected. Declaring a ‘climate emergency’ and then killing the first arena deal through last minute climate change costs were done almost immediately after her election. She will be a ‘one and done’ and it can’t come soon enough.

  6. The vast majority of Gaza supports Hamas.
    If Hamas is wiped out, destroyed and their tunnels completely flooded with sea water, then elections are held in whatever remains of Gaza, will the Gazans vote for a party not like Hamas? or vote for another party just like Hamas, but using a different name? When that political party cites their religion as being their guide in the world, which religion will it be? Which texts will that religion follow?

    That’s why, it isn’t just Hamas which needs wiping out.
    Calgary’s Mayor simply counts the number of voters from each side, and goes with her majority supporters, the same as 90% of the politicos in the west.

    1. Yes, Israel needs to wipe out Hamas then kick all the Arabs out of Gaza and move their residents in – forever.
      Then turn their focus to the West Bank. Rinse and repeat.

  7. The Error of Calgary: I cannot fathom the link between the Menorah lighting, support for Israel and her atrocities suffered. For that reason, and because I hate Jews as white supremacist oppressors, I must decline to do my job.

    Our Cowardly New Collectivist World, where the intelligent must yield to ignoramus racists so as not to offend.

    1. Isn’t the racist B-word subject to human rights legislation. Not doing her job because of race is racism. Mind you, I’m sure the Human Rights Commission is staffed by Jew hating bastards.

      1. US hater Jayapal says we can’t get bogged down in a “hierarchy of oppression” aka, cannot explain away Hamas atrocities of murdering civilians intentionally, rape, torture, kidnapping, who advertised their war crimes to the world, while Jew hating bigots demand “balance,” v.v. their malevolent mendacity.

  8. “There is no sides to choose when terrorists incite violence by murdering innocent Israelis, knowing retaliation will follow and lead to the murder of innocent palestinians”

    a jellyfish has more backbone

  9. Play with matches with Marxists, and you’ll get a fire you didn’t expect .
    Pretty simple. What an effing disgrace she is to the (once) beautiful city of Calgary.

  10. “…and has left me feeling let down by leadership”

    Don’t be so hard on yourself. We’ve all been there.

  11. Wouldn’t it be ironic if Hamas’ and its sympathisers’ goal “from the river to the sea” comes about, only in the opposite way? Be careful what you wish for, eh?

  12. Menorah, Hanukkah, Jewish.

    Yes mayor, ALL of these are ISRAELI, i.e. ISRAEL.

    Stupid runs deep in this one………….

  13. She doesn’t want to attend because it’s become political.

    Thank goodness Pride is completely apolitical, otherwise how would she spend the summer season. (Oops I mean Pride season).

    Of course but not attending she’s made it political.

  14. I’m a Calgarian and I wrote all of council today. I asked which one of them would stand up in council chambers and denounce the mayor as an anti-semite.

    1. Wondering which council members will attend the menorah lighting? Thinking that will be a big “tell”.

  15. The Rockies aren’t that far away.
    Somebody call Bigfoot to come down for a good ol’ fashioned box kicking.

    1. She WAS NOT elected Warren

      This psychotic Commie Beotch was INSTALLED. No one had ever heard of this cretin before. This was Jeremy Farkas election to win.

      The election was Stolen using Dominion Voting Machines – We can thank our local ChiCom/Soros Filth.
