23 Replies to “No Matter How Much You Hate Media”

  1. The Liberal/NDP party have bought our media for 760 million! This has never before been done in a Western Democracy!! The truth no longer matters to most journalists! The decay of Democracy!

    1. The mistakes never go the other way. We never see a positive spin on Israel, Trump, etc.

      Surely a coincidence.

  2. Wow! Almost like when SCTV was pirated by 3CP1 but this time by inbred goat humping terrorists. I admire the professionalism of CTV’s Tawny Beaver (“it’s Beav-eh”) and Earl Camembert for not flinching in the face of this treachery. Kudos!

  3. No Matter How Much We Hate The Media, they will always manage to enrage everyone just that much more. They are making it oh-so-much easier for PP to gut them like dead fish after the next election. It’s almost as if they have a death wish.

    I wonder if these scum have any idea of how much most Canadians hate them these days?

    1. But most Canadians don’t hate them. Most Canadians still tune in to this MSM scum for ‘the news’.

      1. Most Canadians are sheep. Let’s just admit it. And not very bright at that but oh so kind and nice. Not like those loudmouth mean Americans.

      2. Sorry, both of you are wrong. Television news viewership declines every year on a year-over-year basis. This has been going on for at least three decades since the early 1990s.

        Turning to newspapers, it’s the same thing. Newspaper subscriptions also decline every single year for the past two decades. Like television news, newspapers are under a dual squeeze. They are losing viewers or readers, and they are losing advertising and advertising revenue.

        Yes, both of these legacy media forms have some audience. But it declines every single year. This is why Justatwit’s government was going to extraordinary measures to try to salvage some revenue for them out of the new media controlled by Google and Meta. It should tell you something that Google and Meta said, “get stuffed” to the government, and the government caved this month. Google and Meta are far bigger and more powerful than the government of Canada.

          1. Even worse is that the majority of younger Canadians rely on social media platforms for their news. And we all know how “accurate” the information on those platforms is.

  4. There is a way to express your feelings: Boycott Bell. Don’t buy or subscribe to anything Bell, especially their cash-cow, The Shopping Channel.

  5. The question is not if someone should be fired. It is how many need to be fired, then fire them on the spot, and then fire their supervisors and their supervisor’s supervisors.

    1. “We again apologize for the errors in the credits. Those who were responsible for sacking the people who were responsible have been sacked.” Monty Python – The Quest for the Holy Grail

  6. Hey @JesseBrown

    Go to CTVnews.ca and scroll down to the bottom.
    Click on Editorial Standards & Policies.
    Read the Diversity Statement.

    An excerpt:
    “Bell Media employees are asked to complete a diversity questionnaire, from which data is analyzed on a monthly basis. Reports on this data along with their action plans are presented to Bell Media’s Diversity Leadership Council, so it can monitor progress against benchmarks and established goals in its efforts to employ and build a diverse workforce.”

    Then ask yourself how a news department can reconcile that diversity statement with objective and impartial news reporting.

  7. That looks maliciously edited into the b-roll footage. Look at how the reporter just suddenly stops talking as she’s confused and I bet you so is everyone else in the studio and control. Someone’s getting a firing at CTV.

  8. Pah…I have not listened to or watched MSM for at least 20 yrs and counting…100% Useless – Lies – Propaganda & utter BS.
    & That shite started a long LONG time ago.

    It used to be called Social Engineering.

    1. it’s not available under Kate’s post but I’m guessing that that “private” video is what is available (without a login) at the link to X? Normally there’s an “also” or other explicit mention when the linked comment is different from the embedded.
