15 Replies to “The Climate Genocide”

  1. “patriarchy” and “white supremacy” lifted more people out of poverty and misery than any other group or philosophy ever, in the history of the planet.

    There. I fixed it for them.

    These simpleton communists are falsely idealizing a pre-industrial planet. Trust me … they aren’t gonna like living the way they’re planning.

    1. The only purpose for stories such as these is to keep the flames of hate burning – from both sides. Try not to be manipulated and instead look for who’s trying to pit us against each other.

      1. You are what the Russian Communists called a “useful idiot”. Hatred is precisely the attitude we normal folks need to have toward any of these leftard elites who want to take us backward in time. The sooner we start killing them, the better off the world will be.

    2. They have no plans to live that way themselves. Old Russian joke.

      Brezhnev is trying to impress his mother now that he is President of the USSR. In his long, black Zil limousine, he brings her to his mansion in Moscow, shows her around, points to all the latest western appliances and expensive furniture but all mama can do is shake her head and, “Tsk, tsk, tsk.” He brings her to the Kremlin and shows her his luxurious office. Still “Tsk, tsk, tsk.” He brings her out to his fancy dacha in the countryside. Still, “Tsk, tsk, tsk.” Exasperated, he says, “Mama, aren’t you impressed with any of this?” She looks at him and says, “Leonid, what if the communists come back?”

  2. The silver lining is as long as unhinged nincompoops like this piece of work hold positions of authority, nothing is going to get done.
    “Colonization has brought with this the imposition of patriarchy which has turned and twister(sic) and perverted our culture into a colonial structure where we are told we need to adopt these systems and we have been forced into these patriarchal systems,” claimed Deranger.
    She’s arguing on one hand as an activist addressing climate change. On the other hand, she arguing that the process being used to address climate change is a patriarchy. If I were going to place a mole into the movement to slow it down. This is exactly the approach I would take.

  3. These eco-warriors couldn’t find their own ass hole,, if all their fingers where flashlights.

  4. Global warming is the Joe Plumber circle jerk of leftism.. A very big tent of full frontal show me the money.. All we can do is ride out the politics until the money runs out.. The fix is in and they outnumber us 2 to 1 at home and 10 to 1 globally..

    The big business plan the couldnt rub two nickels together to make a dime.. Followed by a very motivated and satisfying war.. I think we miss that the most.. All this peace has forced us to declare war on ourselves.. Boy, is it going to be ugly..

  5. Thinking here that the global warming cult picked on the suggestion of certain Suzuki.
    The guy stated that hot or cold, dry or wet, sunshine or darkness, colonialism, inflation, the hills and the valleys of everyday life, white supremacy, and so on and so on, are all caused by global warming.
    There is no escape to normal, it’s all locked in now.
    Maybe the current generation, when they will eat the bugs, keep warm with wood, get places walking, maybe they will change their thinking.
    Then again, maybe not, the dogma is strong.
