8 Replies to ““…as a charity there is no way we could support that.””

  1. Twit is all for Just Stop Oil. In his heated house, Goretex coat, nylon track shoes, gasoline car( or coal burning EV full of plastics ). I suppose he’s against or for bird chopper windmills, backed up by natural gas generators from oil production.

  2. Just another climate bimbo spewing nonsense.
    But suggesting folks should actually break the law to achieve their aims…thats a whole different level.

    Climate Change has become a RELIGION and one potentially as dangerous as Islam.

  3. Another narcissistic on TV who thinks his opinion is more valid than others just because he’s on TV.
    These types also become unhinged as they get older.

  4. This idiot would be the perfect candidate for someone to help DE-Carbonize his Lifestyle. He believes in “Just Stop OIL?” Help him live up to his ideals!

    Make it a Reality Show! Chris Packham Stops Oil!

    Get a video crew and a team together, and get him to sign off on it. Show up to his house one fine morning and get to work. Remove everything in his house made with petroleum or petrochemicals. Every Thing! Everything plastic. Everything made with synthetic fibers. The idiot would be shocked that you are removing 98% of his belongings from all his plastic cased electronics to his synthetic fiber clothing to even the carpets on his floors. Can you imagine the images of stripping the tires and synthetic materials out his bright and shiny Electric Vehicle?

    Throw it all in a bunch of dumpsters (you initially show up with only one) to demonstrate just how much petrochemical and petroleum products are used in our everyday life. With a modest sized house? You would fill three or four large dumpsters easily.

    And for the climax of the show? Set all the dumpsters full of his possessions on Fire, and show the stripped hulk of his house and electric car.

    Cinema Verite!!!

  5. The snake eats its own tail.. Who knows, maybe I could be a good guy if enough competition drops away :).. Hope springs eternal :)..
