43 Replies to “December 8, 2023: Reader Tips”

    1. Lieberal government has its taxpayer funded BS propaganda in full swing on MSM TV now. If it’s so concerned with CO2, all of Ottawa should stop exhaling.

      1. MikeT – I heard an ad this morning telling Canadians they could help fight the climate crises by taking the bus and other meaningless gestures. It was brought to you be the government of Canada. More free advertising by the Liberals.

    1. GoneDyke was installed – 100%.
      I know of know of No one who had even heard of this psychotic Commie POS. Suffice to say, Dominion Voting machines were used throughout the city to “tabulate” the votes. Pretty sure our local ChiCom Trash & Soros operatives involved in this THEFT.

      This shoulda been Jeremy Farkas time to be Mayor.
      Calgarians got scammed…

    1. The very First example of radio control was demonstrated in New York City in 1898. Its inventor—Nikola Tesla—was a 43-year-old immigrant who was duly awarded U.S. Patent no. 613,809 on November 8, 1898. It was only one of 113 U.S. patents that this prolific genius received during his lifetime. Many electrical engineers and historians regard his basic inventions as the foundation of the 20th century as we know it. In the decades that followed, the military and its suppliers attempted to implement Tesla’s work in various R/C projects—including boats and aircraft—without very much fanfare.


    2. Remotely piloted aerial vehicles have been around for Decades….Nothing “NEW” here whatsoever.

      As a matter of fact, Im pretty sure those 3 planes in 2001 were ALL remotely piloted. I will never buy the BS story of 2 doz Camel Jockeys learning enough by flying single engined Cessnas to accurately direct and hit said towers….Total smoke screen BS story.

    1. roaddog – I thick she’s fairly talented but everything that young woman wrote about Swift aligns with what I had observed. I didn’t know the Federalist had 24 year old female writers.

    1. “Tim Tierney originally brought forward a motion for the city to retract its testimony about the pipeline replacement project, which the energy board had rejected in part due to Ottawa’s concerns that automatically renewing major fossil fuel infrastructure contradicted its Energy Evolution master plan and its long-term goal of achieving community-wide net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.”

      Remember that guy’s name when you’re freezing – natural gas to 400,000 citizens in Ottawa. The question should be “how do we heat our homes” and not “it contradicts our master plan”.

      1. I concur. Words, logic, history, foresight; all alien concepts to so many idiots, aka urban Ontarions. Reality at minus 8 and no home heating is the only answer for their lunacy

    2. One reason I put in the 1K Liter oil tank and high efficiency furnace with a heat pump. Back up gas generator as well, which has been used too often in the past couple years as even the electricity supply is fragile.

      The only thing I can rely on is the bill showing up on time.

  1. A good article on a great speech from Poilievre. A few samples:

    “If you look at the bread lines that go around street corners and you put them in black and white, you could be forgiven if you thought that these were images from the Great Depression,” he said.

    “Poilievre told the crowd he would repeal Bill C-69, a law passed by the Liberals in 2019 which allows federal regulators to consider environment and social factors when deciding whether to approve infrastructure projects.”

    “He attacked the absurdity of government regulations that have, for five years so far, prevented First Nations in northern Ontario’s Ring of Fire region from building a road.”


  2. Is the Dust Bowl on Its Way to California?


    A study released last month from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (the federal agency with the most oxymoronic name, by the way), found that the U.S. Department of Agriculture subsidizes 62 percent of farmers’ insurance premiums. Above and beyond the outsized premium subsidy to farmers, the program also reimburses 100 percent of the expenses of private insurance companies that administer the program. The program cost taxpayers $9.4 billion in 2021 and rose to $17.3 billion today. Most of the money went to the largest enterprises, rather than to the family farmers it promised to support.

    And what happens when the gov’t subsidizes anything? The price goes up that same amount. Look at what happened to EVs. Gov’t announced they would subsidize them to the tune of what, $6k, and immediately dealers raised prices by, not so coincidentally, 6 grand.

    1. McDonald is attacked because he is one of the most important symbols of Canadian nationhood. ( The residential school issue is just an excuse.) Having a street named for the father of our country in the nation’s capital is entirely appropriate. Changing the name to something most Canadians won’t relate to is a blow to Canadian unity. It’s not trivial. Symbols are what unite a people and we do not have very many. I think it is petty and ignorant for our country to be trashing Sir John A.

    2. Just try to say that new name to a cabbie once you’ve had a drink or two and want to go to a New Years Eve celebration, or will those be cancelled too along with our “white supremacist” Gregorian calendar?

    3. I still call it the Ottawa River Parkway, the original name from many years ago.

      Whoops, just dated myself 🙁

  3. Yet another victory for the religion of peace in the West. In this instance, it is Denmark that is surrendering. It has banned the burning of Korans in public places.

    “Denmark’s parliament on Thursday passed a law making it illegal to burn the Koran in public places, seeking to deescalate tensions with Muslim countries after a spate of Danish protests during which Islam’s holy book was burned, causing outrage.”


  4. IDF detains military aged men who stayed behind in North Gaza. Hamas calls it a crime against defensive civilians.


    Hamas said the detained men are civilians.

    In a statement released Friday, the militant group blamed Israel for arresting what it called a group of “displaced civilians in a school in the Gaza Strip’’ and accused it of “stripping them of their clothes in a humiliating manner,” calling it a crime against “defenseless civilians” and demanding their immediate release.
