7 Replies to “Today In Islam”

  1. Today in Islam could also be called Today in Denialism or Today in Cowardice as it reveals the denial that Islam is a threat to peace in the world and the cowardice of thousands of western “leaders”.

    1. 1000% bang on Buddy.

      Any one capable of reading (I know its an ancient art form), should have a read within the Muslim Brotherhood Website.

      It’s quite PLAIN to see their AIM, “The PROJECT”…one that has not wavered or changed since 1923. To create an Islamic Caliphate Across the west.

      Using the lie of Islamophobia, Merkel begins the process of importation of this GLOBAL Filth…..and here we are today, every Western Country that bought into the Kampf of Utter BS (Diversity & Multi-culturism), is rife with Millions of this Human Garbage who will NEVER Assimilate into western Society.

      They should ALL be deported.

  2. Today, I walk in shame that I have assholes who ruined Canada for the love of money and nothing else to contribute but their own bigotry and failures in the life that they created for themselves.
    Society could have been so much more different without these morons who have no morals or conscience and yet generated our rules.

    1. A lot of old style liberal hacks got a new life – and a religion – when “progressive” came along.

  3. When they found clever ways to vote themselves money, we were screwed over and over, worse each time.

    Vote them out, arrest them, try them, jail them for life without possibility of parole.


    be exiled to north korea.

  4. FFS.. Its not like Islam has Liberals and Conservatives to PLAY THE GAME.. No, its a monolithic one size fits all solution to.. EVERYTHING..

    You know, religion, politics, family and everything else.. One size fits all..

    You get two choices, silence or support.. No third party choices :)..

    Im sure that people are people and muslims are innocent as individuals but collectively 1.6 billion collective Muslims are a threat to liberal democracy.. Care to protect democracy from that?..

    Donald Trump my ass..
