I Want A New Country

Dan Knight;

The recent 30-hour marathon session in the House of Commons, a Conservative-led protest against the carbon tax, has been downplayed by the Liberals as mere formalities. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

This session was far from a mere formality. It was a vital demonstration of resistance against a government that’s running rampant with its spending and elitist policies. The Conservatives, under Pierre Poilievre, knew they were unlikely to stop any of these bills with the Bloc and NDP in lockstep with the Liberals. But that wasn’t the point. The point was to make the Liberals work for their decisions, to make them physically present in the House to face the consequences of their actions.

Let’s cut through the spin and face the stark reality of Justin Trudeau’s Canada. We’re witnessing a food inflation rate that’s estimated to be a staggering 32.7% from 2021 to 2024. Think about that – nearly one-third of your buying power has evaporated under this government. Every trip to the grocery store is now a financial struggle for the average Canadian. Your dollar just doesn’t stretch as far as it used to, and families across the nation are feeling the pinch.

The root of this economic hardship? Look no further than the Liberal government’s inflationary budgets and policies. Take the carbon tax, for instance. It’s not just an environmental measure; it’s a direct contributor to the rising cost of living that’s making life increasingly unaffordable for millions of Canadians.

46 Replies to “I Want A New Country”

  1. I don’t like being punished.. Paying penance to some dumb assed religion I didn’t join.. Tax and spend upper class vaporware.. You know your in trouble when your government would rather be off saving the world than dealing with domestic affairs.. It’s no wonder they are afraid of us..

    The carbon tax isn’t even out the door and Trudeau is already handing out hall passes.. We will see how long one person in the washroom at a time lasts.. I suspect Quebec will be welling up soon.. Oh and lets not forget the vote rich center of the world Toronto.. Far too brown to be paying for the white man’s sins.. Believe it..

    Another can of worms with Trudeaus name on it..

  2. Is there not someway to dump this goof? He is purposely destroying a once world respected country

    1. That’s why it’s important to vote at the next federal election. This is especially true for anyone living in a contested area like the Ontario 905 region, Calgary or Edmonton or some parts of BC. Right now, some parts of the Maritimes may also be open to overthrowing the Lib-Dip alliance. It’s just as important not to waste a vote supporting irrelevant distractions like Bernier.

      1. But too many on the right want conservative perfection. They whine and moan that PP isn’t conservative enough. And then throw away votes to Max, another crazy Quebecker.

        1. Agreed entirely, Bruce. Politics is the art of the possible, not what some might deem ideal. And you are in very good and wise company. Aristotle noted 2,000 years ago that perfection is the mortal enemy of the good. Shakespeare says the same thing in King Lear, and Voltaire and Montesquieu the same thing in the 18th century.

          1. “The art of the possible”, eh? Meaning, it’s about compromise.
            The left sure as hell doesn’t seem to act with the slightest regard for compromise. That’s how every elected Conservative, if they want to keep their standing in caucus, dutifully accepts the leftists narratives on climate, the plandemic, “native genocide”, etc, etc. The left, ironically, never bends the knee and acknowledges/tacitly supports a fundamentally issue of the right. Name just one. It’s been 50 years of us accepting the left setting the terms and boundaries of discussion. Even when in power, we’ve governed as if fearful of incurring leftist/media wrath. Probably the boldest thing the Harper government did in their entire time in office was to insert the “barbaric cultural practices” descriptor for immigration regulations. The rest was virtually indistinguishable from any other previous government.

            I voted Reform in Ontario as soon as they ran candidates and could sleep peacefully knowing they fully aligned with my sentiments at the time. I recall the same wailing coming from PC’s then. Going forward, I refuse to compromise my beliefs and vote on a party that’s demonstrated it will compromise at the slightest fit of leftist outrage. Something about not wanting them to like us…

        2. bruce
          Yah, vote for some ASSHOLES who call themselves conservative, My rep sent out a notice about gypsy moths in 2020, instead of advice about covid. Maybe fools like him should learn to focus on what’s important, rather than cheap PR shit. Max is a conservative. The cucks will pound the bible till the cows come home, but never govern. What needs to,happen, is those on the right need to quit bashing gays, Muslims, Chinese , blacks, FN, and another demographic they don’t like. Criticizing is one thing, bashing is another ball of wax.

        3. No, I just want the Conservatives to be conservative. Apparently, that’s too much to ask for.

          The CPC voted in lockstep with the Libs and NDP to strip away our rights during covid. NOT ONE of the CPC MP’s voted against that.

          The same CPC voted in lockstep with the Libs and NDP in support of an NDP motion that Canada had committed genocide. NOT ONE of the CPC MP’s voted against that.

          PP’s response to the Freedom Convoy was lukewarm at best, and his treatment of MEP Christine Anderson was disgraceful and embarrassing.

          The CPC wants to give more money to Zelenski’s corrupt Ukraine.

          Are PP and the CPC better than the despised LibDippers? Yes they are, in much the same way that having pneumonia is better than having Ebola.

          Y’all let me know when they become conservative, because I want a new country too. Without massive, immediate change, we’re finished.

          1. “Are PP and the CPC better than the despised LibDippers? Yes they are, in much the same way that having pneumonia is better than having Ebola.”

            Well said, WY. And like you, I would not voluntarily choose to infect myself with either affliction.

            The CPC lost seats last election to the PPC, and they will lose more next election. THAT’S ON THEM.

            If the so-called ‘conservatives’ of the CPC want my vote, they know exactly how to get it. I vote PPC to show them what kind of policies and values I will support, and not because of any great affection for Maxime Bernier. The Conservative Party of Canada has somehow morphed back into the useless, redundant Progressive Conservative Party that we real conservatives rejected decades ago in favor of Reform. I’m not having it, and I’m sure as hell not supporting it. I refuse to fall back into that tired old trap of having two liberal parties (Liberal and Liberal-lite) alternate power every ten years or so but deliberately change nothing of consequence as Canada continues to slide into chaos and bankruptcy. The rest of you can be party to this if you like, just don’t ask me to join you in enabling this self-destructive political theater.

          2. Agreed Wayland, no matter what we do, we’re screwed. The “cons” keep calling me and emailing me for a handout, and I steadfastly refuse. Yes, I would prefer PP over the turd, BUT, I too, noted his “lukewarm attention to the freedom convoy”, his rejection of Christine Anderson, his support for Ukraine etc. No I am NOT convinced that he would be much better either.

            With regard to this thread, I am at least feeling comfort being in the company of you, and Fred from BC, VOWG, John Robertson, and Steakman, plus a number of notable others that contribute wise and relevant observations. Thanks to you all, at least I know I am not alone!

          3. I too do not trust PP. Will continue to vote Max as that is the only way to keep the CPC somewhat conservative. I do that in the safest CPC riding in the country (Lakeland). Not sure what I would do in a contested riding.

  3. I have been assured by Liberals that the carbon tax that works by increasing costs and prices for Canadians hasn’t increased costs and prices for Canadians!

    They will never explain how their stupid carbon tax reduces CO2 because first off they would have to admit that it increases costs and prices.

  4. “Look no further than the Liberal government’s inflationary budgets and policies. Take the carbon tax, for instance. It’s not just an environmental measure; it’s a direct contributor …”

    All true. But what about the 22-month shutdown of the Country … which all Parties supported?

    1. “But what about the 22-month shutdown of the Country … which all Parties supported?”


  5. Time for a “Trudeau needs to resign” rally in Ottawa. Shut it down until Trudeau resigns. The Country is going to hell and we are all watching.

      1. No, the chosen successor is Garden Gnome Barbie. But she’s unlikely to want it, because at this point the Liberals are looking at a wipeout on the scale of the execution of John Turner in 1984, Kim Campbell in 1993 or Paul Martin in 2006. Carney has already been brushed aside and has no public appeal whatsoever. Carney’s chance of winning any Canadian national election is zero.

          1. And if they don’t know him, they have no interest in him. I repeat, Carney’s chance of winning a national election is zero. And thus no one in the Liberal Party would be stupid enough to push him through as leader. Never, ever make the mistake of thinking that the LPC is stupid. Underestimating your enemy is the surest way to defeat.

          2. If they don’t know him he can be presented to them as a savior.

            Remember carney was not even supposed to be in the running for governor of the Bank of England, but “somehow” he got elevated into that position.

            He’s already calling the shots.

        1. cghCOLON
          The Bronfmans run the show, and they won’t allow Garden Barney to take the lead, she already approached them in 2019, and got turned down. You people in here are uninformed FOOLs

    1. What exactly do you think Justine will do should a large number of non immigrant Canadians decide to occupy any terrain inside the so called Capital Region? We are talking frozen bank accounts, trumped up mischief charges ,supported by accusations made by local residents of $300.00 dollar condos who just don t like having to associate with those who deliver the products that allows them to believe in their social superiority.

    2. When an Election is Called.
      I fully believe we will see a repeat of Trumps Non Win in 2020 – meaning the Libs and their NDP Bootlickers will ensure that all votes counted, are done so electronically using DOMINION Voting Machines….just as they have in the last 3-4 yrs worth of Municipal Elections.

      And presto, the Pedophile in Charge will have “won” another 4 yrs…
      Anyone thinking that the Fully WEF OWNED Justin Trudeau is going to allow an Honest Election, is deluded.

      1. I won’t be surprised in the least. Watch for polls numbers to incredulously become closer, just like Biden is now just a couple points behind Trump. This gives plausible cover for a margin of error path to victory.

        Or, as I’ve maintained, governments like Biden’s and Trudeau’s are acting entirely without regard for their electoral chances. They are purposefully destroying their countries and know that a fix is in – either through rigged voting, or suspension of election due to some manufactured catastrophic event, ie. cyber, war, virus. As you say, the powers that own these treasonous bastards will not allow anyone not aligned with their agenda to take power.

    3. Trudeau is the conservatives second best asset. The longer he stays the lower the libs sink. You should be focusing on the NDP who keep supporting the libs but if they dump the libs they lose the illusion of power. If you really want to be a conservative influencer join your local riding association where your candidate has to give you a hearing.

  6. TurdHole and the Lieberal and Dipper Parties have worked deliberately and systematically to make us much more worse off than we were in 2015. Anyone denying it is either wilfully blind or delusional.

      1. Actually, many are. The rabid supporters of Mad Max believe the country was no better under Harper than Trudeau. Harper made errors and his government did stupid things. But were things as bad as they are now? And Mad Max has never made a mistake and has never done anything stupid…..

  7. I’m just wondering how long this Banana Republic state called Canada will hold together??! I’m thinking it’s time for a revolution!

  8. As Canada grew in wealth, stature and population, it became necessary to break off administrative ties with Britain, and the London governing class, and patriate executive power in Ottawa.

    Now in similar fashion, as the West of Canada has grown in wealth, stature, and population, it has become necessary to similarly break off administrative ties with Eastern Canada, and the Ottawa governing class, and patriate executive power to the West.

    Change is the only constant in politics.

  9. Yes you do.
    The bill for decades of banditry is due.
    The debt exceeds the ability of working Canadians to pay.
    And is going to be passed to the young people with families,who by strange coincidence,are mostly western citizens.
    Being passed the bar tab for a party they were not even invited to.
    The only rational response is to rebel.

  10. Sign this petition.

    e-4701 (Democratic process)

    Petition to the House of Commons
    We the citizens of Canada have lost confidence in Justin Trudeau and the Liberal/NDP coalition;
    We call on the house for a vote of no confidence;
    We ask for an election 45 days after the vote if won;
    The current government elected is not acting in the best interest of all citizens;
    The policies of this government aren’t aligning with the crisis Canada is facing: housing costs, infringement of civil liberties, highest inflation in history, unbalanced immigration policies, taxation to the point of poverty, weakening of our economy by importing natural resources that Canada already has and under-utilizes; and
    Based on the past eight years of this Prime Minister, Canadians do not have confidence in this Prime Minister, after five ethics investigations and Canada’s reputation being tarnished on a global scale under his leadership. To the extent that Canada is being discluded from participating in statements regarding important geopolitical events.
    We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to call for a vote of no confidence and a federal election 45 days following the vote.

    232,954 signatures to date. Open until Dec 24.

    1. Why does everyone call it “Immigration”….??
      It’s NOT the Issue.!

      The real issue is Unfetterd wide open MIGRATION and of the Very Peoples who have an inbred hatred for Western Values & Culture, much of which is due to their adherence to their Supposed “Religion of Peace”

      Fcuking Invaders.

  11. “The root of this economic hardship? Look no further than the Liberal government’s inflationary budgets and policies. Take the carbon tax, for instance. It’s not just an environmental measure; it’s a direct contributor to the rising cost of living that’s making life increasingly unaffordable for millions of Canadians.”

    Ask yourself how an average Canadian couldn’t figure this out long ago ?
    Perfection ?
    That’s an insult really.
    How about something at least slowing the slide? At the risk of sounding defeatist but lets be real, we got normal back and then some.
    I’m not whining or complaining – groceries aren’t going down, house prices and rent will still be off the charts.
    This is what people voted for and they got it.
    This is what you get when you vote for the possible, but the only concern was for winning and that’s it.
    I’ve voted for the brakes to be applied for forty years. And I think the reservoir is out of fluid, and there is a sharp bend coming.
    I asked PP long ago why I should vote for him?
    No answer.
    I’ll take a glimmer of hope , some fire that burns in someone that can put it into words and actions.
    Perfection…… this country doesn’t need perfection for f-sakes just some good old Canadian spine.
    The sad thing maybe, it’s just gone, and Marxism is at the door.

    1. “…this country doesn’t need perfection for f-sakes just some good old Canadian spine…”

      An increasingly rare commodity in this Country.

    2. “I asked PP long ago why I should vote for him?
      No answer.”

      His answer would be the same as many here would give: to keep Trudeau from regaining leadership of Canada.

      NOT because Poilievre would do anything differently, but just because he is not Trudeau.

      As WY says above, pneumonia vs. Ebola. I choose neither.
