54 Replies to ““Liz Magill has voluntarily tendered her resignation as President of the University of Pennsylvania.””

    1. Yes, good point, as opposed to being fired for cause?
      Not big on the cancel culture, no matter which way that door swings.
      Though watching DEI numbskulls getting hoisted on their petard is wonderful.
      Having said all that, all she had to say was “of course, these Islamist comments are unacceptable, …. but …”

      Words are not harmful, nor “tend to be,” except to those who’s feelings are hurt, who lived to be outraged without self-examination who are shocked when their tidy little talking points can’t be repeated ad nauseum.

      But losing your job by not knowing how to criticize stupid statements reeking of racism seems none too bright.
      This is the best academia has to offer, waffling absence of any nuance or common sense whatsoever?
      Maybe some more donors need to pull more funds. That message seems to be resonating on the apparatchiks.

    2. At that level, they’re always golden unless there’s some really nasty issues, at which time they become only silver.

    3. Notice she retains her tenured position in the Law School. How long before she is named Dean to compensate for her resignation?

      1. “Fred – Do you think money talks? “Penn loses $100 million donation over antisemitism hearing“. Could there be a connection or was it a sudden pang of conscience?”

        Yeah, I laughed when I read about that one, for sure. Losing a million here and there, okay…but *100* million? That’s serious money in anyone’s book. Perfect payback.

        (and I don’t believe that they possess what you and I might consider to be a ‘conscience’)

        Now let’s keep the pressure on all the rest of them. Actions must have consequences in the real world.

      2. “Do you think money talks? ”

        No question about it. When a university president gets humiliated that badly in front of a Congressional committee hearing, there’s no alternative but seppuku. The $100 million loss in donations is only what we know happened to Penn State. We’ve yet to find out what the battle damage is to the other two universities. But they too will get hammered, I expect.

        This is deadly serious, because US universities live off their endowments. Also please note: this is only the first. There will be more. Those three silly Ivy League bitches may just have punted their university finances to the Dark Side of the Moon. Magill is only the first bleeding corpse left on the floor.

        And they would deserve it. They thought playing footsie with wokeism was a no-cost strategy. Now they’ve been booted very, very hard indeed exactly where it hurts the most. Fred is right; this is serious money because of the flood still to come.

        1. cgh – “US universities live off their endowments” – fully agree but Biden isn’t above throwing borrowed money to protect the left’s narrative. However, he doesn’t seem to know what side that is as he has been trying to support both sides in the Gaza war. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/18/depending-on-his-us-audience-biden-writes-different-letters-on-gaza-war

          Seppuku – I hadn’t heard harakiri called that, however, Liz Magill will get a parachute and her intestinal tract will remain intact so Harakiri light.

          Fred said “Now let’s keep the pressure on all the rest of them”. Actions do have consequences it seems: “The chairman of the Ivy League school’s board of trustees, Scott Bok, also resigned immediately during a trustees meeting Saturday evening, just hours after Bok announced Liz Magill’s departure as president in just her second year”:


          1. Re “Now let’s keep the pressure on all the rest of them” – From CNN no less:
            A bipartisan group of more than 70 members of Congress sent a letter to board members of Penn, Harvard and MIT on Friday demanding Magill and her counterparts get removed.

            “Given this moment of crisis, we demand that your boards immediately remove each of these presidents from their positions and that you provide an actionable plan to ensure that Jewish and Israeli students, teachers, and faculty are safe on your campuses,” the lawmakers wrote. “The university presidents’ responses to questions aimed at addressing the growing trend of antisemitism on college and university campuses were abhorrent.”


  1. Were they even aware that they were lying?
    Is all the spin and PR and ‘massaging the message’ so common that they can’t even comprehend telling the truth?

    1. All three of them appeared to be reading from prepared “talking points” notes, some of which sounded virtually verbatim the same.

      Too bad Elise Stefanic didn’t pick up on this and think to ask each of them the following questions,

      “I see you appear to be looking at prepared notes as you reply. Did you write these yourself or did someone else write them for you?”

      “If it was someone else, what is that person’s name?”.

      “If it was someone else, did that person have any communication with the person(s) who wrote the prepared notes for the other two witnesses prior to you all appearing here today?”

      What if it turned out either the same person wrote the notes for all three or coordinated with the other person(s) writing the notes?

      Inquiring minds would like to know.

      1. The best thing Fox News (or maybe it was just Tucker Carlson) does is the montage of EVERY other “news” station and program saying exactly the same thing, using exactly the same words, at the same time. Do they all get the same memo?

        1. Thomas, if the news organizations get the same memo to say the same thing, then technically the group is acting like an illegal cartel. This is criminal offense.

      2. I especially loved her little grin, made her look more sincere talking about rants of killing millions of Jewish people.

        Her $432,800 annual salary ‘was’ well deserved.

    2. Well Stan … I was surprised that her resignation note didn’t include anything about her desire to “spend more time with her family” … I guess that old canard has grown old and stale.

      No … instead … she will still be “serving the Penn community” or some such rubbish which means she will keep collecting her $ 300k salary for teaching one seminar … to 12 students each quarter. It’s a good gig if you can get it … just one step below HER $350k honorarium for a 40 min. speech about girl power or something.

  2. “The mind of Harvard, MIT and Penn are so rotten that i don’t think it can be fixed. What occurred is something that is allowed by the whole administrative and functionaries body.”
    The administrators don’t exist in a vacuum and are not all powerful. They mirror and implement the policies determined by their boards. I’m not excusing the 3 Presidents. In fact I suspect they championed the double standards. I’m not sure there is that much point in singling out the three that testified. You must know that they had support from a team of University lawyers and comms people before they testified, crafting just the right weasel words.
    Also I am concerned that the firestorm surrounding this story is an opportunity to slip speech codes in through the back door.

      1. Yes. And the mayor of Calgary

        FYI: I used to joke about Harvard becoming a Saudi madrassa before my kids would be old enough to apply to it. Used to.

  3. Why am I being fired?

    You’re not being fired. You’re being forced to resign.

  4. She shouldn’t have been allowed the dignity of resigning. She should have been fired.

    1. True.
      But in those circles, it’s the same thing. Nothing worse than losing pomp and circumstance.
      If they fired her, some other prog uni would hire her.

      1. It will be exactly the same unless these institution of higher lying are brought to heel. Hopefully, the alumnus who threatened to pull his 100 million dollar donation carries through with it.

          1. Typically with less “work” required of them than professors who haven’t been president.

  5. The best thing Fox News (or maybe it was just Tucker Carlson) does is the montage of EVERY other “news” station and program saying exactly the same thing, using exactly the same words, at the same time. Do they all get the same memo?

  6. The problem goes much deeper.

    She was hired/promoted by a board that has allowed racism and woke crap to flourish for decades.

    95% + of the professors agree with her.

  7. OnlyFans is about to get uglier.

    On the plus side, if you’re into being spanked and denigrated, you could probably get a great performance by telling her you’re Jewish.

  8. She was re-assigned because she cost them money. No hard feelings, no remorse from anyone involved.

    Any real accountability will have to wait for the return of Donald Trump.

  9. I have never seen three fools so frigging ignorant. I watched the hearings and I remarked to my wife how anybody could be so stupid even if they were janitors at the schools. I even said that they would be begging the board of directors for their jobs tomorrow. As the Congresswomen said – the answer is YES, advocating the killing of Jews is against their policy. There is only one right answer. One down, two more smug Jew hating bitches to go.

  10. There’s still a newly minted Supreme Court Justice who doesn’t know what a woman is. She’s(?) there for life.

  11. The whole place stunk since October 7. Not a soul there tried to stop the Jew hatred. They didn’t care. It was the $100 Million that got rid of her. Nothing has changed.

  12. “She will remain a tenured professor at Penn Carey Law”

    Words matter. Doctor: “Your operation was a success!!!! We removed the tumour…well, most of it anyways.”
    Further – And I’m not going to do a deep dive on this but she resigned because one one of Penn’s heavy hitter donors threatened to cease funding. Awesome! But these are the same donors who’ve been contributing and funding the anti American rot for the last 40 years.
    Money talks.

    Just calling it like I see it.

    1. Exactly, there is no moral victory here, it was just about the power of money. It was a token victory, at best. The loathsome faculty, students, and other board members remain along with the DEI infrastructure.

  13. Their error was to have witnessed countless other witnesses lie and smirk and talking point their way through questionings before Congressional committees, thinking they could do the same. The problem was, they were so smug they stupidly forgot to listen to the question.

      1. Referring to the above post. Lest we forget, Bill Akeman and Ross Stevens were enablers and didn’t object to the flagrant discrimination and censorship regimes that have dominated these institutions and still do.

  14. On the plus side, the last week has pulled back the curtain and exposed the moral ambiguity that exists in vast swaths of our culture.
