20 Replies to “Competence Is A Luxury We Can No Longer Permit”

  1. That was trashed many, many decades ago… whatcha mean competent people… before gender, skin color and race it was who’s related to who by blood.
    Got rid of that nuisance quality and qualified for the job by government regulations in the name of health and safety.
    Today it’s based off of councils and unqualified experts who run this shit show…incompetently…

    1. Innovation is illegal unless it’s sponsored by vastly amounts of restrictions and in constant flux to the nimrods running our current governments.
      They totally destroyed my respect and responsibilities to these institutions as LEGALLY these people should have all been thrown in jail for they’re criminality and inclusive incompetence.

  2. I wonder how many graduating doctors will be able to diagnose the common cold? Most of the current crop have difficulty with just that, they are still calling it “covid” something or other.

  3. And Kieran Mooron, Chief Health Officer for Ontario, and epidemiologist extraordinaire (meaning he understands statistics, and has never seen a patient professionally) is calling for increased vaccination as the winter season approaches…oh, and masking.

    He has one song and sings it very well, despite any other evidence beyond his spreadsheets.

    1. Heh, if they can’t heal the people, they can always work with racism.
      You don’t really have to go to social studies, just come up with some racist excrement and you are safe.

  4. After what I observed during the covid years, I have zero trust in doctor’s cognitive abilities or commitment to medical ethics. The medical system is fully under the control of politicians. Politicians are fully under the control of pharmaceutical companies. Pharmaceutical companies are the epitome of corporate psychopaths.

    I now fully understand the comical saying that, in pharmaceutical companies mind, “a patient cured is a customer lost”. The medical system is not about health anymore, it’s a lucrative and unethical corporate business model.

      1. People are taught to respect certain professions. Then people realize that those professions are not deserving of respect. Finally people start to question everything they were taught to respect. Hopefully, people then start thinking for themselves. .

        Lots of people have trouble with the second sentence, the realization that those professions no longer deserve respect.

        1. Doctors, teachers, police, armies, churches, banks, media, parliaments… the many institutions I once considered good and necessary and worthy of respect: all in the last few years found to be corrupt, incompetent, and actively working against our interests.

          1. The “long march through the institutions” is insidious. I had long thought that at least the STEM field had some immunity to corruption as it had the protection of the scientific method. The fields of law and medicine have already been compromised and academia is rendered totally brain dead by rampant wokeness. These times are genuinely scary. When I was young, we had the external threat of communism and the bomb but we had confidence in the virtue of our own society. Now, we fear our own society, government and institutions.

    1. Yeah … the government called and is here to help.
      It was not enough to establish military industrial complex that cost the taxpayers billions and billions, as Sagan would say.
      Now the government and assorted scam artists that went to school for a long time and never left are coopting other branches of economy. The medical/pharma industrial complex is just one of them.
      The investment oligarchs know that forcing fascism on the politicians is a gold mine. They don’t even have to do too much and don’t have to be responsible to anybody for the destruction of free enterprise and instituting raw Marxist capitalism.
      Yeah, capitalism is made up term that Marx came up with.
      Free enterprise is not compatible with it, that is why they never, ever mention that.
      Marxism, capitalism, socialism and fascism are the opium of the masses the religion of the ‘intellectualists” that is there to impress the plebeians with “we care”.

  5. With the Covid shit-show, I have zero faith in our so-called medical system and the so-called Doctors that are nothing more than big Pharma and flawed PCR test pushers.
    Meanwhile Blackie Black Face is racing to shut down access to natural supplements.

  6. This was all brought on by a native dying in an emergency room in Winnipeg. If you don’t know Winnipeg’s native issues, you need to read up.
    Its kind of like of like driving your car like a idiot, smashing and crashing it, zero maintenance, then taking it to a mechanic because it won’t run , he gets it going but misses an issues with the brakes and you die, yup, the mechanic was incompetent and a racist.

    1. Is it possible that he was a regular at the hospital and was there often for some unmentionable cause, because that would be racist.
      This is not to justify anything, it is for the context and what is it?
      It is as usual the “journalists” ignore, omit and lie, depending on if they had a coffee or not.

  7. I’ve had the same doctor since 1985, almost 40 years; he and I are of the same mind when it comes to the latest “pandemic” – he doesn’t GAF and neither do I. I like my old doctor and will delay getting a new one until he finally retires and he recommends a specific one to take on. By then I’ll probably be retired, too, and NGAF even more.

  8. As one Musk said at another venue,
    Canada’s Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons can go and fxxk themselves.
