6 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Didn’t we hear exactly the same story after we invaded Iraq and put Saddam Hussein on the run?

    “CNN chief news executive Eason Jordan yesterday sent a memo to his staff defending his decision to withhold information about how Saddam Hussein’s regime had intimidated, tortured and killed Iraqis who had helped the cable news network over the years.”


    The big Multinational Media Corporations are all willing to trade the lives of local journalists for “Access.” Not for truth. Not for honesty. They do it for the prestige of being able to say, “Live From …”

    They lie for murderous barbarian dictators all the time.

  2. Lies by omission are the easiest to commit and are committed the most by the MSM.
    Ignoring a whole story or leaving out pertinent details gives you plausible deniability.
    You can get experts (FBI) to tell you that you don’t even need to look at or report on a story because its Russian disinformation, like Hunter’s laptop and make the Not-a-story the story.
    The Hamas Barbarism has finally opened the eyes of many of those who would not see, be it through election rigging or public health scams, despite all the evidence often in plain site, just not mainstream.
    But you’ve got to be sick and twisted to hold back anything on such depraved monsters.

    1. Bluddy
      Lies of OMISSION? You mean like ignoring the fact that the RCC spent 1500 years trying to destroy Judaism??????
      Try keeping up liddle bio!

  3. Anyone who doesn’t realize that the media whores will conceal anything on behalf of tyrants in order to get access is a festering moron. Media such as the NYT has been doing that since at least the 1930s, and were even rewarded with a pulitzer prize for it.

  4. The NYT have only ever admitted that they were a conduit for the propaganda for the scum of the earth once they’re sure that the scum has been wiped out or soon will be.

    So I’d call this a good sign that Purim came early.

    I look forward to reading how they explain their Ukraine coverage when Zelensky is finally driven from Kiev.
