77 Replies to “December 13, 2023: Reader Tips”

    1. There is a lot more to this that what is on the Gateway Pundit.


      This will give you an idea of why the Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to keep Trump off of the ticket. After being so thoroughly skrewed during his first term and then to have the election rigged against him in 2020 I can only dream of the retribution he will deal out in January 2025.

    2. Interesting.

      Not sure I trust the Italian legal system though.

      Aren’t they the country that locks people up for not predicting earthquakes?

    1. Yes Grzegorz Braun, a fringe member of the most pro russian party in the parliament did that. I knew that an orc fun of rape would be the first to link that. He is on your side.

      He is a member of Konfederacja (Confederacy) the right wing libertarian party that opposes aid to Ukraine, organizes blockades of Polish Ukrainian border and also pro gun, pro property rights, anti EU and anti glowbull wormening insanity. Generally pretty good guys but detached from reality idealists, also irrelevant, in opposition to everyone, the only pure ones and quite nuts. Very much like Maxipads. But because of the proportional representation model they often get a few members into parliament.

      Even among Konfederacja he is on the fringe, he is a declared monarchist who prays for the return of the king and the end of democracy. He is very pro property rights and turbo catholic. Also, a gifted film director and author of multiple anti communist and pro catholic documentaries and historical pieces.

      He has also been compromised by Kremlin, has been in contact with multiple Kremlin representatives, had his access to confidential military information cancelled as his loyalties lied with orcs. A poster member for SDA (well other than the outburst of anti Semitism).

      Also he has been a representative for at least three tenures and has passed by the same candelabrum hundreds of times never bothered by it.

      1. Zelensky is now getting ready to draft 40 year old men.
        A generation has been wiped out.
        Fortunately, I’m sure this isn’t really happening.

        1. Actually it isn’t happening and is not relevant either. Oh and BTW Ukraine never drafted men (or women) under 26 years of age. Look it up.

  1. Why, that silly Myron believes there was climate change before the invention of the internal combustion engine!
    To quote a modern post-science seer, “How dare you?”

    1. True fact about the Milk River:
      “The Milk River, is the only river in Canada to flow into the Gulf of Mexico drainage basin. It has its source in Montana, flows north into Canada and then south to join the Missouri River near Fort Peck, Montana.”

  2. “In a performance worthy of the finest comedians, the COP28 climate summit has managed to turn its bold proclamation of ending fossil fuels into a farcical retreat.”

    The Green Disillusionment

    Environmental advocates and some EU members view this change as a betrayal, their utopian dreams clashing with the unyielding wall of reality. The Marshall Islands’ John Silk melodramatically states,

    “The Republic of the Marshall Islands did not come here to sign our death warrant,”

    highlighting the emotional, rather than rational, underpinning of such arguments.


      1. “AS if there ever was ANY doubt…eh.?”

        Not for those of us with normally functioning brains, no.

        For a person of average or better intelligence, there are only so many simultaneous anomalies one can reasonably accept without triggering a Big Red Flag in your mind.

  3. Andy Lee’s Twitter account is gone. Last she posted, it sounded like she was getting raided by the cops.

    Ominous. She was doing some solid work digging into Librano corruption, while also embroiled in a vicious & costly custody battle for her kids with her POS ex. Not sure which side of the system got her but spare a prayer for her today.

    1. Looking at that and his other videos about the parcel thieves and those who break car windows, did he ever get charged with hate crimes since his decoy package videos seem to be overwhelmingly about people of color?

  4. There Is No Strategy for Ukraine to Win Because It Cannot Win
    INGRAHAM: Is this eighth grade? Let’s start with them not losing. What are the American people gaining here?
    SEN. RON JOHNSON (R-WI): Well, first of all, there is no strategy for Ukraine to win because it can’t win. The only way they could win is they’d have to start lobbing missiles into Moscow to reduce Russia’s support for the war. They can’t do that.
    JOHNSON: This is 22 months, they tried — some are offensive, it didn’t work. This is a bloody stalemate. Every day that goes by, more Ukrainians die, more Russian conscripts die, take no joy in that, more Ukraine gets destroyed. So this war should be brought to an end, the sooner the better because every day the outcome ends up being worse.

    1. “The only way they could win is they’d have to start lobbing missiles into Moscow to reduce Russia’s support for the war. They can’t do that.”

      Utter nonsense. Where do people even come up with this bullshit?

      The rhetorical tactic works as follows: define an allegedly impossible achievement unrelated to overall objective. Claim that if the impossible is not achieved then there is no point to strive for the objective.

      Nope, if Ukraine manages to strike Moscow it will not win them the war. Not hitting Moscow does not mean Ukraine will lose. Orcs hit Kyiv multiple times, the war continues. If anything attacks on capital cements resistance and support (see London Blitz for example). It is a completely false argument concocted only to advance a false agenda.

  5. Asylum seeker, 34, ‘raped woman in seaside town park just 40 days after arriving in the UK from France’

    Egyptian asylum seeker is found not guilty of raping ‘paralytic’ stranger in park just six weeks after arriving in UK in small boat packed with 70 migrants
