26 Replies to “Most Woke Airline in North America”

  1. Well, that is the thing with insanity – there is no limit.
    I we keep accepting this BS the insanity just keeps going.

  2. It’s not like AC has a choice in this, federally regulated work place. AC deserves some ass-kicking for some of their shit, but this one is forced on them.

    The blame in this one sits solely on the government.

    1. And this policy is one of many that, when the Conservatives do take power, they’ll be too timid to revoke out of fear of being labeled “transphobic.”

      Hell, Poilievre already voted in favour of the so-called conversion therapy ban which effectively puts a target on the back of any parent who won’t immediately “affirm” their kiddo who declares themselves trans. The Cons are not allies in this fight; they won’t even take the field.

  3. More “science” from the people who brought you 2 weeks to flatten the curve and wearing face masks outside.
    The federal government needs to be culled with extreme prejudice.

  4. You have to wonder why the feds and fed-regulated agencies are required to have menstrual products in bathrooms for people who make relatively high salaries.

    Buy your own or charge a robust “convenience” fee!

    1. Their hypocrisy is rather breath-taking, like they are working at it.
      The same group who insist men have access to tampons are the same group who are telling women that tampons are bad, because plastic, and they should switch to wool and bamboo.

      I guess, real women should say they really are a man, that is transitioning back to woman – and then voila – OK for them to use tampons again, as long as they get them from male bathrooms.

    1. I hadn’t thought of the broken nose, I just keep a pack with the first aid kit because they’re cheaper than FFDs.

      1. Dental floss is also a good item for a first aid kit, with a curved suture needle, just stay away from the mint or cinnnamon varieties, for obvious reasons!

  5. In the last 50 years, government at all levels attracted the worst and most incompetent. We are seeing the beginning of the results. Expect things to get much worse.

  6. Every time I find these products in a Men’s room, they will all go home with me.

    They make great bore cleaning swabs for shotguns.

    1. Never thought of that. I don’t have a shotgun, but I’m sure there are other things they’d be useful to clean…

    1. If you’re looking to get high with good looking servers, there are gentlemen’s clubs for that 🙂
