Wednesday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  Will the Democrats enlist Taylor Swift?  Assaulting women is the new feminism.  Trump the dictator.  Protecting the guilty.

Global Warming Scam News:  The self-hating West.  Global warming hits Britain.      China Virus News:  A new study.

Blackie’s Canada:  Justin meets Muslim leaders (JW).  Hans Gruber’s trip to China.  Mohammed Justin backstabs Israel.  No Christmas bonus for you.

Your morning meme.  A Christmas cartoon.

10 Replies to “Wednesday On Turtle Island”

  1. OJ, maybe you need a new subheading called Women Are Nuts (or Bitches Be Crazy for the Homey types with Ebonics lessons).
    WTF is up with women supporting trannies over their own daughters? Even lezbeens don’t want a…knockoff – or is it a cockoff?
    Then there are the women who want their sons to be daughters.
    And then there are the women who vote for Juthtin even though he’s a fake feminist and adulterer.
    Call me a misogynist all you like, but I can honestly say, some women seem to collectively hate themselves more than anyone.

  2. Everyday there is new evidence of the danger and damage done by the “covid” shots. I wonder when people will wake up and remove the bastards responsible?

    1. VOWG

      Sad thing is that Vaxx recipients will continue to pass away for at least another 5+ yrs…. The Gift that keeps taking.

      I’ve not regretted my decision to to remain free of that Globalist NAZI SHIT. But I do worry for my 2 Adult kids 30/32 who were both Coerced to in order to remain employed. A F’ing Crime in itself.

      Both had the first 2…So far so good.

      1. I worry as well Steakman. I was the only person in my family that refused the poison. First two with my wife, she finally realized I was right. No more for her, but, she had cancer surgery prior to covid. Everyday I wonder will the next check up be the last. If I could I would kill all who did this. If I were God they would all be gone now.

  3. Taylor Swift…
    LOL, are you kidding me. How many times has the DNC gone to music groups hoping to pull in more young voters.
    Fail ever time.

    1. Certainly doesn’t work with this old geezer, Dustoff.

      Taylor Swift could run up to me on the street and bite a chunk out of my leg and I wouldn’t be able to tell the police who dunnit. I’d never recognize who it was. Don’t know a thing about her other than she is famous for singing and something or other.

      I have next-door neighbors that make a real difference in my life. They are worth more than 10,000 Taylor Swifts to me.

  4. Here is something that just surfaced and it might be of interest to a number of readers here, a post by Patrick Byrne. I would suggest that the whistleblower complaint attached to the article should be downloaded and read by all. The interesting alignment of characters in the past administrations should be troubling to Smith’s involvement in prosecuting Trump.

    File this under the FBI file.
