Wet’suwet’en protests, deep dive into ESG, Part 1

Like or hate it, believe it’s a passing fad or the wave of the future. #ESG came out of nowhere about four years ago and now is at the forefront of concern for almost every larger business in the energy sector, and beyond. This Op-Ed by Deidra Garyk studies the Impact of ESG on the Energy Sector, Part 1. Watch for Part 2 tomorrow.

And along those lines, the Coastal GasLink project was an ESG nightmare, with protests across the country. This Canadian Press story says Police violated protesters’ rights in Wet’suwet’en pipeline blockades, Amnesty says

Also, oil prices are plummeting. This is not good, here, there or, apparently, in New Mexico

No. 2 oil-producing US state braces for possible end to income bonanza in New Mexico

20 Replies to “Wet’suwet’en protests, deep dive into ESG, Part 1”

  1. Well the first line in her article is a pretty big ASSumption.

    “..There is a shift in consumer preferences towards low carbon, low emissions energy sources…”

    Bullshit. Consumers want Fuels that don’t incorporate 50%+ taxation required to satisfy the Globalist political aims of Imbeciles such as Trudea & Guilbeault.

  2. And now, the organization of the corrupt, far-left agenda-pushing liars and extremists, the UN, has declared that the “planet” will get off “fossil” fuels which are causing the non-existent anti-scientific lie of global warming.

    The apparent solution to the non-existent problem is to transition to a power that can easily be rationed or turned off by the cowardly lying leeches who rule us from behind the curtain. Ensuring that no one will dare question their lies in the future for fear of starvation and death.

  3. Beginning in 2024, the Canadian federal government will require that banks and insurance companies disclose climate-related risks and exposures, including that of their clients.

    Splendid. I can hear my insurance agent already – “About that wood stove…”
    And paraphrasing norm macdonald – The more I read what Deidra Garyk has to say the more I don’t like her.

  4. its a non story , who cares what amnesty international says .

    along the lines of a CBCpravda story which often begins with” Critics Say .”

    1. Amnesty revealed their true colours over the last two months. Even they don’t care about a few Indians who don’t know when they’re well off.

      Amnesty make their money libelling Israel. The rest is virtue-signaling.

      1. Earlier than that. Amnesty was a prime target of Yuri Andropov, head of KGB in the old Soviet Union. Under Soviet influence Amnesty was moved toward exclusive concentration on Israel and Chile and ignoring everything taking place in the communist world such as Mao Tse Dong or Pol Pot. AI was and is a propaganda disinformation machine.

        1. “Earlier than that. Amnesty was a prime target of Yuri Andropov, head of KGB in the old Soviet Union. Under Soviet influence Amnesty was moved toward exclusive concentration on Israel and Chile and ignoring everything taking place in the communist world such as Mao Tse Dong or Pol Pot. AI was and is a propaganda disinformation machine.”

          Agreed. Later they became fixated on the perceived transgressions of Israel and other western nations while studiously ignoring all the real atrocities committed by the brutal dictatorships in Africa and Asia.

          I also gave on on Greenpeace when they switched from saving whales to picketing US warships visiting Vancouver harbor.

        2. No. It’s bigger than the Soviets.

          The Jews learned at Auschwitz how much value Gentile elites (whatever idolatrous cult they adhere to) put on human life, much less human rights. Hypocrites, every last one.

          When the Empire of Mammon has fallen, the few survivors are too busy slaughtering each other over what little fertile land and what few fertile women remain to annoy Israel, and they learn at last that hypocrisy cannot be eaten or bred, you won’t hear another word about human rights ever again. Guaranteed.

  5. When you accept the premises of your enemy, you lose the argument. The author has bought the Kool-Aid. For example, she assumes wrongly that if her company obeys the rules, they will be rewarded.

    “If every company and industry is judged equally and fairly, Canadian oil and gas has an opportunity to showcase that it is being a good corporate citizen and is working to improve its already stringently regulated environmental and safety practices.”

    She clearly doesn’t understand the goals of the WEF, and the UN globalists. Just like any communist organization, Utopia is always just another set of rules, or laws away. Utopia is never attainable because mankind is corrupt. You can make a perfect set of laws and there will be unequal application and disobedience. And the goal is not to have ANY oil or gas – to reduce the population to 500 million overall through deprivation, economic collapse, starvation, sterilization, assisted suicide, any means available without any regard to morality. Think Marvel’s Thanos on steroids. You can’t reason with that kind of blindly ignorant evil shrouding itself in a false virtue derived from lies.

    1. Exactly. Everything hailed by the controlled media as a victory is just that, a victory FOR THEM.

      They work on a ratchet system, and the ends justify the means TO THEM.

      They will use any lie, fake science, make promises they intend to break, etc. in order to fool people into sacrificing yet more of their resources and their freedoms. And when they comply, they will come up with more lies, more fake-crises, more managed wars, more excuses as to why the people must sacrifice still more.

      And like always, the useful idiots on the left scold those who are wise enough to see through the idiocy they are being asked to cheerfully participate in.

  6. Don’t you wish the Poilievre “Conservatives” would take this page from Max Bernier and the PPC?

    “A People’s Party government will:

    -Continue to work closely with our allies to maintain a peaceful international order, but will not get involved in foreign conflicts, such as the war in Ukraine, unless we have a compelling strategic interest in doing so.

    -Prioritize relations with our main trading and defence partner, the United States of America, to ensure our prosperity and our security.

    -Withdraw from all UN commitments, including the Sustainable Development Goals, the Global Compact on Migrations and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, that threaten our sovereignty, and reduce our presence in UN institutions to a minimum.

    -Liberalize trade with as many countries as possible, while ensuring our security and protecting our economy from the threat of potentially hostile foreign investors.

    -Save billions of dollars by phasing out development aid, and focus Canadian international assistance exclusively on emergency humanitarian action in cases such as health crises, major conflicts and natural disasters.”

    All that ^ from the PPC platform at https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/platform. I’d suggest you compare it to the CPC’s platform, but you can’t: the CPC still hasn’t posted their platform on their website.

    1. “All that ^ from the PPC platform at https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/platform. I’d suggest you compare it to the CPC’s platform, but you can’t: the CPC still hasn’t posted their platform on their website.”

      And we already know that the CPC will adopt the two or three most politically popular of those PPC promises for their own platform, then simply renege on them when elected…because that’s what ‘progressive’ conservatives (AKA closet Liberals) do. Most people will pretend not to notice that betrayal.

    2. This policy from the PPC makes so much sense which is why nobody will vote for them. Canuckistani are stupid and weak and so there is no hope for us.

    1. ESG scores also impact the interest rates banks will charge your company. ESG is basically your communism score – the lower your compliance (which is related to your gullibility), the more the state and its organs will make life difficult for you.

      Is your organization not promoting the “lifestyle” of faggots? No soup for you.

  7. ESG is the epistemological mush that comes from the illegitimate lovechild of cultural Marxism of the corporate watermelons (ENGOs) and the predatory auditing arms of the rent seeking banksters. In the minds of the global green world governance sociopaths, provincial regulations, cultural ethical norms, voluntary environmental standards (eg ISO 14001 etc) don’t shackle productive enterprise enough but through the financial mega corporations essentially led by “progressive” oligarchs and the leviathan state, global technocratic serfdom can be attained. ESG is the latest weapon against capitalism and reason. The author is one of many corporate bureaucrats engaged in pimping the decline of liberty, capitalism (redundant, I know), prosperity and western civilization. Ironically corporations (some reluctantly) embrace it as they believe it will ensure their short term survival and competitive edge. ESG is big in the 20% of the world currently led at the national level by Jacobins and Bolsheviks and all committing economic suicide through replacing high density energy with wind and solar.
