18 Replies to “Justin’s Toronto Honours The Slave Trade”

  1. Yesterday Ezra Levant on Rebel News did a 40min interview with Jennifer Dundas, a descendant of Dundas. Her informed explanations of his actions in the late 18th and early 19th century completely demolishes the idiotic accusations against Dundas. The inescapable conclusion is that, if anything, Dundas should have even more things named after him, such a pioneering and pragmatic abolitionist was he. Chou and the activists behind the renaming initiative just do not want to accept that it was a white man, amongst other British white men of the time, who were the essential drivers of the movement to abolish the slave trade and move the world to accept that slavery in itself was morally wrong. Chou and the activists are either stupidly ignorant or maliciously imposing their will on the citizens of Toronto.

    1. They are cultural Marxists intent on erasing the past and imposing their own version of history, plain and simple.

    2. Dundas’ amendment got the motion passed in the House of Commons, and it promptly died in the House of Lords, where he was not a member… but that doesn’t matter to the ahistorical idiots…

  2. Seems appropriate. The City Council is committed to confronting anti-black racism and to truth and reconciliation, so this can remind us all that blacks oppress and enslave blacks just as well as whites can, and so they did.

  3. It’s just a corner in Toronto, but it’s great to wake up the woke to the reality of African participation in slavery. It might even cause some thinking.

  4. I think it’s totally appropriate to rename Yonge-Dundas Square to the african name of Sankofa Square.
    Especially when you consider the overwhelming percentage of criminality committed by Blacks that goes on at that Square.
    Drug dealing
    robbin’ an’ a thievin’,
    organized thievery of nearby stores,fighting and brawling, and oh did I mention gunplay ?
    Totally appropriate to call it an african name

  5. Well, of course. I always thought it very strange that black people were shedding their “slave names” and taking on Muslim names. Names of the very people who ran the slave trade out of Africa.

  6. The same cultural Marxists hollowing out western civilization are working on enslaving everyone but themselves with white males on the lowest rung of the slavery totem pole.

  7. Re: Reparations.

    Slavery in America and the British Empire was abolished by Old White Christian Men.

    I patiently await my thank you note and monetary gift from those of colour affected…………………..

  8. When the @ss%oles that renamed Confederation Drive in Saskatoon and Dundas Square in Toronto are booted from office the real adults in the room should revert back to the original names. Bunch of jokes.

  9. Im at the corner of who knows what and I don’t know.. As if turn left in 100 meters needs a name.. It doesn’t.. Off the beaten track we are all lost in a world where names have no meaning anymore anyway.. They are unnecessary..
