38 Replies to “NSFW”

    1. Ins-erection?
      Security clearly buggered this up.
      Congress had better form a committee to get to the Bottom of this immediately.
      I thought staffers had Pride in their workplace.
      That’s all I’ve got.

  1. “What else am I missing?”

    A Polish, pro-russian, turbo catholic, libertarian, monarchist parliamentarian extinguishing Hanukah candles with a fire extinguisher in Polish parliament?

    1. With security all around him, and he wasn’t even detained. In fact, security circled the bandwagons to protect the anti-semite.

      1. Yes he has immunity under the law. Everyone on the scene was surprised by his stunt. The security did their job by deescalating after his bizarre action and clearing the room after potentially hazardous contamination. He will be dealt with. He was thrown out from the parliament later that day. His own party suspended him.

        In the past leftist deputies desecrating catholic mess were not immediately curb stomped by security either.

    2. But please… Don’t be like GYM, and portray all Catholics by the actions of this one lunatic. Every Catholic I know has a renowned reverence for the Jewish faith. My beloved uncle by marriage (God rest his soul) was Jewish.

      1. Some of your best friends are Jewish? Some of them revere the Jewish faith?

        If they revered the Jewish faith, they’d turn their backs on the official cult of the Roman Empire, designed to co-opt the God of Israel and make it easier to stamp His people out. The Greeks who put an idol of Zeus on the Temple Mount did no worse. The Church of Rome is little more than Greek and Roman idolatry that takes the Name of the Lord of Hosts in vain.

        Once Israel got her hands on the atomic bomb and became able to make the “Holy See” disappear in a puff of radioactive smoke if the Pope of Rome ordered another massacre of the Christ-killers, only then, apparently, did it occur to the Lord to reveal to His servants gathered at the Second Vatican Council that the Jews were worthy of some grudging respect, and that the Jews were innocent of having murdered the Son of God.

        This was after 2000 years of claiming the Jews had killed Christ and drank the blood of Christian children—a claim they made to cover up their rapes and murders of innocent.

        A people that respected the Jews and revered her God would deputize their Jewish neighbours to rid them of the miserable brotherhood of perverts, thieves and charlatans who style themselves the Roman Catholic clergy. Let their blood avenge the blood of the Jews they ordered murdered by the peasants they deceived—and let their memory be blotted out.

  2. Liberalism really is a bottomless pit of decadence.. Sadly we are along for the ride so they can (sigh) pretend to save the world.. Don’t blame the politicians, blame your coworkers for voting these frauds into power..

  3. Good evidence of the rumored underground network of homosexuals that actually run the country from DC.
    Regardless of political affiliation.

  4. How about the American Justice system has been flushed down the toilet and is now bobbing in the sewage pond.


    $148,000,000 awarded to two election workers who have been seen on tv across the nation entering ballots into tabulation machines multiple times.

    There can be no comeback for the American Republic after this! The Trump trials will be the final nail in the coffin of the greatest conceived idea of self government ever devised by mankind. The fundamental change that began in 2009 has been achieved in about twice the time frame that Hitler changed Germany. The Democrats were apt students.

    1. I keep tellin’ ya’s… Don’t put too much stock into Trump’s resurgent popularity. All these polls are meaningless. I have my doubts. Either Trump will not be allowed to run, or they’ll steal another election for (Biden?)

      1. Or Trump will lose the nomination. Or Trump will loose the election legitimately. The election is a long time from now. Trump is damaged goods. Biden is much less polarizing than Ogabe or Hitlery. Yes Trump has strong chances but his proponents are poping the champagne way too early.

      1. For sure … I think the jury was just bleating for a forever appeal with big lawyer fees for a decade. Deep pockets pay well.

        Those “victims” will never see a penny.

    2. As Kates old friend Kathy Shaidle once made history with me said”They shoulda picked their own damned cotton”

      1. I shudder to think how ballistic she would be on any number of controversial topics these days were she around to comment. Between censorship, transgenders, His Majesty Trudeau, Covid, Hamas, etc…she’d have an absolute field day and would take more than a few prisoners.

        There are two social commentators I would love to see active today. She’s one of them. The other is Patrice O’neal. Neither was good at holding back, which is sorely missed in today climate.

    1. Gay porn is not an improvement over anything… not even corruption in the senate, but the symbolism is rather apt. We’re all getting screwed over by the government.

  5. Ok, you guys are slacking. How did none of you reference, “The Annals of Congress.” ?

    Good grief, it’s a double pun. I’m ashamed of myself.

  6. Yes, the LGBTQq2s+/- are in TOTAL and COMPLETE control of our government and all of its *cough* *cough* … “Institutions”. What more evidence do you need? And yes … your children are in the crosshairs.
