Too little, too late

When even the leftist media starts to pick up on the utter lack of justification for many pandemic restrictions, you start to think that maybe there’s hope for humanity.

As part of the next volume on the COVID response, Martin found the Department of Justice and Public Safety’s  hotel isolation program, cost taxpayers more than $5.4 million and only nine travellers tested positive for COVID-19.

The program, implemented in May 2021 to reduce non-essential travel and operated by the Red Cross until the end of June 2021, required leisure travellers to self-isolate at an isolation hotel at their own expense for at least seven days upon return to New Brunswick.

The department doesn’t know whether the program decreased travel or mitigated COVID-19 risks, he said, because it didn’t have clearly established goals and didn’t review the outcomes.

13 Replies to “Too little, too late”

  1. Nobody scratched their heads and asked, “Does quarantine make any sense when the disease is already endemic in the population?” Before Covid was here it was racist to ban the Chinese. After it was here nothing mattered. Friggin idiots in charge – fascists one and all.

  2. There was no pandemic. There was a pandemic of stupidity and gullibility. That cannot be cured by a shot (or I would make millions) When the pandemic scare hit, one had to ask only one question: are the mortuaries busier than usual? And the answer to that question was “No, they are not”, and why? Because people weren’t dying in record numbers until the onslaught of the cure-all jab.

    As to the masking issue, again, there is one and only one question that needs to be asked: “Were you born wearing a mask?” With the logical follow-up question, “How did you survive all these years without a mask?”

    People put far too much trust in government and do not rely on their own observations. Government lies whenever it suits and empowers them. Government is the problem.

    1. Goes back to the one of the early signs that failed the basic sniff test. I said it more than once to others, and eventually gave up because fear overwhelmed reason, that all the bullshit numbers we were getting were nothing more than a count of positive test results. That’s it. Beyond that, they were literally meaningless, especially as they were never truly normalised or variable-controlled.

      But that’s what scared people and hid pointless rights violations under the colour of law and “necessity”. Sadly, not enough will learn the lessons, because too many people believe government is here to help.

  3. No government program ever reviews it’s “outcomes” versus it’s stated purpose, because the stated purpose is the only thing that matters, and the money is already spent…

    see also: Canada’s Vax at a cost of $330+ million

  4. If I recall, that forced ‘Hotel’ stay resulted in a sexual assault also.

    I have asked a number of people who were supposedly ‘In the know how a curfew reduced covid transmission or how fining people for walks in the park improved the nation’s health.

    As for the masking, they blew all credibility when you had to mask and stand 6 feet apart, except if you were protesting non existent racism, them you could cluster maskless.

  5. The entire Shit show of later 2019 to Dec 2022 was 100% predicated on a Supposed test that was 1000% Pure BULLSHIT.

    RT PCR.
    THAT, Folks was the Grand Lie here.
    Everything after that was based on said BS…EVERYTHING.

    Pandemic my (_i_)….Nothing but your normal Colds & Flu’s…which when looking at the data completely DISSAPEARED in said time frame….

    1. The PCR test could not find anything. The guy who developed the test said it was not meant for what it was being used for as it could not tell live matter from dead matter. That folks is very important. Sadly he is dead.
      Kerry Mullis developed the test long before the lie of covid.

      1. Conveniently died of pneumonia at 74, (if memory serves me right) on August 2019. Weird and mysterious!*

        *the translation of “safe and effective”…

  6. Having spent 30 years as a program evaluator, evaluating mainly government programs, things like this drive me insane. Programs with no well articulated results or outcomes, vague program guideline, no reference to any actual evidence or prior programs that can guide development. And yet governments do it over and over and over again and then act all innocent when the sh!t hits the fan.

    Billions of your tax dollars are spent on poorly development programs with no clear purpose and even when, after years of operation, no definable results can be determined, the program continues because ‘everyone likes it” – the program solves nothing, but makes work for largely well paid public employees

  7. “The department (NB Justice and Public Safety) was unable to provide requested documentation, acknowledging that they ‘did not create a compendium or a repository of all of the scientific articles, papers, publications and analyses it consulted during the pandemic and therefore we cannot provide a fulsome and detailed list of all of the evidence consulted and used when recommendations were being formulated.'”

    Okay. So you did not keep a list of “all” the papers, publications, and analysis. Did you keep any?

    No, eh? Not even one?

    Oh well, don’t worry about it. After all, you’re our Government…we trust you.

  8. When I hear people talk of Covid infections it TWEAKS that part of my brain that religious nuts TWEAK.. Don’t get me wrong, it’s the I have all the answers.. The blind faith that alarms me..

    Oh my gosh.. 100s of thousand of people have the flu.. Who said we could cure it and where did you get your expectations from?.. Why does my freedom hang in the balance of your delusions?..

    We live in scary times..

  9. Two weeks after they announced “two weeks to stop the spread”, we got results from Italy who was a the forefront of the so called scandemic. The number that stood out for me was that the average age of the covid victims was 81, while the life expectancy in Italy was 80.

    Why did we continue to panic when clearly the virus was not the end of the world as we know it?
