Channeling Lyndon Johnson

Even the leftist corporate media is starting to realize just how hopeless the Ukrainian position is becoming.

Disquiet in the halls of power appears to have filtered down to the military’s rank and file, who increasingly have misgivings about inefficiency and faulty decision-making within the bureaucracy they depend on to keep them well-armed for the fight.

It took seven months to obtain the paperwork needed from multiple government agencies to train 75 men, said Konstantin Denisov, a Ukrainian soldier.

“We wasted time for nothing,” he said. Commanders elsewhere complain of not enough troops, or delays in getting drones repaired, disrupting combat missions.

In the early days of the war, Western cheerleaders were quick to assume that Russia could never make up the losses it incurred. It seems they were wrong.

Indeed, while Ukrainian soldiers have proven to be resourceful and innovative on the battlefield, Moscow has dramatically scaled up its defense industry in the past year, manufacturing armored vehicles and artillery rounds at a pace Ukraine cannot match.

59 Replies to “Channeling Lyndon Johnson”

  1. If you think that’s bad, just imagine what’s going on in the Russian forces. Manpower advantage, artillery advantage, air power advantage, air defense advantage, surprise advantage. They should’ve been at Lviv a year ago.

    1. alla unDORK
      They were there 2 years ago, try keeping up. Quit reading at redditt and polifact, an another lefty bullshitt out fit that the COLON frequents.

    2. “If you think that’s bad, just imagine what’s going on in the Russian forces.”

      Good Lord you are a small and petty man. Just can’t help yourself, can you?

      (go ahead, Allan…say, “Putin can withdraw from Ukraine any time he wants” again. You know you want to…)

      ” Manpower advantage, artillery advantage, air power advantage, air defense advantage, surprise advantage. ”

      Yes, all of the above. Which is why we tried telling you MANY MONTHS AGO that Ukraine could not win. We even told you why, remember?

      “They should’ve been at Lviv a year ago.”

      If they really wanted to be, sure. What makes you assume that Putin wants to take over all of Ukraine, and not just the ethnic Russian areas that would provide a buffer between Russia and NATO?

      All the misdirection you can muster and all the childish insulting of the Russian army you can post will not change the FACTS here, nor alter the eventual outcome. Ukraine has no hope whatsoever of driving the Russians out of their territory. NONE. The best they can hope for now is to avoid getting any more of their people killed, and open negotiations for a ceasefire with Russia. It’s time.

      1. So you don’t recall Ukraine liberating about 34% of the land from the Siberian horde? Russia always had those advantages – they are not new ones – yet Ukraine managed to push then back.

        Yes, their plan was much larger than what happened. Putin himself said it. Then there were multiple articles that came out 3 days after the invasion began that talked about how Russia “solved the Ukraine problem”. They were obviously pre written and scheduled to publish.

        Just because the war has entered into a different phase doesn’t mean Ukraine is suddenly not allowed to defend itself against illegal invaders.

        1. Oh Alan ….Ukraine never liberated 30% of their territory from the Bear by force of arms.
          Check your facts Alan. You’re such a dreamer and cheerleader.

          It makes you look like a chump.

        2. “So you don’t recall Ukraine liberating about 34% of the land from the Siberian horde? Russia always had those advantages – they are not new ones – yet Ukraine managed to push then back.”

          As far as the Russians would allow, and no further.

          “Yes, their plan was much larger than what happened. Putin himself said it. Then there were multiple articles that came out 3 days after the invasion began that talked about how Russia “solved the Ukraine problem”. They were obviously pre written and scheduled to publish.”

          That’s nice. So what? Conventional wisdom has always maintained that no battle plan ever survives the first skirmish. The Russians still hold about 25% of Ukraine, and they are not giving it back unless they feel like it.

          “Just because the war has entered into a different phase doesn’t mean Ukraine is suddenly not allowed to defend itself against illegal invaders.”

          Who ever said that they didn’t?

          (you sure do love your straw men, don’t you?)

          So you want them to “defend themselves” until they are all dead, then?. I wouldn’t; it’s pointless, since they CAN’T WIN anyway no matter how hard they try…so why die for nothing? Oh, wait…it’s not for nothing: it’s for PROFIT. The profits of the big arms manufacturers plus whatever the Ukrainian elite can steal for themselves while the peasants throw themselves into the meat grinder.

  2. The Little Russians were never held meaningfully accountable for their role in the Shoah. Now they will be.

    Someone once said that the only reason the “Ukrainians” weren’t just deported to Siberia in the first place was that there was too damn many of them and nowhere in the Soviet Union where they wouldn’t be just as much trouble.

    Russia won’t have that problem for much longer. Ready or not, Europe, here come your “Ukrainian” Nazi friends to stay. Permanently.

    And your pet Arabs from Gaza will be coming with them.

  3. Ukrainians will suffer if the US pulls out of supporting them.
    And soon the US will have no allies.
    The BRICs and the rest of the world will accept that they must rely on themselves or real committed allies for territorial and political defense.
    No one said that resistance to Russia would be easy.

    1. Russia is doing the hard job of denazifying Europe that the United States has refused to do for 80 years.

      Resistance is ultimately futile. The Empire of Mammon WILL be driven from Europe. The only question is how many millions of Europeans will be slaughtered in the attempt by genteel Jew-haters, Arab-lovers and pedophiles to save their own miserable skins.

      As their grandfathers made Jewish mothers bereaved among women, the sows that bore them will be bereaved among women. And not a moment too soon.

      I can hear them now.

      “The Russians killed my ‘daughter!'”

      Well what did you expect they’d do to the little perv, you stupid sow? You want a scapegoat? Go look in the mirror. The Jews didn’t order you to cut your son’s penis off. The Russians didn’t either. That was you, you miserable old bag.

      For the first time in your life, admit that something is YOUR fault. That something bad that happened to you is the result of YOUR being a stupid, lazy, spoilt, entitled, delusional sow. And that YOU will have to accept the consequences of that. Not Putin. Not Bibi. YOU.

      1. // Russia is doing the hard job of denazifying Europe //
        Following in Meir’s mukluks are you?
        // In a 1984 interview with Washington Post correspondent Carla Hall, Kahane admitted that the JDL
        “bombed the Russian [Soviet] mission in New York,
        the Russian cultural mission here [Washington] in 1971, the Soviet trade offices”. //

      1. Nah, don’t think I will ignore him, thanks anyway. He landed some thunderous punches in that screed, and all I heard out of cgh is someone crying for a waaaahmbulance.

    2. Ukraine was never a U.S. Ally, and the swamp only funds them to protect Biden’s slush fund and their germ labs.

  4. Pick sides in this idiot war?.. Far as I’m concerned we evacuate the pole dancers and call it a day.. Win, win..

    And as for why Russia hasn’t won?.. Please, it a propaganda war and “war crime scorched earth” isn’t going to do Russia any good.. Stop treating the ORKS like they a dumb.. They want Ukraine and things to return to normal..

    They and Ukraine are bleeding us..

    1. They want things to return to normal? Then GTFO out of Ukraine.

      Until then enjoy your 16% interest rates ND 10% inflation.

      1. That is standard for Russia. Their inflation rates typically track their tax rates (which are flat, BTW). Russia has EM interest rates. And the Russians will be fine. They always find a way to muddle through. The ‘Anglosphere-UK’ and Germany are younger countries – combined – than Russia is in total. I am not worried about Russia: they aren’t trying to export Soviet Communism anymore. In fact now it is the West trying to support Hedge Fund socialism (aka ESG) around the globe, and becoming way overextended as a result. Like the USSR did.

          1. So why don’t they then? Seems like you have the solution that none of the entire NATO professional office corps has figured out. Let’s get you in touch with NATO HQ in Brussels on an emergency call, to set NATO on the right path to victory, and the world on the path to peace and stability under NATO rule!

          2. “Well if NATO offered even 10% of their firepower, they would be long gone.”

            And if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

          3. “Nato” ROTFLMAO NATO, sans the US, has no firepower. Picture a war between Canada and European NATO countries. Barely a shot fired. They can’t come here, we can’t go there.

            An American once said NATO amounts to 300,000,000 Americans protecting 400,000,000 Europeans from 150,000,000 Russians.

  5. The Russians are winning. They are fighting on someone else’s land and making incremental advances. The Ukrainian forces haven’t made a dent in the battle line worth talking about. The money is running out. When things freeze solid it gets worse for Ukraine because they have fewer troops, meaning there will be no relief from the front line for them. Russia does not need to stop or retreat because they have the upper hand. They will keep lobbing bombs till there is nobody out there to bomb. It is hell on earth there. In this war everything is seen from above so there will not be massive assaults because the big stuff is easy to destroy for both sides. It looks to me that it is the success of the soldiers that are making the advances.

    1. They’re fighting in their backyard against a country that mostly has old Soviet and NATO leftover equipment. It’s beyond pathetic.

      Putins quagmire.

      1. NAFO much?
        Quagmire? You don’t know history.
        And you’ve bought the CBC/CNN/Mockingbird propaganda, like the gullible wonk that you are.

      2. “They’re fighting in their backyard against a country that mostly has old Soviet and NATO leftover equipment. It’s beyond pathetic. ”

        Butthurt, much?

        Don’t worry, it will all be over soon enough. The Ukrainians have nothing left to do but surrender.

          1. “You’re a pathetic cuck.”

            You’re a moron with delusions of grandeur. You barely rise above the level of Colonialista in your ability to ‘reason’.

  6. So, now we get to see just how well Russia comprehends “Western Politics.”

    I have no doubt that there’s a bit of extortion going on from both Ukraine and Russia. Russia made it pretty clear early on that they were aware of the “illegal” labs set up in Ukraine on behalf of the US (and likely EU countries as well) running all kinds of shady biologicals. Of course, Ukraine holds the details on this as well. Additionally, there were/are likely all kinds of money laundering techniques going on from a personal level as well as a “professional” level. I wouldn’t put it past multiple political parties from the US and the EU being involved in that as well. One of their little schemes was that the State Department and various alphabet agencies greased the skids to allow Ukraine oligarchs to purchase property in the midwest US. They would promise to develop (or revitalize factories) and then let it sit as a place to park their wealth untouchable by prosecutors in Ukraine. You don’t see this in the press, but it is a major problem in small towns that end up spending their entire annual budget to remove condemned properties owned by Ukrainian “businessmen.”

    I suspect Putin is smart enough to know that blasting what he knows and will likely be revealed by Zelenskky as part of a peace plan to the public will not serve his interests. The people who would be most hurt by the revelations are, also, the most incompetent. Why damage the liberals and establishment deep state if they are the ones playing into your hands?

    I could care less about Russia or the people of Ukraine. I just want to see what happens next.

    1. Perhaps President Joe the Molester is vigorously arming and funding Ukraine because a dozen or a dozen-and-a-half of the family shell corporations are based there. Wonder also what was his cut of the billion dollars that he threatened to withhold.

  7. Aside from some light shelling and some small bombs landing far outside the city at the beginning of the war, Lviv has seen no action. I have dozens of Ukrainian relatives and communicate with them almost daily. They are all west of Kyiv and FAR from the real action. In Canadian/distance terms it would be like an Albertan worrying about something in western Ontario. I’ve not heard anything political from my relatives regarding the war, only a rock solid resolve that they will fight, albeit a losing battle, but they’ve been through this before. Several times. Some of the stories these cousins have shared, be it when Russia was slaughtering them in the 1940’s or Stalin’s Holodomor rank up there with mankind’s worst atrocities. Yes, they are canon fodder and they are clearly aware they are up against a Goliath but the 30 years of quassi independence they had, despite being pockmarked by corrupt politicians and strongman oligarchs, this short breath of not being suffocated under the Soviet boot is what my mere peasant cousins have dreamt of for hundreds of years. Like them, I don’t get into the political aspect of this war as my concern is first and foremost the well being of my relatives. Every casualty of war has been at the behest of a politician who never got his own hands dirty but gladly marched their citizen sheep to the meat grinder. If I were to offer any opinion I’d probably favor Crimea and Donbas going to Moscow if, for anything, to save a few thousand lives. The western 2/3 should remain as Ukraine, including Odessa and if need be, a Nato naval presence so the shipping lanes remain open.

    1. “If I were to offer any opinion I’d probably favor Crimea and Donbas going to Moscow if, for anything, to save a few thousand lives. The western 2/3 should remain as Ukraine, including Odessa and if need be, a Nato naval presence so the shipping lanes remain open.”

      Probably very close to what will actually happen, yes.

      What will NOT happen is Russia being driven from Ukraine by the Ukrainian military. That’s pure fantasy at this point, and anyone with an IQ into three digits already knows this.

  8. “Even the leftist corporate media is starting to realize..”
    They are just repackaging the Narrative cause their past attempt is not selling.
    “We stand with Ukraine” except on any day ending in Y.
    The betrayal is in full swing,exactly as expected.

  9. I’m sorry but whatever the situation actually is, and I’m convinced no one here really knows, this is not our fight. However, one thing I know? Provoking this situation was a really dumb idea.

    1. What is becoming increasingly evident is the willingness of the media to lie and lie and LIE about everything, all the time, in pursuit of an agenda that they don’t set. They shill for their paymasters. Period.

      Watching them flip from “I stand with Ukraine!” to “oh look, shiny thing!” has been enlightening. Their sudden discovery that #Let’sGoBrandon is a demented old man who can’t find the bathroom on his own has been hilarious.

      One thing I’ve managed to gather from all this is that the USA military production infrastructure is a lot more wanky and rickety than one might imagine. They’re running out of 105mm and 120mm artillery ammo for the Ukrainians to shoot.

      Another thing that’s plain to see is that the American Left (and most of the Right) thinks there’s nothing more important in the Whole Wide World than the next US presidential election. China, Russia and the Middle East rolled into a sock matter less than a five-point kick in the polls.

      1. The media has been lying since Forever.
        They lied for Cretch.
        They lied for Obongo.
        They lied about Harper.
        They lied about Trump.
        They lied about Biden.
        They lied and still do, about Trudeau.
        They lied about Covid Hysteria.
        They lied about the Quackzines, and still do.
        They lied about Ukraines failures.
        They lied about Ukraines Nazi problem and ita thorough corruption.
        They lied about Russia.
        They lie about the damage mass immigration causes.
        The media are shills for the behind the scenes gang.
        Operation Mockingbird.

  10. “…manufacturing armored vehicles and artillery rounds at a pace Ukraine cannot match”. Never mind Ukraine, I suspect NATO couldn’t match them. I doubt that Russia wants anything do with the parts of Ukraine that they haven’t already taken as they wouldn’t want to have to rule over them…again. If the crooks that are in charge of the Ukraine will agree to neutrality (no NATO or western arms / treaties, EU etc.), Putin might not go after, but allow them to keep Odessa. Zelenskyy will have to go as he won’t last long after it’s said and done. He sold out to this fickle US Administration and NATO who were pathologically obsessed with Russia as a target for NATO led encompassment and dismemberment. Trump’s Administration, what little control he had over it, was likely the only one not duplicitous towards Russia regarding NATO expansion, Minsk agreement, puppet regime, etc since the end of the Soviet Union. US foreign policy has essentially driven Russia into alliances that could, and likely are coming back to haunt them.

    1. Odessa is the most russian city of all. when i was there you would almost think 100% russian by the way they dressed. and the Russian elite nose in the air attitude of most of the inhabitants. classy city with a lot of Russian money flowing through. most of the Ukraine was a dump with broken roads and infrastructure . but Odessa was solid and tight

      1. Odessa will go back to Russia. But the Russians are in no hurry. Why rush? Given that is NATO, and not Ukraine, that Russia spent Fall 2022, and most of 2023 fighting against (I mean in raw USD terms) why not do to the US, what the US did to them in Afghanistan? They seem to me to be returning the favour.

      1. Correct, the Russians are now actively working at undermining the US dollar, aiding regimes like Iran, easily avoiding “sanctions”, cozying up to China, essentially outfoxing the neocons and residual Obama appointees in DC.

  11. The only thing this war is accomplishing is draining any and all funders, enriching a few psychopathic grifters, and ensuring there’s many single Eastern European girls available for the middle eastern hordes.

  12. A penis measuring contest where the tape tale is always woeful and splattered with “mine is bigger than yours!” But there’s specious proof that one or the other even exists.

  13. I don’t know who is winning although the country that has annexed 1/5 of the other country is probably in the lead. But my question is related to this quote from the article:

    “Russia, which illegally annexed the Crimean Peninsula in 2014”.

    When is an annex illegal? For example, Russia annexed Eastern Germany at the end of World War II and I never heard it described as illegal. But I’m not asking for an answer because when “peace” is declared, Ukraine will be annexed by America and given over to Russia, making it a legal annex. Nothing else will have changed.

  14. It’s a pity that the Ukraine Army is so hopelessly outdated. I have it from reliable sources that they still don’t have kotex dispensers in the men’s washrooms.

  15. ” manufacturing armored vehicles and artillery rounds at a pace Ukraine cannot match.” I think they meant at a pace Ukraine cannot Mooch.

  16. “Russia is doing the hard job of denazifying Europe that the United States has refused to do for 80 years.”

    Nothing about walls or anything? Nothing about an Iron curtain?

    Get rid of the nazis and make way for the stalinists, rapists, putinists and gulag builders.

    Who will be the winner? When it’s all said and done?
