15 Replies to “COP28 was Davos in the Dunes”

  1. Bravo ALBERTA!!!!

    FILTHY LIBERAL heads will explode. (we wish).
    Alberta does not need Nuclear or Wind or Solar.

    Nuclear is Cultural Marxism in disguise. WOKE BEYOND REPAIR.
    OPG is the UN. Maurice Strong ran the company. And he’s the POS responsible for all of this GREEN BS Marxism.

  2. Everyone complains about growth industries. It’s outta control!
    Well, just maybe the renewables have an effect on grid stability when Federal emissions mandates are thrown into the mix?
    Maybe it’s not a bad idea to stop, take a breath, look at the possible outcomes / impacts?
    Zinchuk likes to pump the Net Zero output of renewables when its dark /still.
    Who can rely on renewables in the dread of winter?
    Throw another tire on the fire, will ye dear?

  3. “We’re running an actual experiment. We’ll see the results when we get there.”

    The Results are in and have been for Decades: Wind and Solar are complete & utter BULLSHIT – Destroys Landscapes – Kills Fowl by the millions – Reduces arable Land….& Produces pretty much SFA for energy.

    Kill it.
    We don’t need it, we never did.

    WEXIT stat.!!

  4. It would sure be nice to have someone in government say that we’re going to make electricity and gas cheap and reliable before the landscape is completely destroyed by the subsidy sucking renewables.
    The whining that the intermittent power people are doing right now tells me that Alberta is starting to do the right thing for a while?

  5. Coal plants with big piles of fuel sitting right beside them can keep the lights on for weeks while crews are fixing the next “Nordstream 2”.

    Build coal plants.

  6. Charles, hopefully the last King, just signed the Commonwealth death wish by showing up at COP28 with his keynote speech.

    You had 75 years, sir, living with your mother and learned nothing! Try running for election in your Buckingham Palace riding if you like politics. Just think of the affordable housing that could be available to all those crazy immigrants in Balmoral, Sandringham etc.

    BREXIT #2 has a new meaning. Australia should be the first to follow Barbados and then others, with stupid Canadians dragging their “axes” with our crap unopenable Trudeau 1 constitution, not even signed by Quebec.

    WEXIT asap!!! The new Western Canadian capital should be in either Alberta or Saskatchewan, who still have SOME sensible people who did not get educationally brainwashed enough. Please take B.C., as we have ports, minerals and water, and the populous are usually rather benign/spaced out, often too high/lazy to bother voting. They can be re-trained.

    1. Nominate Lloydminster or Empress, both straddle the Sk/Ab border.
      You read that right, when approaching Lloyd on Hwy 17 south the welcome sign is Sk/Ab
      Alternating to Ab/Sk on Hwy 17 north.

      News provided by https://twitter.com/JustBins

      1. No need to have two provinces after the succession and merger. One government, approximately the same size or smaller than one of the originals. They can be located anywhere but I guess a central location is nicer for the guys who carry crosses on their backs from communities to plead for some new program or government payout.

        It would be a shame to vacate the original legislature buildings in Edmonton and Regina but both are hot beds of marxism and are occupied by people who would oppose separation and would fight tooth and nail to hang on to their cushy jobs.

        So Empress it is.

        1. Empress totally works for me too, as the real estate opportunities would create many new western building jobs and we have lots of room there for a new western bureaucratic city!!! Canberra of the North! Boring, but beautiful, in its own way. BC can send trees, should you need a few.

          Just think? Many illegal immigrants, frustrated realtors, and inspectors would move from Toronto in droves to put their own footprint in the virgin soil and build backyards where you can actually grow vegetables for 8-12 weeks of the year and kids can play with a backyard cow and have fresh milk and grain-fed meat, if the parents learn all the meat/milk processing rules, which of course creates more jobs for displaced bureaucrats!

          Everyone will need a cowboy clothing shop with appropriate jeans, hats, snap shirts from China and string ties. Obviously Starbucks or Tim’s needs to be there and diners for construction workers with apple pies and egg sandwiches. A horse/saddle/ wagon business could work too, plus a used car lot and gas stations. Obviously, someone needs to build a mall and good i-phone towers (our new immigrants like their perks). Tent sales might work too. The opportunities are unlimited!

          A take-over of Regina is not completely out of the question, either. It is a very nice building and our newly minted Canadians will soon need a new cause, post Hamas. Those municipal councillors would flee en masse and resign in a minute after the first ugly Toronto-style demonstration.

          Edmonton is definitely a lost cause, though.

  7. The Canadian Press unreliables puff piece that Zinchuck copied and pasted is a reminder of the politically correct parameters that media gatekeepers insist on for politicians to keep from being labeled “extremist”. It was a warning to Smith.

  8. lingering stumble ?.. Nice, how about you get it all up and working and we can follow your lead for 10 cents on the dollar?.. What’s the RUSH, comrade?.. Its not like the sun and the wind are going anywhere..
