Grave Error

At the Western Standard;

Having lived at two residential schools when he was a university student in the mid-sixties, Clifton is Canada’s senior statesman about indigenous affairs.

He and Professor Rouillard take us from ground-zero at KIRS two and a half years ago, when the suggestion of burials had some mandarins, journalists and pundits convinced that it was a mass grave containing pupils from the school.

This revelation initiated a spiral of false claims which shook the world and caused moral panic among Canadians the likes of which has not been seen since the last world war.

And yet there is no evidence to substantiate the allegations that otherwise benign people, priests, nuns, teachers and staff at residential schools across Canada had a hand in malfeasance.

In fact, in every chapter, Grave Error puts the boots to false allegations. The handful of exhumations that have taken place — mind you, not at KIRS — have given up not so much as a missing shoelace.

33 Replies to “Grave Error”

    1. Jimmy – I believe I read that oral histories have legal standing with the Canadian Supreme Court. So I guess you are correct, legally speaking.

      1. “Jimmy – I believe I read that oral histories have legal standing with the Canadian Supreme Court. ”

        Which makes Canada a laughingstock in the international legal community, I’m sure.

    1. BINGO … If you worked in the resource industry you saw the “Indian Industry” and the teams of slime sucking pigs from hell lawyers carry on for the past 3 decades whining and trying to get money for nothing because you are on sacred lands.
      The lawyers are worse than the natives IMO.

    2. Double Bingo!
      I had a single IT contract back in the early 2000’s at Calgary branch of Dept of Indian affairs and was surprised I didn’t see one native…
      Big chief no fart.

  1. The lesson here…

    Constantly ask yourself “What is the evidence?”. For everything, always.

    In this case, the evidence was anomalies on a GPR section, which any geophysicist will tell you is never conclusive. For that, you need to dig.

    1. “Constantly ask yourself “What is the evidence?”. For everything, always.”

      Yes…and when you catch them lying to you, and they then get upset *because* you caught them, that’s evidence in itself. It’s not proof, but it is still evidence.

    2. Slight correction: alleged anomalies, because the t’Kemloomps band did not release and still has not released the “initial GPR study” that started this whole farce.

  2. Check out the reviews at Amazon. All the positive reviews come from verified purchasers who actually bought and read the book. The negative ones don’t actually address any of the scholarship: instead they say they don’t like the political views of the authors, disagreed with their prior books, complain it’s self-published, etc. Kind of says it all right there. If a negative review actually addresses the substance of the book itself, let me know. I’ll keep waiting….

        1. “You could both use your full names.”

          With guys like Colonialista, UnMe and Joe the Albertan here? That would be nuts. It’s not just you that you have to worry about if you have a family.

      1. “Please add an initial or find another ID. You’re not me and I’ve been using my name here much longer. Thanks.”

        I have a guy doing that to me on the CBC. It’s annoying…especially the fact that he was even allowed to create an account using the same name as an existing account.

        1. There’s an easy fix. You already have to provide an email address to post. If the blog used your email address as input to a one-way hashing function, it could use the result as a seed to a random pattern generator which could be used as your default avatar. The only way for someone to spoof you would be to know your email address.

  3. Sooo,
    Now we discover that the teachers, janitors, and doctors of education for poor natives didn’t bury their mistakes.
    But no one has taken soil samples in or around the suspected burial mounds of those poor unfortunate children to see that many of them probably suffered Crematory or even ritual burnings. Their ashes still cry from the ground.
    ‘We deserve Canadian monetary reparations.’
    It’s never over until we say it is over !

    1. “t’s never over until we say it is over !”

      I love the one where they dug up church basement and found nothing? Their reaction? “We’ll keep looking…”

  4. Oh Crap,
    They found the shoes.

    Weren’t a few native children killed 50 or more years ago ?
    But many of the shoes were made in China last year.
    I guess it’s just a coincidence.

  5. The truth emerges. No reconciliation without truth!!!! KIRS is actually a very wealthy band, owning a lot of leased real estate and a residential school fruit tree farm, with underground irrigation, built by actual BC taxpayers.

    Property rights for all so-called first “nations” asap, who are mostly small tribal groups with overlapping claims and overgearing chiefs. All Canadians want property rights too, so WEXIT and get rid of colonial treaties. Dief the Chief tried.

    The Indian Act needs to cancelled, clause by clause, as no one will ditch it in Ottawa. Defund reserves, run by idiots who like vacations, as fast as possible. If your reserve is is a shit*y place, move and find a real job. It is not my problem that you signed crap agreements with Britain/France centuries ago because you liked our stuff. Lots of aboriginals are actually American immigrants.

    Which aboriginal tribe makes snowmobiles, TVs, pots or i-phones, with all their subsidies? Thjey do not even make their own drugs or booze.

    1. any update on the ground penetrating radar??? still nada. that would be the most disappointing result for the endless cult of victimhood

      1. “any update on the ground penetrating radar??? still nada. that would be the most disappointing result for the endless cult of victimhood”

        No, but the natives are reportedly upset that people have been showing up with shovels looking to prove (or disprove?) the allegations.

  6. Ohh Well,
    We country folks love a good taller and taller tale .

    Keep it going and soon instead of 250, it’ll be 12,000.

  7. The murdered children is a metaphor for their murdered culture.. Each and every Native gets it and we don’t.. We are not dealing in facts and the conditions around them.. We are dealing with a vengeful fever dream..

    Will they sweat it out and wake up feeling better?.. I don’t know..

    1. Even “first nations” did not want to save their cultures. They liked the immigrant cultures a lot more, especially the cool stuff, like pots. They should thank us, especially the loud mouths who can read and write, thanks to education systems that they did not understand or pay for.

      They like microwaves, prepared food, electric heat, freezers and huge TVs vs. fresh fish, game or whale meat (sold for profit). You can not make cowichan sweaters if you do not know how to make them. Immigrants taught them knitting skills and how to make good baskets. African drummers are still far more skilled.

  8. It never shook my world because it’s been a fraud since the beginning. How much longer are we to tolerate this bullshit? I’m losing my patience.

    1. “It never shook my world because it’s been a fraud since the beginning. How much longer are we to tolerate this bullshit? I’m losing my patience.”

      If only there was a mainstream Canadian political party we could vote for who would promise to expose this for the scam that it is, right? It’s definitely NOT the CPC…they are totally onboard with it, and voted to label all Canadians as perpetrators of *genocide*.

      (it’s true…they actually did…)

  9. Our elected leaders are drafting legislation to make it a Crime!!! To deny the residential lies. Oh Canada.

    1. “Our elected leaders are drafting legislation to make it a Crime!!! To deny the residential lies. Oh Canada.”

      Yeah, they would love to be able to force that on the public. Problem is, they can’t…because if anyone was ever actually charged with this new Thought Crime they would be entitled to defend themselves in open court, and that defense would *annihilate* The Narrative to the point where they would be forced to abandon it. They could never allow that to happen…there is just too much money and political power at stake to even risk it.
