41 Replies to “The Islamic Psychopaths”

  1. Even the national Global news program starts off with 10 minutes of anti-Israel hate. One expects that from CBC and CTV news of course. I wonder if this anti-Jewish hate, from Canada’s broadcast news cartel, spurs on the anti-Jewish violence we see in Canada.

  2. Out of nearly 2 million in Canada, what are there maybe 6 moderate Moslems?
    Then there is academia and then 1/4 of everybody under 40.
    So the Canadian press has a lot of company.
    If I was a Jew in Canada I’d have more ammo than Brandon Herrera.

    1. “If I was a Jew in Canada I’d have more ammo than Brandon Herrera.”

      Love his YouTube stuff, especially “Kentucky Roulette”…

  3. And yet Justin will import a million more of these savages before he is done.
    There will be Oct 7 type attacks all over North America and Europe in the near future you can take that to the bank.

    1. 30 % of Canadians are now First Generation Third Worlders and forever Liberal voters.
      And climbing.

      Think how alien our traditions must seem to them.

      Even without the constant Govt/Media Hate Whitey refrain.

      1. Taking odds on the first official No Whites Allowed sign in Canada.

        I’m betting on a Liberal Party convention.

        “Why do the Liberals hate white people like me, Mommy”?

        “Be quiet and eat your lunch and think of those poor meat-eating Chinese kids who would love to have bugs for lunch like lucky you.”

        1. Nicely done. We’re laughing all the way to the graveyard.

          We need Rod Serling back. “Imagine it’s the 7th century and mommy forgot to wear her chador.”

  4. Cults always seem to have sex and violence at their core. Wealthy and powerful psychopaths are the main beneficiaries.

    But other cults have collapsed, since there’s too many of them to de-program, civilized scholars should research a social engineering method to cause the collapse of Islam.

  5. Given the evils Israel is committing I think there is a lot more material to work with. Zionism is nazism.

    1. No….Islam is Nazism…..it was completely aligned with Herr Schicklgruber. He and the Mufti were great friends.

    2. The ‘evils’ Israel is committing, yeah. How dare those Jews defend themselves, right ‘Joe?’

      Let me tell you how it will be in Canada, ‘Joe’, if your boys get frisky here. You know how the IDF calls ahead and warns the civilians to get out of the hospital or the apartment building before they blow it up? We won’t do that.

      And you know how Gaza is a pretty choice piece of real estate, warm all year with services and everything? Your internment camp (if you live so long) will be log cabins on the shore of Hudson’s Bay. There won’t be a fence, because everyone who walks away will just die in the spruce forest.

      Ask the Japanese.

    3. So ashamed of what your beloved Hamas did Oct 7th you need to project your shame on Israel. Well here in Canada men don’t need to rape little Jewish girls, burn Jewish babies, or shoot the genitals off Jewish prisoners to feel better about themselves. You don’t belong in Alberta. Go back to Gaza and be shamed for being an ass among your own kind.

    1. “Your Muslims must stop occupying the Jewish homeland.

      Time for them to leave.”

      Long past time. Tell Jordan they are getting the West Bank back *whether they want it or not*, tell Egypt the same about Gaza and see how they both enjoy dealing with the ‘Palestinians’.

      Or maybe just treat the ‘Palestinians’ the same way they have PROMISED over and over again to treat the Jews and exterminate them all?

      Nah…just do the only possible thing, and deport them all back to Egypt and Jordan. The alternative is a long occupation (a real one this time) of Gaza and the West Bank where Israel controls the schools, day-cares and education systems before granting citizenship to anyone who has proven worthy of it.

      1. Quite right, Fred. Notice how Egypt NEVER wants the Gaza Strip back. Notice how Jordan NEVER wants the West Bank back. Both nations were almost immediately happy to be rid of them. Jordan in fact had to fight a civil war starting in 1970 to contain them.

        Of course they don’t want them back. They would far rather have Israel deal with the problem. And it’s worth noting that both Hamas and Hezbollah are very convenient mercenaries for the cesspit of evil in Teheran.

        All of this military action with Hamas is all very much to the interest of Russia. That’s why it’s happening. This was an easy favour for Ali Khamenei to grant to his ally.

        Now if anyone can figure out a way of shooting either of those two savages, the world will be much better off.

  6. Killing the body because they can’t kill the soul.
    My earliest glimpse into their muddled mess of a mind was during the Munich Olympics… after overpowering one of the Israeli wrestlers, a Black September member sliced off his genitalia before shooting him in the head.
    I prayed the media had the order of events wrong…sadly no.

    Reading about last night’s foofuraw in a Toronto mall. Nice work TPS…not exactly a profiles in courage moment for you guys.
    I’ve seen more action from potted plants.That said – it’s Toronto, so nothing registered on my “Giveaf**kometer”

  7. ” The terror organization drugged these psychopaths, told them to videotape their atrocities, and offered them a $10,000 reward for taking hostages.”)) 2023

    “US foreign assistance for the Palestinian people serves important US interests and values,” Mr Blinken said. “It provides critical relief to those in great need, fosters economic development, and supports Israeli-Palestinian understanding, security co-ordination and stability. It also aligns with the values and interests of our allies and partners. 2021


    For those of you that don’t know, the Trump Administration stopped all financial aid to the Palestinians because it could not be accounted for, and was likely being used in Israeli attacks. The Biden Administration immediately reinstated the financial aid (not less than $235 Million…and significant additional payments beyond that amount) upon entering the Oval office.

    It’s a very good bet that a significant amount of that financial aid was used to provide the promised payments for hostages. Additionally, and not mentioned above, the Hamas soldiers were promised free living accommodations for certain acts of violence.

    1. Only Joe Biden, the Senate’s resident foreign policy expert for the last five decades, could figure out how to have US taxpayers fund both sides of a war. Masterful.

  8. Most cultures shed their 6th century faux-honor system when they began to recognize it was fabricated (performance-art) at the behest of their corrupt political superiors, and at the expense of those who’ve not enough faux-shame. That’s why todays Left so easily relates to it.

  9. Said it before, (repetition R us), but 60.5 years ago, hitchhiking in Syria, et al, locals would ask us, in English, “Deutsch?”….we’d answer, also in English, “yes”…….they’d tell us that they loved the Germans because the Germans had killed the Jews….and that “someday” they’d do the same.

    Don’t think they understood that our subsequent “Yeah, right” was sarcasm.

  10. The National Post has consistently resisted the pressure to show Palestinians as victims. It also continues to expose Hamas and it supporters for the terrorists that they are.

    The Post has just posted a story about the pro-Hamas demonstration at the Eaton Centre where police and shoppers were subject to death threats. There was another pro-Hamas demonstration at Ottawa’s Bayshore shopping centre where kids visiting Santa were terrorized. Of course, no arrests at either location.


  11. the kid that was recently arrested for “threats” was one of those who is likely to be radicalised by his dad who was posting anti-jewish rants on facebook, but the media won’t say that, or identify what caused his radicalization…

    funny that

  12. In a way this is a war of two theocracies. One, a modern, quasi-liberal, prosperous, democratic, welfare / warfare (by necessity) state and the other, a failed, retrograde, medieval, sociopathic, authoritarian proxy state of a greater theocracy and being managed as a propaganda project as described in the link. All states including theocracies are inherently evil but the lesser of these two is clearly Israel.

  13. [Israel is fighting] a failed, retrograde, medieval, sociopathic, authoritarian proxy state of a greater theocracy and being managed as a propaganda project…

    Israel is fighting Canada?

  14. And don’t forget… the number of Muslims getting into politics is huge and they are taking over in that area.

    1. This is why the claim that the tipping point is 10% muslim is wrong. It’s significantly lower than that.

  15. Religious sand wars that have been going on for thousands of years.. I don’t think my opinion much matters..

  16. Of course he doesn’t care. He was raised to hate les maudits Juifs by his evil father, and by the Jesuits who introduced father and son to sodomy and pedophilia.

    Raping children is all part of a normal sex life as far as Justin knows.
