Visit The Washington Monument While You Still Can

Democrat donations get results.

The contract for removing the Reconciliation Memorial was awarded to @MarstelDay, a Fredericksburg-based company

It’s a $770,372 contract. Now, can anybody find out who they’re subcontracting the actual work to?

So much for reconciliation. Or victory, for that matter. In miserable Olde England, history is written by the losers;

Admiral Horatio Nelson is one of the greatest heroes of British history. With the possible exception of Wellington, no one contributed more to winning the Napoleonic Wars. Nelson’s death at Trafalgar, his greatest victory, holds a place in British history analogous to that of Lincoln at the end of the Civil War.

But in recent years, Nelson has come under attack, and activists have urged that statues of him be destroyed – including the iconic one at the top of Nelson’s Column at Trafalgar Square. Why? The usual reason: he is alleged to have been pro-slavery.[…]

The “racist” smear against Nelson lives on, despite being supported by no evidence, because certain people want to perpetrate it. Such charges are not made out of any genuine concern for the long-gone victims of slavery through the millennia, but rather to discredit the history of selected countries–i.e., the United States and Great Britain, but not China or Brazil. The project is a purely political one.

Well, yes.

46 Replies to “Visit The Washington Monument While You Still Can”

    1. One could be thinking that the dems are trying to trigger a civil war, after all – there is only so much in yer face, outright taunts, bald faced lies, and dead babies that people will tolerate before they start to roll.

      Not sure how dems figure they can control what they are trying to unleash – perhaps that is what the imported army is for.

      1. People will tolerate quite a lot by the look of things. There’s been some boycotts and push back on the queer indoctrination going on in schools but no retribution for those responsible yet. Is everyone waiting for Pollievre or Trump to restore things back to normal? Maybe the final test will be when the Dems try to revoke 2A and seize guns. That seems to be their only hurdle to outright totalitarianism. No such impediments here in Canada.

    2. Socialist gonna socialist.

      Calling Orwell, line 2.

      The Commissar Disappears.

      These monuments were erected by joint Union and Confederate veterans. But today’s lefty, Democrats know better. Doing this makes them FEEELZ so smug, so righteous. Exhilarated.

      I have feelings about leftists. I look forward to the days of exhilaration.

      1. the dems have already rewritten history . Always ask them , who was the democrat president who freed the slaves.??? that Abraham Lincoln was a republican never enters their mind , that martin luther king was a republican never enters their minds , that the KKK is a democrat institution is impossible for them

  1. It’s the western civilization cultural revolution project of “Progressives”, the Jacobins, Bolsheviks, and fascists that have infested academia, labour, media, entertainment, NGOs, the state, and now big tech and woke corporations. Now that the slow march through the institutions is complete, they are hollowing out the culture to eliminate liberty and the middle class and restore a new and improved, technocratic version of feudalism. In typical Orwellian fashion, their crusade against “slavery” is directed at enslaving all but the chosen few. Most will be destroyed by their own in the process.

    1. “Most will be destroyed by their own in the process.”

      Exactly. One wonders why the term ‘Useful Idiots’ apparently hasn’t been investigated by these useless idiots.

  2. The wacko woke have too much influence in the education of the children. They brainwash a child and in most ca es, the child grows up to be a blithering woke idiot..

    1. I wonder why voters keep getting fooled?

      Obama, Macron, Newsome, Trudeau………….. Biden?

      Sounds like the Cons should be recruiting Brad or George.

  3. Actually many things will disappear, not only monuments or names of streets/public squares.
    In Australia all engineered stone is banned, (quartz counter tops). PM Dolt & co not to be outdone, will bring this ‘feature’ here, it’s only a matter of time.
    In CPU world, you will soon long for a decent CPU with equal power on all 8-whatever cores and real/full cache memory on the chip, all equally available to all cores. No no, they’re going to have some AI controller on the chip which will decide if you indeed need at that moment all that computing power. Because if it’s Earth Day for example, AI will decide that no you don’t.
    And so many other examples. We will all fondly remember how it was to own a gas powered car or to operate a gas powered lawn mower or a gas powered concrete cutter.
    I’m glad I’m old and won’t get to deal with the grief it’s coming.

    1. @DanC: But if you have direct decedents like me, I would be depressed about what they will have to face.

      1. Canuck IDIOT
        Then why don’t you support the firewall against this BULLSCHIFF, you know TRUMP!

  4. You have a generation that doesn’t know some of the fundamental survival imperatives: don’t eat the seed corn –
    don’t put all your eggs in one basket –
    don’t kill the golden goose –
    don’t krap in your own nest- first rule of being a pepper is don’t tell anyone, You’re a prepper….

  5. “The contract for removing the Reconciliation Memorial was awarded to @MarstelDay, a Fredericksburg-based company ”


    Heh,…Fredericksburg…named after Frederick, Prince of Wales (1707-51), eldest son of King George II of Great Britain. Let’s get rid of statues promoting a positive message, BUT live in towns named after monarchs.

    Yay, stupidity. Yay hypocrisy. Yay selective identity politics dependent upon ignorance and signaling.

  6. Soon to be replaced by a statue, featuring a fat female minority… Or some modern “art” monstrosity that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

  7. So the official reason is because a worthless, stupid thug died in Minneapolis four years ago? Yeah, that’s a good a reason as any I suppose. GOP should build a mock Chesterton’s fence near it and burn it while the army removes the statue.

  8. One of my favorite statue stories takes place in Philadelphia. There had been pressure to remove the Frank Rizzo statue (popular mayor). Rizzo had a rather colorful history that included dropping fire bombs on the MOVE movement housing projects when they refused to surrender to police. The only problem is that Frank Rizzo is held up as a deity to some in that city and not an easy dismissal.

    Some “troublemakers” (and by that, I mean smart ass Conservatives) started a fake campaign to remove the Rocky Statue from the steps of the Museum of Art. They said that it should be removed because he beat up a black guy…twice. Remarkably, it actually caused the statue to be removed from the Art Museum to the Spectrum (where sporting events take place).

  9. Imagine if a Canadian government started removing any indigenous ‘reconciliation’ monuments in a few years.

  10. Any civilization that has become this pussified deserves to be conquered, torn down and enslaved. The end.

    1. Hear! Hear!

      Don’t forget to credit the Baby Boomers for their spectacular reign as the worst parenting generation in history.

      Three successive generations that couldn’t find their butt with both hands and a search party.

  11. Why not make things easy and remove all statues, monuments, etc.? That way no one can be offended.

    Just be sure to let me know when they demolish the U.S.S. Arizona. Something tells me there might be some discontent.

  12. “Such charges are not made out of any genuine concern for the long-gone victims of slavery through the millennia, but rather to discredit the history of selected countries….”

    Maybe in some cases. But I think a lot of this bullshit starts because some losers set out to win. It’s about recognition, bragging, and ‘accomplishment’. To paraphrase Camile Paglia a few years ago when she was talking to Jordan Peterson, the pathetic little worms see themselves as MLKs.

    1. I wish our representatives on the right would just for once set out to win and accomplish something on our behalf. Harper freezing CBC funding for a few years during a recession doesn’t cut it. The left wields power unapologetically, without regard for legality, economic or social stability, etc. They never apologize or throw one of their own under the bus. It’s past time for our side to do likewise but 50 years of letting them set the terms of debate/battle has got us into the current predicament.

  13. Don’t be sad.. Everybody who gave a scht about the civil war is dead.. Same with WW2.. We need to grow up and make some history of our own..

  14. “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
    – George Orwell, 1984
