15 Replies to “Who Won? Winnipeg Or Punjab?”

  1. It was performed in English and Punjabi, both our official languages. I’m not sure what the big deal is.

    1. I’m curious why Punjabi is an official language of Canada? Does everything have to be in English, French, and Punjabi?

      Or did enough immigrants give Trudeau a handjobi?

  2. I’m sorry, I refuse to recognize the Punjab until they pay reparations to the Bronze Age Harrapan civilization. Such colonialism is unacceptable. I’m quite sure the Harrapans were not enthusiastic about Hinduism. But, fear not. Then the Buddhists showed up with their spears, swords and big fat guy statues (it was the Iron Age after all).

    I’m pretty sure there is a limit on the number of words I can type in a single response. Therefore, I cannot list all the conflicts, annexes, colonizing, conquests and genocidal decimations (every 10th person just got maimed) of the Punjab region. Let’s just call Punjab by it’s true name “Empires R Us”. Although, who wouldn’t want to frequent a nice restaurant in downtown Punjab and find out Alexander the Great loved the pancakes at that place.

    Yeah, OK, I’m rambling. Coffee in my defense.

  3. Has this ever happened before, that huge numbers of totally different peoples moved into a country, and everything turned out just fine? It must have happened right? We’re not just winging it through an enormous social experiment that’ll take generations to play out?

    1. Dude, we’re in the matrix. None of this is real…except those marshmallow peanut things that no one likes.

    2. First thing that comes to mind is the 19th century attempt to displace French Quebeckers with poor Irish immigrants.

  4. Look at the bright side, at least they are
    Singh-ing the Canadian anthem, in Canada, at a hockey game..

  5. I see the NHL is trying even harder to go out of business. It’s the national anthem, boys, not a drinking song.

    1. I suspect the Winnipeg organization is trying to appeal directly to that community to boost ticket sales. Apparently, they’re big hockey fans. Whether this sort of outreach appeals to them is a separate question.

  6. It’s just a musical performance. “Sung to the tune of O Canada”. It’s not a national anthem. I would have sat down through it.


  7. There was a time when this would have bothered me … you know, back in the days when there was something worth standing on guard for.

  8. I’m sure that poor little Sikh girl is on an Indian government hit list now.

    Alert The Pony !

  9. From what I understand, Indian immigrants in Winnipeg are huge hockey fans. Why, I don’t know.

  10. I know Dr. Sroay personally, a dedicated doctor and an amazing, giving person. She and her brother are the ones playing the instruments (called taus). She was approached by the Jets organization to perform the national anthem on this night and was more than honoured to do so. She organized the singers and worked tirelessly to make this happen while running a very busy practise, and they sounded great. There was no political motivation behind this, and to those who’s egos are so fragile to be offended by this, well, I can only feel pity for how simple and small you are….
